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Due to Closer being on my schedule for the next few months, and the volatility of twitter trying desperately to flag everything I do, I've decided that the Bailey in the cabin pic will probably be a speed project and not as fleshed out as the dock fishing pic. In addition, it will probably not be posted it on twitter at all. I am still very much planning to do the animation of Bailey and dad's friend. (probably start in December)

I want to do some other fun doodles for all of you to fill in for the gaps between pages, but I need ideas for characters. Are there any characters from my past you'd like to see? I want to run a poll in a few days to see which ones have the most interest, but this thread serves as an open discussion for what you'd like to see on the list.

This suggestion thread is open to all patrons, but of course the top two tiers ($12 and $20) will be voting when the polls are up. Leave some ideas below and I'll take them into consideration when making the poll!


Carson Smith

As long as there's cucking or ntr, I'm sold ❤


Id love to see dane and sam return. I know sam isnt your character but if ok with owner would be nice to see him return.


We’ve discussed it before but I’d still love to see an image of some of the captured Red Marks being whored out and fucked senseless by their captors and slavers (or new masters)

Tai Jones

I'm all in for cute bailey x dad doodles to fill in the gaps Or heck, any of your really cute girls (: Maybe small pinups!


I could love to see more Cynthia ^^

Andry SilverFang

Jeez, Twitter is only good for watching furry porn and that's it, sorry for what's going on in that social network. Regarding the characters, I'd love to see samael again, from "daddy's little secret" I'd love to see his knot in action again! Greetings! ❤️ You are the best Zaush, don't let ignorant people stop you from doing what you love!


Owen, scarlot, kineta, all the guys in lapping the competition


We haven't seen Owen in a while - would love to see that dalmatian get his salad tossed. Could be a hunky Mall Santa OR his army of otter-elves.


Kinetaaaaaaaa. I still sleep with Kineta daki every night. She needs some love!


Please Zaush have Roger the hot ass hyena railing somebody. Preferably banging some shiva bitch while her wolf boyfriend is tied up in the bed next to them, then he bangs the wolf boyfriend. ☺️. But yeah Roger the hyena!


I really enjoy the Bottomless District themed stuff you do, especially with public displays. Maybe we could get some more of that!


Would love to see Kineta.


Tanta’s brother from Tanta’s Bargain.


Something with the deer tribe from this image from a few years ago: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-blood-15567279 Is it the same universe that the Tanta's Bargain comic takes place in? If so, maybe they have a get-together with a wolf tribe.


I would love to see more of Mister Richardson and Mandy/Randy; very specifically with -heavy- themes of NTR/cheating~

Sterling Rodd

Bailey sitting for Connor. :)

antonio kontos

Some gay Cucking. As in Wife's husband cheating with her dad


I'd love to see the otter/wolf pair from "the one that got away"


Lucas on the beach in a speedo. Thanks to these new Closer pages I can't get enough of that ram.


I would honestly like to see something with Tyra. Maybe her getting some much needed love...wink wink.


Honestly some good breeding might be nice

Radical Dog

Would love to see that Bird warrior who married that fox tribe girl from a long time ago. Last piece you did was him and his wife and daughter in bed and he was having sec with his daughters. Would love to see those four return.


Would love to see Chelsea again!


Chelsea is always one of my favorites.

Felicity Longis

My vote's in for Chelsea as well!


Want to see more Nick wilde


Brian teaching Bailey to skate. Bailey teaching Brian to polo. Brian and Bailey doing a dad swap. Some of the other Kickback groupings. I'd like to see that hyena and the girls in the hot tub. I'd love to see some wholesomeness of Connor doing dad things. Or a little preview of the pictures Connor is gonna take of Amber and Levi. Bring the Spice of Life crew back to life. A cat, any cat, doing cat things.

Eddie SanHusky

Zaush f*****g a loli Twitter bird in the ass. Seriously, though, I'd like to see a few of the other Kickback characters given some love


How about an old blast from the past, the white wolf and the otter from The One That Got Away. That would be one to see. Your dingo OC with either Chelsea or Cynthia could also be fun idea too.


I Wanna see Chelsea and Cynthia


How about Mavis from hotel transylvania as a bat anthro?


I’de love some pinups of your sona Bailey aged. X3


Literally anything of yours, as long as it's cuck / NTR themed and we'll love it


I wanna see how Cynthia got started


I really miss the sporty dalmatian, Owen I think his name was, right? I would also love to see how you would do an arctic fox guy. He could be having some fun with a reindeer maybe? Would be a fun to get into the winter/Christmas spirit.


Hyena and the girls in hot tub would be fantastic!


Honestly you made my favorite images of Krystal to date, still. It may not be one of your characters, but I would love to see a return to a classic lady if you're down for it.


+1 vote for Owen, we haven’t seen him in a while. I also love anything you make involving tribal wolves.

Nuka Husky

The elk from the elk tavern pictures <3


Technically yes it's the same universe, but vastly different geographical regions, so it's likely they'd never encounter one another


That's been suggested a few times so it'll likely make the list


Those were commissions of people's characters, so I probably would not include those


Hm, would be fun seeing Connor doing fun family things. Perhaps something like a water park, hot springs, faire, or some other fun setting. On a side note, not that I'd expect it to actually happen, it would be an interesting thing to see your take on the characters in the shayla mouse series as I think your style could work nicely with those characters.


i would love to see more of kickback party action or the continuation of meme dalmatian gurl and her “friends”… :D


Gotta have me some Owen please 🙏 I could totally see him being casually hit on by some random couple.


Im will probably be alone on this one, but I really enjoy the way you drew the cat in this picture: https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJwIjoxfQ%3D%3D/patreon-media/p/post/18134845/64da50e34ede4e119b7f9443acc543e5/1.png?token-time=1638403200&token-hash=KXux3Ka83Sfdq9loccFk_GNcawsGXpLz8x5D4R_PIhQ%3D And I'd just really like to see more domestic cats from you


I'd love to see more otter or kobold girls!


I'd love to see something with Brian and his skateboard! He's such a cute guy! <3 https://www.patreon.com/posts/47280864


Anything Star Fox


Bailey or Brian


I would really enjoy any straight art in general, really. I feel like it's been mostly gay stuff, recently.


i would like to see more yiffpics from kineta with alsatian. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/6762/


It's been forever so I'd personally love to see some Citras having some fun!


Would love to see more Dalmatian girls


*in Christopher Walken Voice* More Pitbull. Or a pic of Duchess from the Aristocats in anthro form


Wouldn't mind seeing a human with your regular crew of girls/guys but the human being the "exotic" one


I would love to see some knots again :o


I want to see more of the pizza delivery guy with the headphones.


That would definitely be a cool throwback.


I agree I would also love to see a return of knots, knotting etc.