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You may have noticed that it's been a little dry since the animation was posted, I wanted to let everyone know what's up with my content schedule and situation!

Basically I'm moving starting at about the middle of this month and extending into next month, and so I've been very busy off and on over the past few weeks finalizing the details. I foresee that by mid December I will be all moved and my utilities and office transferred, so there may be some downtime for some days in there where I have no place to work.

Closer has been getting serious work. Rough dialogue for most of this arc has been completed for months, but I've recently blocked sketch panels and polished final dialogue up to page 50, and am using that as a template for what aspects of the sets need to be finished so I can work on the usual sketch/render/ink/color process. Doing pages for that comic is my primary focus for all of November.

December I'd like to do the sequel to the Bailey fishing picture, and of course continue the current Closer arc (This arc has probably 20 pages or more), but I've also been throwing some ideas around of a gay animation featuring Bailey, set up at the cabin with one of dad's friends. That could be a good project to work on starting in late December or early January.

Anyway, just wanted to give a quick update. Thanks so much for the support and making all of this possible. You're the best! <3



Best wishes! Hoping your move goes well!


Good luck with the move!


Definitely excited for that! Best of luck with the move!


Take your time and have a safe and hopefully painless move Zaush! Can't wait to see what you've got coming in the future. Your work has gotten so gooood.

Eddie SanHusky

May you only have annoying litte problems with the move!


It's all good buddy ! hope your move is a smooth and great one and Congrats on your new place . Also gotta say I love your next animation idea that's gonna be duper awesome and yes I'm biased as heck about it for...........reasons ;p .


Thanks! I think with the amount of time I allotted for the move it shouldn't be too bad compared to 3 or 4 years ago

antonio kontos

Always love gay stuff, but we need more horses:)


Fingers crossed for the move!


Thank you for the update. Don't worry about downtime; I just hope your move goes smoothly and headache-free. And you just had to throw in the tease for another animation, didn't you? Can't wait to see it!

Narakai Geittz

*sees hearts at 69* I so very much wanna face but it's too perfect

Lucky Lupine

Thanks for the update! Take your time and do what's best for you to get yourself sorted! Best of luck to you with all that - moving can be quite the hassle. &gt;.&gt;


Ugh, moving sucks! Fortunately, it’s a great way to get rid of stuff! Looking so forward to Closer!


So you’re cucking us? :D


I hate moving more than just about anything, so I really hope I don't have to do this ever again!


Here's hoping all goes well with the move. Take care.


Let's see what you got