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This isn't a formal poll so much as me figuring out the general interest of people subscribed to content here. Please check all interests that apply!



You forgot to include “that good gay sizeplay shit” XP


Wow. I just realized I voted for ALL of them. Man, I’m greedy as hell. 😂

Felicity Longis

Is there a "more puppies" option? Because that's it; that's the one.

Skiffer Blackpaw

Missing that m on m option, but you already do a fair amount of that so it’s all good!

Francis Wyvern

Hoping Comics includes the smaller progression images. Where you have 2 or so scenes that have a small story to them so they progress from one to the other.

Setekh Chaos

What no gay options?


Well that's just a given! Especially since Closer focuses so heavily on that


Those would kinda fall under almost any of these categories


I would say more Gideon


I like variety, but if I had to choose... comics with nice characters that get swept up in all manner of fun. A variety of fun. Bondage fun.


I voted, but to be honest all your work is so good, I'm pretty much happy with anything you do Lord Sensei Zaush!


I literally only became a patron because of The Closer. Although your last few bits with the Dalmatian girl were great too. I’ve always loved your art over the years (especially daddy’s comic series) but The Closer was just so artistically amazing I had to do my bit and contribute to someone who’s spent years honing an art. I’m not much into the otter/zootopia thing I’m here for the canines, whos physiques you embellish stylistically in a way that really sends my neurons sizzling.

Viro Veteruscy

Almost voted for all of them, a few I'm like "meh" but overall I like what I like X3


Always fond of bondage or just "gratuitous harnessing" if you'd be so inclined.


Basically anything you put out I enjoy. You've been one of my top favorite NSFW artists for like 10 years now. Not into the cuck stuff at all. You draw some of the best gay art around and I'll always watch ya for that! Also. OTTERS!


I'm pretty tired of seeing Zootopia everywhere and would personally love to see some feral male on anthro female, more wolves, and maybe some cuck/infidelity for flavor <3 Also love size difference~


A straight tribal wolves/Last of the Tribe comic is my personal dream, haha. But I can only speak for myself!


I agree, no gay options? That aside, love your work, even the straight stuff. :D


I guess Comics covers "the closer"? I subscribed because I enjoyed your gay ..comics i guess? I want more of those, I'm very low interest on all the one-shot things. I prefer the gay but I would even support the straight comics as long as they are engaging.


I would like to add a negative vote to 3D art, It just doesn't look good for this subject matter, and your already a master of 2D art.




We need more muse stuff(ing)!


I must say I came here cause of the zootopia comic and then stayed cause I really like your art style. But I love your comics and M/M stuff.


I will say the tribal wolves are becoming a favorite of mine. And while I'm not on your patreon FOR 2d Animations I do love the art of it, and am learning it myself. So if you did more I'd be all over it. And while I love your comics, I have to agree with Ora. I'm not as into this one you are doing right now as much, and it does kinda drag as M/M isn't a big thing for me. Nothing against it, just not my cup of tea so to speak.


Honestly? If these categories include foxes I like most all of them. You draw some of the best foxes. <3


If there was an option to check for (M) Feral on (M) Anthro, I'd have clicked it in a heartbeat! Still, you gave us some good choices. Thanks!


Ive made my choices, but I have to say as much as I like the tribal wolves as much as any wolf lover would, I was hoping to see the biker concepts come back again. Especially the hairless cat one! The design of him is distinct to the real deal, and its one of the things thats inspiring me to draw my furries that way. But on another note, I noticed your Anthro/Feral choices and I'm curious on what you identify as a feral or anthro design from your drawings? I am in the midst of making comparison designs on what I believe a Feral or an Anthro should look like, and I would love a current opinion about how you would differentiate them in your own way. Other than that, can't wait to see what you have in store next!


Honestly? I really enjoy the cub stuff you do/used to do. Haven't seen much cub lately. Not sure if I should put that here, but just thought I might as well.


Needs more Feral stuff

Grant Hynd

I personally would like to see more female on female, I mentioned before when you drew that Tropical Oil Massage picture about females too, I know you do predominantly alpha male on female, but I just think seeing a couple girls having some fun would be great to see again. :)


I just realized something. Tomboys. Athletic tomboys... People complain about the lack of variety in body types sometimes, which I did not really care to think about, but I think that Zaush might really enjoy developing a tomboy set. I know I would! I have a thing for athletic/boyish women. They do things for me...


Tribal Wolves are definitely my favorite, and I’d love to see a comic set in that universe.


This is definitely not a big interest of mine, so it's a rough time making that happen.. Though it's definitely not impossible at all

Sherry Khanny

Awww, man, hope you'll still make cuck scenarios, those are so hot and you're doing such a fantastic work on them! <3