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What a crazy week it's been! I'll try to cover everything that's been happening, or you can skip to the end for the TL;DR.

I devoted most of the end of last week to packing and preparing for the move, as well as seeing friends I won't see again for a long time. The 24 foot upack truck arrived on Wednesday the 9th, parked at the end of the culdesac waiting to be loaded, and on that same day, my washer and dryer set were swapped out for a new one that the landlord had picked out for the next tenants.

Friday is the day my parents flew in from out of state, and we had a wonderful dinner that night both of them and a few of my friends. Saturday started early with the goal to load every single one of my possessions into the moving truck. This included furniture, the washer and dryer set, mattress, frame, tables, chairs, couch, and a huge wall unit. I had several good friends come and help me with that and would not have been able to get it all done if not for them.

Anything not going with me had to be hauled to the dump, but that required renting a car from Lowe's and making it to the landfill by 4pm that day. One pickup truck load made it to the landfill and we got back in time to return the truck and continue loading. The huge wall unit mentioned earlier had to be lowered over the balcony from the second floor, assuming it didn't smash to pieces and require being taken to the dump. It took all seven people there to manage getting it down without destroying the gutters or having it fall and explode into pieces in the driveway. That night we stayed in a hotel, and returned the next morning.

Sunday started very early. My parents and I powered through the morning hours into the afternoon cleaning and loading the last items, then final inspection and handing over of the keys concluded the day for us around two pm. We enjoyed a meal out to celebrate mother's day, then hit the road for the first leg of the 1000 mile journey.

That first half of the drive was horrible. 9 hours solid, and each of were exhausted from the entire day of cleaning and hauling, not to mention the last day or two were more of the same. We found a decent hotel to crash in once reaching Sacramento.

Monday's drive was beautiful. Interstate 5 wound through the mountains and forests, and finally arrived at their house, where I'm staying currently while visiting houses to move into. We're still recovering from the muscle soreness but we're so glad to e done with the worst of it.

There we so many things that could've gone wrong. I was lucky most things worked out, like the rental truck being available (the only one in the whole city), or how the upack truck required 50 feet of space to park the unit and there happened to be 3 contiguous parking spaces along the street unclaimed.

Some snags have occurred, though. My Cintiq power adapter, fixed underneath the table panel, was loaded in with the upack truck. Same for my laptop charger and ipad pencil. I've since purchased a replacement ipad pencil and laptop charger to help tide me over until the truck arrives, but that's looking like it'll realistically arrive friday to the storage garage, maybe even Monday (hopefully not). Getting my workstation set up is a requirement to return productivity. I'm determined to combine my laptop and ipad using astropad in hopes of getting some art done over the next few days until the truck arrives.


My stuff is moved, but portions of my workstation might be stuck in the moving truck until Friday or Monday. I'll be ghettoing it up via my iPad and pencil until then.

Thank you all for understanding, I'll definitely make it up to all of you for the downtime!




Thanks for sharing the update and photos. Hope things are going as planned.

Eddie SanHusky

Definitely could have been more... adventurous! Here's to a smooth and quick house hunt!


Wow, one thousand miles. I've driven 600-700 miles before but when you say 1,000 miles, it just really feels like a long, long way. *^^* Interstate 5 is just about the prettiest highway to drive on. I'm glad you got to the "homestead" safe and sound. I just moved last August and I still haven't unpacked everything yet. ^^


Awesome update!

Orry Maine

I believe tasteful nudes would be enough to make it up XD XD jk


Beautiful pictures. I5 definitely has some nice scenery in the right places.


Glad everything has gone as well as it has. Good luck with the house hunt!


No, I believe tasteful (or not so tasteful) nude male and female foxes would be perfect when Adam has his set up working again.


Long roadtrips like that suck ;0; I made a similar journey myself as well as with a rabbit and lizard in the front seat XD glad everything went well though! curious question that has nothing to do with the move really, but what laptop do you use? I'm currently on the hunt for a new one


Nice to hear things are going well for you and working out! Finally can get past all the shitty drama and move on into some good times.


Pretty sure he uses a desktop with an iPad for mobile drawing, could be wrong though.


maaan you dont have to make up for anything, just have a safe trip!


There's been some hiccups, but for the most part it's all going very well!


I should know tomorrow if the place I picked out will be good for a move-in


The second and third wave are coming, but at least this biggest part is 100% done and taken care of


I've done the drive about a dozen times and this is probably the first where it was daytime through this area, so it was a real treat


I guess drama is always a constant, but the people harassing me most lately don't have access anymore to do so.