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I owed Avalon a new ref of the character I'd designed for him a while back. I really like refs that show personality vs just being a stiff T pose or the like. The butt came out really well in my opinion as well.

In my eyes, bird characters are a lot like their animal selves, not having external genitalia (only a cloaca). This makes them wonderfully G rated even in the Bottomless District, but when it comes to pleasing a partner, it can leave them with less options than other species.

Shown here is a sort of Bad Birdy "toy" that fits inside of him and is held in place firmly by its shape, giving him a sort of prosthetic phallus. Having sex with partners while wearing this gives him a variety of sensation, thanks to the nubs and bulbs.





That toy you talked about is a neat idea! oAo


Are plans for female blue jay character in the future Zaush? I think cute to see two them hook up in a comic or some artwork.


I think we need some more birbs.

Skiffer Blackpaw

I LOVE the way you draw birds. And that butt <3


V. cute butt!


Where's Closer page 6? Am I missing something?


Hmm no plans so far, but that's not out of the question at all!


So I have a question, I notice for some characters there is no noticeable flaccid form. But others are modeled very similarly to humans were flaccid form exhists. How does this work in the bottomless district? Is it just “swinging in the wind” per say lol