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Thanks everyone for your patience during pre-production, and for your support in getting this project kicked off. I hope you agree that the set work was worth the wait. If you have any questions or comments, just leave a message below!





Loving the smug little fox so far!


Lovely. That fox is awesome


^^ exciting


I love the fox already I hope there will be a lot of teasing in this one :3


Brokering firm. And a bull. Of course a bull! There will be a bull / bear rivalry, right?


Of course the auditor is a fox. I love it!


It's more of a corporate merger broker than a stock broker, so a bit different. That said, yes there will be a polar bear


This looks great! I can't wait to see more!

Diego P

Your expressions are always so so good!! This one looks like is going to be really fun!


So do foxes have a reputation for being like prostitutes or something


Welcome to the furry fandom. Foxes are horniest, otters are stretchiest.


The set work is fucking worth it, plus the good thing about it is for each setting you make that appears multiple times at multiple angles in the comic, you can reuse the same bit of work. And the more you use the technique, the faster and easier it will get, and the more you'll know how to make it even better.


Excuse you! Foxes...prostitutes! For shame such un-wizened attitudes! We foxes are just SOOOoooo fricken hawt, sexy and pAWESOME that every furry wants to get with us or be like us! You just don't understand the huge burden we foxes toil under in the fandom! ^-o^


Oh BTW this comic's looking fantastic!

Skiffer Blackpaw

Woohoo!!! Super super excited about this! <3


this is soooooo HOT


This is true! The work becomes much more worth it as sets are reused for scenes, though the process of making said sets is still very time consuming. It’s mostly all the props and materials needed that add up to a significant amount of time, and it could be why I don’t see this method used very often for comics


Thanks! I’m glad you agree that foxes have nearly unmatched appeal


Thank you, and I hope to meet your expectations both in the expression and fun factor


Amen my fellow fox brother/sister! The things we foxes do for the fandom sometimes require a lot of effort! Thats not to say some of us foxes dont really enjoy it though. x3


Foxes (in this comic, during this time period) definitely have a reputation for being "pretty things to look at" in the office, or in this case, negotiation incentives. He's both benefiting from and battling this stereotype


so this is looking super hot so far!


OMG, this is gorgeous!!!

Monsieur Foxy

Heh, Foxes Unite for The Business End.

Logan Lakes

Your style is just to fantastic! I can't wait for more~