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The style is getting refined, and I'm pretty sure this is ready to ink and color characters this monday via stream. I'd love to hear what you think about the look, and as always thanks for your patronage making this comic possible!




Oh wow the perspective on each panel looks amazing!!! Especially the coloring and lighting! It feels comfy hahah! Can't wait for the stream! I feels like ages haha


Background looks amazing. Panel three still my favorite shot


Gonna be an interesting stream for sure... it’s been a while since I was able to do freestyle inking


Looks fantastic. I'm really looking forward to following this one. The fox character already has so much personality. :3


The background looks great, really loving the perspective and the dynamic shots. Did you make the pattern on the rug yourself or is that one you were able to find?


The rug patterns are Native American, which is kind of a theme with Lucas. But no, I definitely didn’t create the pattern. I’m glad you like Jay! He’s got an interesting character arc from what people who have read the full script tell me, a likable and relatable character


Heh, Jay. I love that name. I really can't wait for the rest of this. :)


It’s been a long time in the making and will probably take most of the year to finish given its length. I’m definitely as excited to see it finished as you are to read it


His face and dialogue in the 4th panel made me fall in love with this fox. XD Can't wait!


I look at the carpet and think, fargo xD. I think the characters fit the scene though.