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As with any drawing, we start with a rough sketch! In this case, the background elements weren't too important for blocking the composition, so I did a few rounds of changes before establishing the set's layout.

3D! Back when I made this, my ability to create scenes was more limited. That said, even when you can go all out with a background in 3D, sometimes all you need to do is place enough shapes so that you can paint over it yourself. That's exactly what I did for this scene.

The bull was originally going to be white. (No, that's not a play on his financial status) as interesting as I think white bulls are, he just wasn't contrasting enough with the background, so he got changed to a dark grey/black bull. The background is also starting to take shape.

The shadows get more refined, and lines that were drawn in for things like the left bird's vest start to get blended into the color layer. In the end, all of the characters exist on one layer that's being painted.

And that leaves us with the final image!



That is insane, how those first images become the final image.


Very nice Work Mr. Zaush ;P


Not good enough. Needs more cow bell. < / 3


Omg i love your otters!!


I love this kind of post! I hope we see more of these!