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“So,” 2B said as she invaded the engineering bay, “Word is that you’ve got a big ass, Tali. Is that true?”

Tali looked up from her workstation in alarm at the sudden intrusion, seeing a leggy woman in a black and white leotard march up to her with an exaggerated sway in her, no doubt about it, powerfully erotic hips.

“I beg your pardon?” Tali said through the crackling modulator of her mask. “How did you get in here?”

2B drew herself up, towering over the seated Quarian. Everything about her was perfect, from her posture to the unblemished texture of her pale skin. Most of all, her ass stood out, thick and enviable atop her naked, fertile thighs.

“I said,” she repeated. “Do you have a big ass?”

“Uh! I… I suppose I do, yes.” Tali got to her feet and squared up against the white-haired interloper. She was dressed in her bodysuit as always, the tight, shaped fabric hugging the more than generous curve of her backside.

“Wrong,” 2B informed her. “You have a tiny, flat butt. You would do well to remember that, and stop spreading rumors that your ass, somehow, is superior to mine.”

“Oh, for Heaven's sake… That’s what it’s about?” Tali rolled her eyes behind her visor. “You came here just to flaunt your booty? Psh. Well, fine. You did your thing. Is that all? I have work to do, you know.” Tali crossed her arms and stole a glance at 2B’s backside. “You’re not even that much bigger than me, you know.”

“Incorrect. The bodaciousness of my ass exceeds yours by several magnitudes. Not to mention its shape and bounciness.”

Tali examined 2B’s unflinching expression. “Is that so?” She backed up against her desk, her bubble butt fitting neatly against the top. Or at least, it would have—if not for the slow, steady expansion of her cheeks. The sound of stretching fabric reached her ears, the sweet music of her bodysuit struggling to contain her fat, sculpted ass. “I think you’ll find that your cute cheeks pale in comparison to my donk.”

2B turned towards the source of the sound and, for a moment, her stoic mask cracked. “You are mistaken,” the android replied, looking Tali in the eyes once more—before slamming her hips to Tali’s to send her sprawling across her workstation. In the moment of impact, her butt bwoomphed bigger, leveling up from her usual juicy peach to a pants-ripping booty. “No ass in this universe rivals mine; least of all yours.”

“Gah! The nerve!” Tali pushed herself up and turned towards 2B, her eyes flashing. “You waltz in here like you own the damn place and you belittle my butt? Bad move, sister.” With every word, her ass fattened up, spreading out until it filled her entire desk with its jiggling, shapely mass. Her thighs, too, felt the love, growing wide, fertile… and heavy.

“Take this!” she called, and launched herself at 2B, a bottom-heavy missile. Twisting in the air, she caught 2B between her cheeks, enveloping the android in booty as they landed on the floor with a ship-shaking slam. “How do you like that!?” she called, gleefully rubbing her butt over her fallen foe.

There was silence from 2B for a moment, until she managed to shove her face free and breathe a lungful of air—if not for biological reasons, then at least to speak. “I’ve seen better,” she snapped, not quite as unruffled anymore as she liked to pretend. “In the mirror!”

Tali rolled her eyes, still gleefully smothering 2B in her fat ass, her cheeks still inching outwards in little aftershocks. It was all fun and games—until she found herself lifting into the air. Only, it wasn’t so much air as sheer, curvaceous booty that propelled her upwards: 2B’s booty, emerging from beneath Tali’s thick rear to dispel the notion that she had won.

“There,” 2B purred, her emotionless veneer slipping with the lustful sensation of her ass growing. It grew, in fact, until she was basically upright again, a whole bed of ass presenting itself as Tali tilted forward and fell to the floor with a loud yelp. “That’s more like it.” She leaned forward with a haughty grin on her face, her hands caressing her bare butt as it kept growing up and out, rising behind her as if meaning to fill the entire bay from top to bottom.

“Bosh’tet.” Tali dusted herself off and looked at 2B with murder in her eyes. Behind the bottom-heavy android, there were sounds of crashing, crunching, and snapping metal. They failed to improve Tali’s mood.

“Nobody wrecks this place but me. Got it?” Tali aimed a hipbump at 2B as she pulled out the most outrageous feat of ass growth yet, her bouncy, purple cheeks busting straight out of her bodysuit as they several dozen feet wider in a second, fit to pin a whole damn truck between them, much less a snooty android with a flat butt. She succeeded in unrooting 2B—and several cabinets full of tools, the force of her ass tearing through the wall like tissue paper.

“Hm. Not… unimpressive,” 2B conceded. “Might as well… keep on going.” She leaned forward, finding her feet on the floor and, in a fit of blatant disregard for the laws of physics, lifted her ass up into the air—and twerked.

The shockwave of her clapping cheeks alone rattled Tali’s bones. But for Tali, the far more alarming revelation was the fact that the size of 2B’s ass doubled by the first clap—and it kept on going.

“By the stars….” Tali mumbled, gawking at the rising wall of ass. She had to do something, and quick, before—oh, hell!

2B did not even appear to notice her ass tearing through the outer hull of the ship, letting daylight from above the spaceport shine on her pale cheeks. It would not grace the ship for long; her booty would bury it in mere moments. Her cheeks clapped and clapped, grew and grew; the smacking noise drowned out the tortured warping of metal and concrete, of structures and ships being pounded to dust beneath her insanely massive ass.

“What’s the matter?” 2B purred, her face shining with naked lust. “Ready to give in?” The android moaned, looking fit to cum right then and there from her twerking alone. “Be a good girl and I might even sit on you. Along with, ah, everything else.”

Clap, rumble. Clap, rumble. 2B was a mountain, a landmass of supple booty. Her cheeks soared, whirling away the clouds above. She was not going to stop until Tali gave up; and if she got any more turned on, maybe not even then.

Tali knew the rational course of action. She could end this pointless contest, make the destructive android go away and pick up the pieces before it was too late. But that meant missing out on smothering that smug bitch’s face under her sweaty cheeks, and that was not acceptable. So Tali faced her down, bent forward, and twerked to her beat.

At first, 2B did not even notice, being too absorbed in the sensations of her mile-wide booty clapping along the quaking landscape. But then the rising booms of Tali’s shaking ass became loud enough to merit attention, and she turned her attention back to her alien rival. “Ah. You’ve still got some fight in you. Cute.”

“I’ll show you cute,” Tali spat, moving her hips as if she meant to pound the destroyed ship to dust. She might have lacked 2B’s control, but she more than made up for it with passion, her cheeks all but exploding outwards with every seismic shock. Doubling the size of your ass was a nice trick; but going triple, even quadruple? Now that was the way to catch up and truly put 2B in her place.

Faced with Tali twerking hard enough to split the continent in two, 2B decided to up her game. And so they went, their ballooning butts shaking the whole planet apart with the force of their twerks, their asses rising through the atmosphere, crushing everything beneath them. It did not take long for the ruined world to disappear into the shared cleavage of their butts, the pale and purple planetoids of booty swallowing it up, along with every other astronomical object foolish enough to be drawn into their orbit. The approach of the system’s sun seemed the first danger, as the burning ball of hydrogen fell into their gravitational field; but by the time that it was close enough to burn, it was little more than a mote of dust next to the mass of their booties, an ember barely noticed. Next, a black hole loomed, almost seeming eager to be drawn in and add their mass to its own. But it was gravely disappointed, the super-dense object and even its own event horizon tearing apart as Tali and 2B bumped their asses together around it, and, instead, forced it to aid their ass-focused ascension.

Finally, there was no more space to outgrow. Tali and 2B yelped in unison as the chill of space was replaced with a firm boundary; firm, but soft. Suspiciously so. And lo—they both turned to find each other’s ass meeting them from the other side, having outgrown everything else in the universe. They were pressed together, not by any outside force or walls, but by the feeling of their own asses pushing out, and therefore, in from all sides.

“Ugh!” Tali cried. “Move your fat ass! I need more space to grow!” She wiggled her cosmic cheeks, shoving both of them around in a chaotic motion.

“I don’t believe it. It’s a tie,” 2B said, her cheeks still rosy with the erotic thrill. “I… did not expect that.”

Tali cursed again. “Damn it all! How do we settle this now? Do we just twerk harder? There has to be more space to fill somewhere!”

“Somewhere, yes. But not here, I think; it’s all ass.” 2B tapped her chin and lit up. “Ah. I have an idea. Tell me, Tali, are you familiar with this artifact?”

She produced an object from out of nowhere and held it out in her hands: A golden boombox, square and old-fashioned.

Tali gave it a distrustful look. “Is this a trick?”

“No trick. Just… might be what we need to move on to better and bigger things.” She proffered it to Tali. “Go on. Give us a proper beat.”

Tali squinted at 2B once last time. Then she reached out and hit Play. The boombox whirred for a second and spat out a bassline that sent their cheeks clapping through the cosmos.

The party was about to start.


Start of Match:


Score: 33.7


Score: 185.3

End of Match:


Score: 66.3

Wildcard: Ass Growth


Score: 212.9

Wildcard: Ass Growth



That's not a tie! I do love the unexpected ass focus, though~

PatreonSoda (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-17 02:02:58 lolll this is still Queen of Cock yeah? xD
2023-11-17 02:02:58 lolll this is still Queen of Cock yeah? xD
2023-11-17 02:02:58 lolll this is still Queen of Cock yeah? xD
2023-11-17 02:02:58 lolll this is still Queen of Cock yeah? xD
2023-11-17 02:02:58 lolll this is still Queen of Cock yeah? xD
2023-11-17 02:02:58 lolll this is still Queen of Cock yeah? xD
2023-11-12 20:41:52 lolll this is still Queen of Cock yeah? xD

lolll this is still Queen of Cock yeah? xD

PatreonSoda (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-17 02:02:58 To be clear, I am not complaining.
2023-11-17 02:02:58 To be clear, I am not complaining.
2023-11-17 02:02:58 To be clear, I am not complaining.
2023-11-17 02:02:58 To be clear, I am not complaining.
2023-11-17 02:02:58 To be clear, I am not complaining.
2023-11-17 02:02:58 To be clear, I am not complaining.
2023-11-12 20:42:04 To be clear, I am not complaining.

To be clear, I am not complaining.