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Rewriting reality is one of the most dangerous things you can do. Even the smallest alteration can send waves rippling through time and change the world as you know it. Fortunately for all of us, those select few with unfettered access to the strands of fate, immortal and wise, know to guard it well and to impose their will on the fabric of the world only after careful deliberation.

Penny was not one of these. She was a young, energetic woman, with short, red hair, a winning smile, and—by her catgirl nature—a cute set of feline ears and a tail. She was also an adventurer, nimbly working her way through every herotic experience and loot-filled dungeon that she could find. This is how she had found the power of the gods… and this is what she did with it.

“Oh, Y’shtooola,” Penny called, having returned to the base of Scions; ostensibly to rest and recuperate, but she had far better plans. She found what she was looking for in the library: Y'shtola, her erudite companion in their many fights to save the world. The sorceress was white-haired and white-eyed, wearing her usual black dress. She was buried in a dusty tome, no doubt researching something terribly important.

“Yes?” Y’shtola said, looking up. “Ah, you’re back. From some adventure, no doubt. Have you returned with anything of interest?“

“You could say that,” Penny said, not bothering to hide her sly smile from her perceptive friend. She had one hand in her pocket, playing with the fragment of the Gnostic Tablet that let her wield her new power. Ready for her first alteration to the fabric of the world.

Such a tiny, insignificant change. Nothing world-shattering. Just a single, little cock between Y’sthola’s legs. Though, as it came into being with a light hum only audible to Penny’s ears, shifting Y’sthola’s underwear around her new addition, Penny’s size-loving tendencies ensured that there was nothing little about her friend’s brand new penis.

“Oh, Penny. What did you find this time?” Y’sthola abandoned her tome for the time being, instantly recognizing that the redhead was up to something. She didn’t even have to say it. “Not some unstable piece of crystal that’ll blow up the base, I hope?”

Penny’s smile widened. “Not in the traditionalsense.”

She could never resist Y’shtola’s wry smile. Now, it made her heart quicken and her patience run out; she had to see the change she had wrought on the attractive catgirl’s body. Y’shtola obliged, standing up to cross the room for a fresh cup of tea; as she did so, Penny sighed with pleasure, spotting that generous bulge that she had placed between Y’sthola’s legs. Or was it? It was hard to tell, covered by the woman’s skirts. But there was an easy way to make sure…

The hum returned, the herald of Penny’s meddling. It was swiftly followed by the sound of stretching—then snapping—fabric as a shred of Y’sthola’s striped underwear drifted to the floor before dissolving into the aether, having never been there in the first place. In this new reality, Y’shtola simply didn’t wear panties. The reason followed a split-second later: the enormous, arm-dwarfing cock that fell into view as it slapped against her knees, in plain view under the hem of her skirt.

Y’shtola didn’t even break her stride. “Well, thatputs me at ease, of course. All the trouble that you bring back to me is, after all, traditional.” She cocked her hip, smiling at Penny as she poured her tea.

Penny could hardly stand still. She gawked at Y’shtola, trying so hard to play cool and inconspicuous, lest she let the sorceress catch wind of her irresponsible manipulation of the threads of fate, but she was simply too excited. Just by watching, her reality-alterations continued: Y’shtola’s cock descended between her legs, adding inch after meaty inch, until it nearly touched the ground. At first only the tip had been showing from behind her skirt; now, as it leveled up to ‘third leg’ (damn nearly as thick as the first two combined), her immensely full scrotum became visible under the edge of her skirt, dangling between her knees.

“You’re awfully quiet. That usually means something terrible is about to happen.” Y’shtola laughed, utterly nonchalant about the fact that her gigantic girlcock was on full display. “Is there something you aren’t telling me, hm?”

“Er… No?” Penny offered lamely. Her mind was reeling, transfixed by the erotic display while the consequences of her changes spread backwards through time. Y’shtola had always been like this—but since when? How? Was it a magical accident, an erotic curse, or did her futa puberty simply never end? The possibilities mingled in her memories, a superposition of the possible pasts that had led to the sorceress’ obscene present. All Penny had to do was to decide. But there were so, so many options and each one flashing through her mind presented Penny with yet more temptations…

“Really, now? You’re not going to tell me?” Y’shtola arched an eyebrow at her fellow Scion and crossed her arm. “I’ve learned to expect the unexpected around you, but you’re looking at me like I’ve grown an extra head. What’s gotten into you?”

Penny blushed fiercely. An extra head? It was almost as if Y’shtola was goading her on! Penny’s gaze dropped, knowing full well what her imagination would leap to in response and watched with rapt attention as a second cock dropped from the cover of Y’shtola’s skirt, just as thick and massive as her first one. It gave a heavy whap as it struck the floor, both of her penises now fully long enough to touch the ground in their flaccid state. The arrival of her second scrotum did not pass by unnoticed either, Penny’s salivating attention causing both sets to fatten appreciatively as they filled with, frankly, irresponsible volumes of cum.

Y’shtola let her gawk for another long moment, smirking all the while. “You’re going to make me blush, Penny. Are my prodigious penises really that interesting to you?”

“... Pretty much, yes,” Penny said with a stiff nod.

“Drink your fill, in that case. It’s not like they’re going anywhere.”

Penny bit her lip. “I sure hope not!” She had no idea how long her alterations might last—from mere hours, days—or to the end of time.

Y’shtola gave a laugh and drank her tea. “I’m sure you don’t. Sometimes, I do wish that they would be of a more… convenient size. Twelve knows, my daily needs are the furthest from the norm that you can get.”

Penny hung on the wording, waiting breathlessly for her friend to continue. “But other times…?”

“Why, aren’t you inquisitive?” Y’shtola’s smile widened. “Other times I wonder what it would be like if my extraordinary puberty hadn’t stopped when it did.”

There was a tremendous thump in Penny’s chest. Or perhaps the sound came from the third gigantic cock appearing from the depths of Y’shtola’s dress and slapping against her first two with the force of a thunderclap; at least, that’s how it seemed to Penny, who staggered back against the wall and sought out a chair before her knees gave out.

“Holy shit,” she murmured, trembling with desire for the hugely hung sorceress.

“Is it that surprising to you?” Y’shtola continued with that damn teasing smile on her lips, reaching down to adjust her now triple-scrotums without so much as a comment. “I don’t think I’ve ever tried to hide it from you how much I like being big.

Another thump, another cock. It only took a single word. Already, the sorceress’ elephantine shafts swelled between her legs, adding a whole foot of gloriously girthy girlcock before Penny even issued a conscious command; liking what she saw, the catgirl swiftly added another two, squirming desperately in her seat as her friend’s four phalluses reached out before her, each floppy shaft fully as tall as the woman herself.

“Halone give me strength,” Penny muttered, putting in the effort to sit herself up straight and attempt not to look like an utter fool. But Y’shtola wasn’t making it easy. “If you keep flaunting yourself like that, I’m not gonna be responsible for what follows.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Y’shtola said with a look that suggested that she knew exactly what Penny was talking about. She strode towards Penny, walking with grace despite the impossible size of her manhoods, which simply… glided along with her, the rules of physics bending in favor of her grace. Her four fat pairs of balls bunched up behind her, dragging easily along.

“Come now. It’s not the first time I’ve made your head spin. It shan’t be the last, either. Though I admit,” she said with a searching look, “I thought you had grown more used to my charms by now.”

“Maybe if you stopped growing for five minutes, I might!”

Y‘shtola’s smile widened. “I wouldn’t get my hopes up, little one.”

There was a brief moment of silence. Then the hum of gnostic fragment working its magic, unraveling the tapestry of fate around Y’shtola. Her four feminine phalluses began to grow once more, expanding by inches at a time in slow, steady spurts. One flopped against Penny’s legs for lack of space, letting her feel its heat and the friction of its constant outwards push towards the biggest erections in the realm.

Seeing Y’shtola grow more hung was as arousing as ever. But, Penny thought, pausing to frown as her friend’s penises reached seven feet long and kept going, had she meant to do that? She looked up at Y’shtola’s face, as calm as ever—even if her cheeks did seem a little rosier than usual—but she found no clue. Except that her cocks kept elongating, and the gnostic fragment in her hand kept humming.

Then it hit her. She had implied that Y’shtola neverstopped growing—and so it was, history altering itself before Penny’s eyes to fit the sorceresses and her ever-growing cocks inside it. The thought was almost too hot to bear.

The gnostic fragment seemed to think likewise. It had started to vibrate in Penny’s hand, working at such a pace that it might shake itself apart. Maybe she had gone too far.

“Ah,” Y’shtola said, leaning in to examine the piece of stone, “is that the source of the non-traditional trouble you brought me? It does rather seem like it might explode.”

“It’s nothing,” Penny assured her, trying to wave her off. But this was easier said than done when Y’shtola repositioned herself, two fat cocks on either side of Penny’s chair, utterly blocking her escape. “I’ve got it all under control.”

“That’s also what you usually say before some calamity strikes.” Y’shtola smiled, clearly amused at seeing Penny squirm in the cleavage of her cocks. Her packages bulged once more, reaching a staggering ten feet long. Behind her, her balls were bunching up, the size of medicine balls and gurgling with an ominous intensity.

“No calamity here,” Penny insisted, trying very hard to look away. But where could she look? Y’shtola loomed before her, her growing cocks fit to swallow her up between them. Their scent alone made her squirm, potent and overwhelmingly erotic.

She knew she was making it worse. How was more of a mystery, but it was becoming abundantly clear that the gnostic fragment worked on more than just intent—or perhaps Penny’s intent was so thoroughly tangled with her desires that her imagination took the lead. Which, even she realized, was a terrible idea.

“Just a troublesome bit of magic. Nothing that I can’t fix.”

“You’re talking to one of the greatest sorceresses of the realm, and you insist on muddling through it? Please, it shouldn’t sting your pride to accept my help. Twelve knows I’ve needed yours. Especially,” she smiled wistfully as their personal histories became more intimate, “with taking care of my growing needs. Not many women in Eorzea could hope to handle them like you.”

Penny’s face went beet red. That’s what she wanted, what she craved. Hell, she was usually the one to make those comments; to hear them from her dear Y’shtola, given freely, crashed her train of thought completely. And, with nothing else to preoccupy it, her attention wandered.

There was a rumble, a hum, and bwoomph: Y’shtola’s cocks surged ahead, doubling in size in the blink of an eye. That alone would have swept Penny off her feet; in this case, the four newshafts bursting out from Y’shtola’s crotch did the trick, crashing into her chair and knocking her to the far end of the room.

She picked herself up after the cock-alanche, blinking rapidly. “H-holy shit. Warn me next time or something!”

Y’shtola laughed, shrugging in response. “I’ll try. You never know when—”

Her speech cut off mid-sentence, swept away by the delayed revision to reality. It left Y’shtola with a severely diminished dress, the better to fit her eight monstrous pythons, dominating the room with her mere presence.

“—my growth spurts hit,” she finished, looking befuddled by her own words. “What are you doing on the floor?”

“Inspecting the cleaning. Staff did a great job,” Penny quipped and jumped to her feet. The gnostic fragment buzzed angrily in her hand, but she was too smitten with her creation to care much about it. “Your latest growth spurt, huh? Excited that you woke up with an extra cock this morning?”

“Wouldn’t you be?” The sorceress laughed. “You won’t find me saying so out in public, but between the two of us—gods, yes! I’m far past any sense of decency; why shouldn’t I want more?” She caressed the base of her outrageously fat multicocks, her erotic desires finally showing through her composure.

“You keep saying all the right things.” Penny did not even try to hide her arousal. She looked at her friend and gave her two new cocks in the blink of an eye, the lot of them still inching bigger every time she dared to look. All ten fanning out in front of Y’shtola, it gave her an imposing, almost regal, air, large and in charge. Which only made Penny squirm all the more, stealing glances as she wondered why they were growing so fast; did her lifelong growth accumulate here, in the present, or was it simply Penny’s lust for size urging them on without her knowledge? Any way she sliced it, Y’sthola was hung: Her 25 foot penises filled the small library, coiling around the table and chairs. Already, the entrance door had warped, growing wider to retroactively fit a futa of her stature.

“I’m pleased that you’re so supportive. I’ve been told I can be intimidating for most women.” Y’shtola gave a grin, adding, “Men, too.”

“I can’t imagine why.”

“I know. I’m just thankful that I’ve not yet outgrown our little hideout. Perhaps in a few years time…”

Penny groaned. “Twelve damn it! That tongue of yours is too evocative.” She looked up at one of the futa’s enormous cockheads. A bead of precum had formed at the tip, larger than Penny’s whole head. And now it surged forwards, foot after meaty foot of penis pouring from Y’shtola’s loins with no end in sight.

“Why, thank you. It’s nice to be appreciated.” Y’shtola laughed, remarkably casual for the fact that the library was drowning in her cocks, filling what little free space remained with astounding speed. But then, only Penny had the luxury of seeing the scene develop in real time and feel the corresponding stab of claustrophobic panic as the exit disappeared behind a tangle of cocks so thick that Penny couldn’t even reach halfway around the myriad shafts.

This was getting dangerous. Even for a wielder of gnostic magic. While ‘crushed by giant dicks’ would be a hell of a way to go out, she had no intention of letting the phallic leviathans best her here and now.

Not for lack of trying. Penny found herself completely enveloped, standing up in the crevice between two walls of ladypenis. The heat was immense, the scent drove her wild, and she felt every single throb intimately, a jolt shooting through her body. It screamed sex and power, and the more Penny allowed the thought to linger in her head, the faster Y’shtola grew.

“Okay. Time to chill,” she decided, half climbing, half worming her way up the slab of dick that separates her from her friend, who, as casually as she might pick up the newspaper, had rescued her cup of tea just before it drowned in her sea of shafts.

“Hm? Did you say something, little one?”

Penny said nothing, but gazed intently at Y’shtola’s face and imposed her will. The stone trembled in her hand, and...

Nothing changed. Nothing stopped. Nothing even slowed.

Y’shtola’s ascension towards dickgirl deity continued at a frightening pace, becoming literal as well as figurative as the mass of her penises lifted her up into the air, safe and sound at the nexus of her 40 foot girlcocks. All around her, the building rumbled and cracked, masonry overwhelmed by the power of her packages as they slithered out to fill the rest of the open rooms. Her balls alone hid the entire back wall, ten sets of ludicrously potent cumfactories that shuddered and bloated every other moment, so sensitive that even their stoic owner couldn’t help but sigh in bliss as they shifted and grew.

Penny went pale. This was bad.

“Shrink!” she commanded, clutching the gnostic fragment. “Shrink, damn you!”

Y’shtola did no such thing. In fact, she only grew faster, defying Penny’s challenge with a powerful rebuke as her gigantic manhoods exploded outwards, doubling in the blink of an eye. It was too much for the rooms, too much for the whole building to take. All around them, crumbling masonry gave way to throbbing flesh, streaming out from between the sorceress inviting thighs with frightening speed.

Reality shuddered from the violence of her transformation, the strands of fate tangling around her as history struggled to update itself fast enough. The building itself disappeared around Y’shtola’s hundred-foot phalluses, having never been capable of housing such a grand dickgirl within it. Penny saw a blur of the moving landscape as the were shunted outside the walls, moved into a nearby clearing, more suitable for a woman whose cocks demanded all the space around her. Behind her, a slender tower shot up into the sky, its base crowded by Y’shtola’s scrotums.

“Shrink?” Y’shtola called, eyeing Penny with a raised eyebrow. “What part of Y’shtola the Evergrowing is so ambiguous to you? You think my body might have had a change of heart this morning?” She laughed, completely at ease sitting atop her pile of huge, fattening balls.

Penny found herself entangled in her friend’s phalluses; but, with the change of scenery, they were no longer boxed in, and subsequently, she found the space to climb atop one of the sorceress bus-dwarfing penises. “Holy shit, Y’shtola,” said, reeling at the sight. “How are you even conscious with all of that?”

Y’sthola smiled. “Practice, naturally. It didn’t happen overnight. Except for this big girl, the newest member of my flock.” She grinned, tracing her fingers along one of her ten leviathans. To Penny’s utter shock, the cock in question, big as a goddamn castle turret, lurched up to meet her hand, moving like a snake in her nest of penises.

“About time, wouldn’t you agree? I’ve been merely nine-shafted for more than a year. It was long overdue.” There was a new kind of swagger to the tone of her voice. She was a sex goddess and she knew it; there was nothing to hide, and so she owned it with a confidence that made Penny blush.

“You really want this? Are you sure?” Penny stared at Y’shtola face, searching for some flicker of uncertainty. Her grip on reality, such as it was, was hanging by a thread, but Y’shtola was not the one to burst her bubble.

“Why not? Fate has blessed me with endless virility. I simply have to accept and enjoy it.” Y’shtola licked her lips, luxuriating in her impossible endowments. “And ask for more.

The air trembled around Y’shtola; who spread her legs and got her wish: ten more cocks grew out at once, doubling her up in a heartbeat as they swelled to the size of their sisters. It was enough to provoke a cry of pleasure from the sorceress, who, for a moment, was two things at once: a woman utterly unaware of her rapid growth and one howling through a maddening orgasm. The threads of fate had snagged, jumping from one strand to the next with jerky, eerie motions.

Penny had gone too far. She didn’t need the high-pitched whine of the gnostic fragment to tell her that. She stared at Y’shtola, jerking between two superimposed states like a badly cut movie, and shivered. She had to stop it. She had to focus. Ignoring the movement of the monstrous cock beneath her, she turned her attention to the violently shaking stone in her hand. Where was the damn off-button!?

“I don’t have an off-button,” Y’shtola purred. She raised her arm above her head, stretching out as her tits outgrew her top and the length of her cocks doubled again, and again, her throbbing shaking the ground for hundreds of feet around them. Behind her, her mountain of balls only grew more potent, her first droplets of cum dripping onto the ground and making it so fertile that any woman who trod on it for the next thousand years would instantly grow pregnant.

“I’m not talking about you!” Penny snapped, staring intently at the fragment until her eyes ached. “It’s this… magic. It’s out of control. Y’shtola, if you really wanted to help, now would be the time!”

But Y’shtola wasn’t listening anymore. She was far too engrossed in her own body. “What’s the worst that could happen? Is it going to make me grow faster? Grow more?” She grinned. “I only have twenty penises. I could use some extras.”

There was a horrible, discordant sound on the wind, a record-scratch of fate that echoed Y’shtola’s request as her impossibly numerous packages multiplied again. And again. And again. Dozens became hundreds, a chaotic maze tangle of endlessly swelling cockflesh pouring out from between her legs. The valley drowned in girlcock—and the nearby settlement would soon follow.

The veiny behemoth beneath Penny bucked and threw her around as it grew, so far beyond human measurements as to be more akin to a force of nature. It did not make it any easier to concentrate her willpower on the damn reality-altering piece of rock.

Stop her. Go back.

It was the simplest possible wish; and yet, fate is a complex thing. Turning back time was always possible, but tricky—now that she had made a mess of the threads? It was all but impossible.

But not for Penny.

Above them, a storm was brewing. Thunder boomed through the darkening clouds. The air was charged and oppressive, as if actively pushing back against Y’shtola’s expansion. But it wasn’t enough to stop the march of her phallic army, bulging and gushing cumshots across the land big enough to crater the ground and leave lakes of steaming, thick jizz in their wake. The goddess herself toyed openly with her body, squeezing her enormous breasts as she urged more shafts from her hydra-like crotch.

“You can’t fathom how good this feels,” she crooned at Penny, no longer hiding her pleasure. “How could I not want more?”

“You could have a care for the realm around you!” Penny said, sent flying into the air by another throb of the miles-longpenis underneath her.

Y’shtola moaned, long and hard. With her every word, her cocks grew faster, flooding out in all directions. “It is simply natural, Penny. I didn’t ask for this. I simply… am.”

“No, but I did! And if this is supposed to be some sort of life lesson, I’m happy to say that I’ve learnt from my mistake and I’m ready to go back now!”

A blinding, blue light shone from the stone in her hand, its hum harmonizing with the crackling of lightning in the sky above.

“Go back? Oh Penny. There’s no such thing.” She gave a smile that filled Penny with erotic dread. “I’m fated to fill the world, to share my pleasure with one and all. You, especially.”

“Yeah, see, that’s nice and all, but I won’t be much of a hero if I let you destroy the world. Kinda the opposite of my job.” She held up the crumbling fragment and aimed the beam of light at Y’shtola. “I’ll see you on the other side.”

The gnostic fragment split in two with a mighty crack. At the same time, Y’shtola threw her head back in sudden, violent orgasm, her uncountable cocks filling the world with a flood of hot, white seed…


The floor rose up to hit her. It was hard and cold, cushioned only by a threadbare carpet, raising a cloud of dust that irritated her eyes and choked her lungs.

Penny couldn’t have been happier about it. She sat up, smiling through her fit of coughing, in the library that she had so thoroughly caused Y’shtola to destroy. She was back!

So was Y’shtola. “What’s this? A new trick of yours?” She looked up from the tome on her reading table, squinting doubtfully at her companion sprawling on the ground.

“You could say that. Oh, I’m so relieved to see you!” Penny rushed to Y’shtola’s side, hugging the woman tightly.

“Has it really been that long?” Y’shtola laughed, throwing her apprehension at the sudden affection aside and returning the embrace. “You must have had quite the adventure.”

“You have no idea. It was fucking wild. I… may have let my fantasies get away with me too much.”

“Ah, that kind of adventure. Intriguing.” She gave a sly smile. “Well? I’ll want the details.”

“Hah, maybe. It was… not entirelyappropriate. Might not be your cup of tea.”

Y’shtola rose from her chair and turned to Penny, for the first time letting the redhead see her front—and the pair of massivebulges in her skirt. An ethereal blue light shone from her eyes as she pulled Penny close.

“Try me.”



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