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“Oh boy,” Mara said. “It’s time to measure some more dicks.”

Renamon glanced up at the excitable fairy. “Is that really necessary? We all know who’s going to win.” The digimon did not need to add any more detail to that statement, seeing as she currently reclined on her own massive junk, her cock currently the size of a city bus—easily measured, as she currently occupied the middle of the road, blocking all four lanes of an abandoned city street.

Mara waved a hand at her. “Yeah, well, you and the other half dozen boss bitches in the tournament say that. So here we are.”

“Pff. Fine.” Renamon sat up and stretched. She was not in a hurry. Even so, the motion made her nuts gurgle beneath her, the fat, furry orbs swelling by a few inches. Enough to flood the city twice over; not that emptying them was like to make a difference. If anything, getting excited would just make all of her grow faster.

That was certainly how Mara worked. And it was why the fairy took every opportunity she could to drown her surroundings in cum. Right now, she was downright constrained—even if the eight sets of outrageously potent cocks between her legs currently made her little more than a blip with wings atop her mountain of fuckflesh.

“So,” Mara said. “We just need Rouge to show up. Should’ve had enough time to untangle herself from the last universe that got demolished.”

“Or, I simply start growing and we’ll hear a squeal when I squish her,” Renamon said with an impudent smirk. Underneath her, her floppy cock gave a lazy throb; more than enough to make the enormous phallus double in size, creeping forward as if meaning to grow hard—and yet, it was just as flaccid as before, simply revealing more of its titanic true size.

Rouge laughed. “That’ll hardly be necessary.” The bat appeared with a flourish atop one of the nearby apartment blocks, looking down on Renamon with a smirk that rivaled the digimon’s own. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

Renamon’s balls rumbled, an ominous warning as she shifted and spread her legs ever so slightly—and let dozens upon dozens of feet of cockflesh flow forwards, her thick, pink cock nearly taking up the whole street by its girth alone now; and still it grew longer, as if the thought to make it stop never even crossed her mind.

“You can’tmiss it,” she said, regarding Rouge’s theatrical entrance with a smug face. “Neither can the world, for that matter. If you’d made me wait another minute or so, my dick might already have demolished it.”

“How fortunate for the world that I’m here to stop you, then. Not that it’ll fare much better under my heel, I expect. Might just tuck it away in a fold of foreskin…”

Renamon’s 300 foot cock gave a throb that shook the foundations of Rouge’s perch (and every other building in the neighborhood). “I might just tuck you away. If you’re lucky.”

“With that little thing? Don’t make me laugh.”

“Little?” Renamon asked, demolishing the other side of the street with a single twitch of her cock, which tripled in size in the blink of an eye. Her throne of balls pushed her higher, level with the bat—atop a 5 story building— and more. “Big talk for someone still small enough to wear clothes.”

Rouge put on an easy smile and cocked her hip. “It’s all in the presentation.” True, her crotch bulged like crazy; but in this contest, looking as if your underwear somehow carried a clutch of coconuts felt downright tame. Her tits were giving her outfit more of a run for its money, honestly, head-dwarfing and growing by the second, the hint of her puffy, pink nipples slowly inching into view as her bust overflowed her top.

“Cute. See how much that helps you in my universe of cock.” Another throb; Renamon’s growth was constant, now, not even a conscious thing. She just grew, her natural state of affairs. Which left her half a mile of fattening dickflesh pouring out from her loins, barging through the empty city without a care in the world.

Rouge did not look concerned. “You filled just one? How quaint!”

“You’re really goading me on?” Renamon cocked an eyebrow as she gave Rouge a searching look. Then her expression settled back into her usual smug smile. “Well. That’s your mistake. I’ve got plenty more.

The digimon parted her thighs and might as well have opened a portal to a new dimension—because her monolithic cock was instantly joined by no less than ten new ones, each racing out to join their mile-long sister with such speed that it broke the sound barrier. Behind her, her mountain of balls became a range, sac after sac emerging to reduce her surroundings to a crater, the debris liquifying from the sheer vibrations of her gurgling cumtanks.

Rouge’s perch did not survive this. The bat, however, merely jumped off the apartment building as it atomized on impact with Renamon’s throbbing flesh, and flipped gracefully through the air to land on this new, veiny ‘ground’ beneath her.

“Finally!” Rouge laughed. “What took you so long?” She sounded far too pleased for Renamon’s liking, her eyes brimming with mischief. The digimon did not have to wait long to find out why.

Rouge opened her hand. A holographic display flashed over her palm, the rapidly scrolling text illuminating her face with a neon glow. Her grin widened. “I’ve never hacked a target this juicy before.”

She slapped her hand to Renamon’s fields of phallus and everything changed. There was a sharp light, a sound of electronic warping, and a mighty glitching across Renamon’s tremendous body as reality itself twisted to Rouge’s tune.

And then… Renamon found herself sitting on Rouge’s cocks. “Wha?” she said, reeling with the sudden shock. Her senses struggled to catch up, to make sense of turbulent turnabout, only slowly piecing together that she had been robbed of the pride between her legs. “What the fuck did you do?

“Funny,” Rouge purred, “I’d consider that rather self-evident.” The bat gave a supremely smug smile, adjusting herself on the mountain of meaty monsters hanging from her crotch, still growing bigger with every passing second; if anything, they were accelerating, her balls rising to subsume the surroundings in their shadow. “Can’t blame you for being so damn cocky all the time, I suppose. They dofeel pretty nice between my legs…”

Renamon clenched her jaw. “You’ve got some fucking nerve pulling a trick like that.” The digital transfer left her dizzy and tingling all over. She even felt a pull on her tits, their size draining away into Rouge’s steadily swelling jugs. That is, until she struck back.

Cock explodedforth from Renamon’s loins like a thunderclap. Everything that had come before was child’s play, a prelude to the chaos that resulted from Renamon actively willing herself to grow.

And grow she did—though the word was inadequate to describe the sheer mind-bending mass pushing out from Renamon’s crotch. Cocks, yes, but big enough to cover a country, hundreds of miles of veiny, throbbing dicks that choked the skies with their masculine scent and carved great trenches through the landscape. Ten was not enough to humiliate Rouge—so Renamon grew a hundred all at once, outsizing and outgunning the bat in the most obscene manner. Even her figure went in on it, her tits and ass ballooning bigger to put her curvaceous rival to shame—and to crush any seat she might choose under her body-dwarfing booty.

“There,” she cooed, smiling wickedly as she stared down at the dwindling back trapped in her canyon of cocks. “That’s better.”

Rouge steadied herself as the burst of growth came to a halt, the multi-ton masses of flesh flowing around her like an angry river. Renamon had bruised the superiority of her smile, but she faced down the digimon without wavering.

“Agreed. But it’ll look even better on me.”

And again, she hacked Renamon.

This time, the whole world seemed glitch; given how much of it was Renamon, that might not have been all wrong. Rouge gasped sharply, her eyes rolling back, as hundreds, thousands of cocks shot from her crotch like meaty missiles, treating the omni-hung hyper herm as a buffet of siphonable size. They fanned out across the country, across the globe, tearing through oceans and continents alike as their thick, bulging masses grew hot and horny. Her scrotums filled like moons of their own accord, overburdening the planet itself; their weight drove them deep into the earth before becoming the dominant source of gravitation, sending chunks of the planet in orbit around her along with the rain of her cum that would otherwise have displaced the oceans.

Rouge was, in other words, hung.

But Renamon was ready. “Eat your heart out, thief. There’s more to cum!” She thrust her hips forward, willing worlds’ worth of penis to pour out of her. Thousands of miles became a mere memory—with no planet to worry about, she had no reason to hold back. And so, Renamon’s feminine dicks grew forth with such staggering speed that the cosmos itself reverberated around her, cockflesh piling up so quickly that even Rouge’s theft failed to put a dent in its progression.

The bat convulsed in pleasure, trying and failing to handle the sensory load of a galaxy’sworth of cock. “F-fuck…!” she gasped, fighting so hard to even steady her gaze—but then she felt a thousand cocks cum at once and her eyes rolled back in her head once more.

“What’s the matter?” Renamon chuckled darkly. “I thought you wanted it all?” Stardust glittered in her eyes while her presence spread across space, hot and musky. It was a fine start, almost enough for her to be called erect.

“H-How are you even…” Rouge gasped, succumbing to her own body. She could not even seepast the curve of her gigantic tits, her mind wracked with lust. “Fuck. No. No more! I—I concede!”

“Shouldn’t have revved me up, then. Or, you should at least have known that it takes a cumflated universe or two for me to really get started.”

Rouge twitched, not even conscious enough to stop the transfer. Even so, Renamon dwarfed her utterly, the bat not even a speck of cosmic dust on her divine dicks. Her fur grew yellow in places, the color of the digimon overwriting her own. “... made your f-fucking point,” she stammered, in the middle of an orgasm that would never end.

Renamon laughed. “No, not yet. But I will. Settle in, bat. I’ll show you what it means to be hung.”

Start of Match:


1.5E48  m ≈ 6,820,000,000,000,000,000,000 universes

Score: 160,0


7.3E14 m ≈ 72,800,000,000,000 km ≈ 77,000 ly

Score: 49,4

End of Match:


2.4E56 m ≈ 275,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 universes

8,000,000 cocks

Score: 210.3

Wildcard: Curves, Glitching


2.7E52 m ≈ 30,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 universes

117 cocks

Score: 181.0

Wildcard: Curves, Attribute Theft


PatreonSoda (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-03 23:44:00 i was sure Rouge's score would be higher...
2023-10-03 23:44:00 i was sure Rouge's score would be higher...
2023-10-03 23:44:00 i was sure Rouge's score would be higher...
2023-10-03 23:44:00 i was sure Rouge's score would be higher...
2023-10-03 23:44:00 i was sure Rouge's score would be higher...
2023-10-03 23:44:00 i was sure Rouge's score would be higher...
2023-09-28 13:29:36 i was sure Rouge's score would be higher...

i was sure Rouge's score would be higher...