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Midna whipped out her cock and the Earth trembled.

The imp was short and stacked as ever, floating easily a foot above the ground. No wonder she was an icon of her body type, with about half her weight residing solely in her fat, round ass—that is, until her mammoth cock came out to play, midnight-black and covered with glowing runes like the rest of her. At four feet long, it outsized the rest of her, slapping lewdly onto the ground like so much meat and at no point did it stop growing bigger, pouring forward foot by foot while her obnoxiously churning imp-nuts bloated and grew.

She looked at her audience of two and smirked. “Pretty good, huh?”

Toriel nodded earnestly. “You’re doing very well, my child.” Beside her, Mara gave a thumbs up, the tiny fairy hovering as ever with her inordinately fat cock hanging inches over the ground. Toriel was not so crass, the bulge between her legs elegantly smoothed over and hidden by her dress; which, none the less struggled to contain the sheer womanliness of the goatmom, her curves no less than enormous, fit for getting lost in.

Midna grinned. “Damn straight.” She jerked her hips forward, lifting her heavy impcock off the ground for just long enough to let it explode forwards, surging from 10 to 100 feet in short order. Her balls followed suit, big as houses by the time they touched the ground once more and cratered into the soft grass. In a second, the imp had turned the front of her into little more than a wall of cockflesh—her cockflesh.

“Almost enough to get a little excited, even,” Midna said.

“It is very exciting,” Toriel agreed. “You’re so big.”

“And getting bigger.” Midna cooed, repeating her trick. A lift, a thrust, a bone-jolting surge as her cock grew through the sound barrier and hit 1,000 feet long in the blink of an eye. If anything, it was just getting fatter, huge and floppy as it fell and tormented the landscape under its lewd, merciless bulk. The imp floated a little higher, swaying her hips in delight. “Now we’re starting to get somewhere. I might even get hard…”

Toriel gasped. “You weren’t already? But you’re so… large, my child.”

Midna dangled her cock from side to side, sliding the titanic shaft across trees and hills without a care. “Of course not. You’d know if I showed you a full erection.” She clicked her tongue. “And stop calling me child.”

“I apologize.” Toriel gave a thoughtful look. “Dear?”

“Not dear either,” Midna said and pushed her cock up to a mile, then 10 miles, displaying her virility to all of the world around her. Drops of precum became a lake, sweltering hot with her impish pheromones and sexual scents, while her balls dug deeper into the earth beneath her, a pair of minor mountains in their own right. Midna looked at them with satisfaction and turned back to Toriel and Mara. “Well?”

Mara shrugged. “Eh.”

“It’s very impressive,” Toriel said.

Midna frowned at them. “Are you just going to compliment me, or what? Where’s the challenge?”

“Must there be one?” Toriel said. She glanced towards the fairy by her side.

“Well, yeah,” Mara said. “Duh.”

Toriel fidgeted with her dress (which seemed to increasingly struggle with the size of her hips) and looked away. “I thought it more appropriate to encourage you. I want you to feel comfortable, my chi—dear.”

“We’re not here to be comfortable! We’re here to battle,” Midna snapped and swung her cock at Toriel. “And I’m here to win!” Already, the 10 mile maker was far behind her, her monolithic black rod climbing at an unnaturally fast pace, flesh pouring from her loins fast enough to make the fabric of space-time shimmer around her. 500 miles of cock fell upon Toriel. But before they fell…

Toriel spread her legs. And an infinitely bigger mass erupted from her skirt, a mass that could only be a MILF-cock—but too large, too titanic to comprehend all at once, an unstoppable force that struck Midna in an instant and halted her advance. Her hundreds, even thousands of miles of imp-cock were rendered insignificant next to the millions of miles flowing from the goatmom’s absurdly ample loins, enough veiny flesh to make the planet itself a mere bauble bobbing uselessly beside the mass of Toriel’s cock.

“Oh my fucking god,” Midna cried, terror-stricken. The landscape was no longer green—or even Midna’s runic black—but the cream white of Toriel’s scrotum, her balls an unfathomable mountain stretching to all sides like a set of super-planets all of her own; and between them, from her crotch, rose the light pink monument that was her burgeoning erection.

“Ah. See, I meant to ease you into it…” Toriel said. “When you were ready. Not like this.”

“Where the fuck did all of that come from!?”

Toriel gave a strained smile. “When mommy loves you very much, she… No. No, there’s no time. I’m getting a bit too… excited.” She blushed, squirming in place. And the reason was obvious: Her breasts, her thighs, her ass were all growing, swelling out now that her modesty had been broken by her cock. Where there had been mere head-dwarfing tits now grew medicine ball-sized breasts, her hips growing wide enough to support an ass to take up three seats at once. And as she fidgeted in place, forced into nudity by her growing body, she only ever became softer and rounder.

Midna flushed fiercely. “What, you think you can beat me in curves, too? You’ve got another thing coming, old lady!” She shook her ass, her premium asset, and moaned as it fattened up; within seconds, her booty looked liable to swallow up the rest of her—that is, until the handfuls on her chest kicked into gear and inflated with all the desperation of her wounded pride, the black and white-colored curves swelling like inflatable life rafts.

“Oh, surely not!” Toriel said. “You’re so busty, I can hardly keep up!” But despite her words, despite holding back, her breasts just grew too fast. They swept up Midna into her cleavage, her soft, furry tits stroking the imp on all sides, even coaxing out another couple thousand miles of cockflesh between her legs. But it mattered little; there, behind Toriel’s titanic, swaying ass, her feminine package continued to grow. Millions of miles became billions, her heavy, life-giving balls preparing to impregnate the universe and start all over again.

“That’s not fair,” Midna moaned, cumming helplessly against a godly goatmom who barely even felt the planet-flooding eruption against the vein of her cock.

“I tried to shield you, my child. But I failed. Best of luck in your future matches.” Toriel sighed, closing her eyes. But having failed to protect Midna’s feelings, there was no longer any reason for her to hold back. The universe rumbled around her.

Maybe just one real orgasm wouldn’t go amiss…


Final sizes:


3.4 E06 m  ≈ 0.5 Earth

Wildcard: Curves


1.7 E12 m ≈ 16 Solar Systems

Wildcard: Curves


Joshua Chan

Oof. Rip Midners, for she was Mid