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Hi all! Here's part 1 of my new 3-part series.

Thanks for all the support and kind words to keep me going :> As a thanks, here's the full part 1 of Futapilled (with thanks to Bloodren for suggesting this excellent name). We're in ebook territory, so part 2 and 3 will not go here in full, but I figure that I've kept you waiting long enough!

If you can spare the time, please drop a review or a rating of the book on Amazon, Goodreads, or where ever you browse books! It will release by tomorrow on Amazon and Smashwords.

So without further ado, here's Futapilled 1:

His crush always had big-dick energy. Her body just caught up.

Body-morphing drugs are all the rage at Fertile Valley U. Ben is eager to experience their effects on his own body, but his plans go awry when the gorgeous tomboy in the residence takes his pills by accident—and loves the results. Cassie, as it turns out, is a huge size queen… and she’s eager to share the love.

Can Ben handle the growing desires of his futa crush? Will their unorthodox encounter bloom into something more than a one-night stand? And how long can he endure the relentless teasing from a lover intent on showing him just how much bigger a futa can be?

This 6.800 word story contains the following themes: Futanari on Male, Futa Transformation, Expanding Endowments, Size Comparison, Growing Curves, Excessive Orgasms.

Be your best and biggest self at Fertile Valley U.

Any ambiguity in the slogan was dispelled by the promotional materials that invariably accompanied the university’s advertising, featuring men and women far taller, fitter, and—the biggest selling point—more visibly endowed than any other student population on the planet, all displayed in a variety of revealing tights and tops in the shots of life on campus.

It was amazing what a partnership with the world’s leading manufacturer of body-modification drugs could do for your enrollment numbers. Everything was bigin Fertile Valley. If it wasn’t, the Lacto Corporation’s experimental treatments would make it so. Any fantasy at your fingertips, with the right pill.

And, occasionally, the wrong one.


“GianteX, height booster. TitanBulk, for extra muscle mass. Bust-Up, two cup sizes guaranteed.” Ben read the labels off the foil-wrapped tablets one by one and dropped them back into the Lacto-branded box, groping through it with increasing urgency as his options ran out. “Goddamnit. Did we get everything in the catalog but my shipment? Where’s the fucking CockGro?”

He upended the pill sheets on the kitchen table, scattering the highly potent drugs across the ret of the mail and the remains of breakfast left by the overachievers of the house, who had already left for their early classes.

It was not as if Ben needed the drug. He was a fine young man, healthy and, if not cut out for the football team, passably athletic. Even talking to girls was not much of a problem, which put him above average for a nerdy teen. But there was no possible world in which he would turn down the opportunity to grow his cock and experience just a fraction of the wild, hedonistic pleasures that fueled the university’s infamy. The stories were rife on campus, tales of men and women cumming until they went unconscious, fucking for hours hours, days, and transforming themselves into demi-gods. Nothing official, of course; while Lacto’s treatments were revolutionary, the approved changes were mainly cosmetic. The interesting stuff was kept behind closed doors, everyone agreed, and for the low, low price of regular tests and a biopsy or two, you too could join the clinical trials and have a taste of their medicine.

Ben lived with three other freshmen, all new to the town and eager to explore its options; though evidently with varying degrees of enthusiasm for the rigors of academic life. Ellen and Paul had left early, but the noise from upstairs told him that Cassie was still in the house. She might know if Paul had swiped his CockGro. Ben scraped the rest of the Lacto pills off the edge of the kitchen table back into the box (with an acceptable minimum of added crumbles), and went upstairs to quiz Cassie.

Cassie was a rebel, and an extremely cute one at that. She was sassy, well-shaped, and sharp as a whip. Today, her hair was blue. Ben found her in the bathroom, applying her eyeliner with the door left open behind her. She wore a black Tool shirt and a pair of yoga pants with a galaxy imprint that flaunted her ass.

Ben knocked on the side of the door. “Hey Cassie, have you seen my—”

“Dick pills?” she said, looking at him briefly through the mirror before resuming her makeup routine. “Yeah. Pretty sure I have.”

“Great! Thought they might not have come through. Know where they’re at?”

“Someone took ‘em.” Cassie said.

Ben shook his head. “Fucking knew it. I saw Paul debating real hard between the options on the Lacto page, bet he thought he could double dip by grabbing mine.”

“Wasn’t Paul.”

“No? Huh. So Ellen? But why would she…” Ben snapped his fingers. “Right, she’s got a new boyfriend. Maybe they—”

Cassie gave a slight toss of her head. “Wasn’t Ellen, either.”

“No? You saw it happen, right?” He said, squinting at her. “You sound verysure. And with the two of them out, that leaves only… you.”

“You got me.” Cassie said, deadpan, as she pretended to clap with one hand. “Great work, Sherlock.”

“But… Why would you take them? You’re not seeing anyone, are you?” Ben continued, leaning in. “C’mon, don’t play games with me. What good are they to you?”

Cassie raised an eyebrow at him. Then she turned around. “What do you think?”

The sight spoke for itself. There, nestled between her alluring thighs sat a prominent bulge, perfectly outlined in her leggings. A cock, fully formed, which definitely had not been present the day before. Cassie presented it without comment, a hand on her hip as she waited for Ben to process the information.

“You… You’ve grown a penis!”

“Did I say Sherlock? Scratch that, you’re clearly an Einstein. Yes, a penis. A dick, a cock, a fat, throbbing girl-boner.” Cassie winked at him. “Those drugs of yours? Pretty damn potent. You can thank me for taking the bullet for you and finding that, yes, they’re safe to use out of the box.”

“So generous. Surely you could just have gotten a batch for yourself, if this was your plan.”

Cassie rolled her eyes. “I planned to grow some fat fucking titties, but apparently I can’t read that small print on the labels for shit without my lenses so here we are.” She retrieved the plastic rectangle with the remaining pills. “Here. Don’t worry, there’s still some left for you.”

“Great,” Ben said. “Thanks.” He looked at it as if it had been tainted, like a sandwich with a toothy bite mark.

Cassie laughed. “I didn’t lick them, dude, they’re fine. And look at what it did to me! I got, what, five, six inches? Five shots of that will be plenty, unless you desperately want to become a tripod—in which case I apologize for destroying your dreams.”

“Burnt and broken.” Ben dared another downwards look. Cassie’ cock was thick and hard, flaunting her arousal without the slightest hint of shame or apology. “You don’t seem too unhappy with your mixup, huh?”

“Why would I be? I like new toys.” She cracked a grin. “Wanna give it a go?”

Ben felt his cheeks burn. “Maybe. Might as well check what I’m getting into. Quality Control, you know.”

“Oh, absolutely. Can’t be too thorough.” She took a step closer, her luscious lips hovering tantalizingly close to his. “I’d love to quality control the shit out of you.”

He flinched, dumbstruck by the power of Cassie’ brazen sexuality. “You’re the guinea pig, remember? I didn’t take my pill yet.”

“Oh yeah.” Cassie said, still grinning like some kind of primordial trickster. “But if we’re gonna be scientific about this, I gotta know how much you’re packing before you take it. The control group and all, yeah?” She grabbed his junk, fondling him openly through his jeans. “Goodness gracious, Ben. You really like girls with fat cocks, huh?”

“Only the cute ones,” Ben said, stiffening in her hand. He grabbed her ass in return; it was only fair, and he had wanted to do that since he first laid eyes on her. Given how often Cassie flaunted her figure at him in the house—and by how she smiled as she wiggled her butt against his palm—she had had similar ideas for a while.

“Don’t know what you’re doing with me then, but I’ll make it worth your while.” She placed a quick kiss on Ben’s cheek, her breath hot in his ear.  “Get your dick out for me.”

Ben grinned, drunk on anticipation. “Why don’t you unwrap it?” he said, while working his fingers under the edge of her yoga pants, relishing the sensation of her naked skin as he cupped her ass.

Cassie laughed. “Because I need to find a ruler for you!” She gave his tenting cock a firm squeeze, then slipped away towards her room to rummage around just beside the doorway—leaving a great view of her backside strutting back and forth as she bent over.

“What, you’re actually gonna measure me?” Ben said. “That’s what it’s about?”

“Well, duh! We’re gonna be thorough, right? And I want to see how you compare to a girlcock. Aha! Here we are.”

Ben shrugged. “Not the strangest thing this morning, I guess.” He stripped off his pants and turned to see Cassie stalking back towards him with a clear plastic ruler and a wicked smile on her face.

“12 inches ought to do it, right?” Cassie thwacked his bare hip with the ruler and ran it across Ben’s cock. “Mh, there we go.” She wrapped her hand around his length, coaxing his burgeoning erection to get as stiff as could be with eager strokes.

“Maybe for the first dose.” Ben took the opportunity to pull down Cassie’ leggings. Her cock sprang up, sticking out one leg of her panties. “Hate to tell you this,” Ben said, as he resumed playing with her ass, “but you’re kinda showing.”

“Really? Thanks for the heads-up, dude.” She paused jerking him off only to kick off her leggings and go completely bottomless. “Such a gentleman, letting me know my cock’s on display. I’ll be more mindful in the future.”

“I sure hope not,” he quipped. Just being so close to Cassie, rubbing, kneading, would have gotten him rock-hard. Now, he could barely contain himself. Her face glowed with naked arousal, her eyes intent and hungry, and he wanted nothing better than to cum with—and on—her. Naturally, his hands wandered, relishing everything from the perfect curves of her backside to the exciting new territory between her legs, risky and unexplored. Cassie was even harder than he was, her smaller, newly-formed cock bucking vigorously in his hand and smearing him with the plentiful font of precum pouring from her tip. Now glistening and wet, his fingers probed lower. He found her balls, full and hairless, and cupped them gently. Beyond, behind, the heat of her cunt beckoned, welcoming his fingertips into her sopping folds.

“Mh, Ben…” Cassie murmured. “Better be quick and measure before anything untoward happens, hm?” She pulled his cock flush with her own, giggling as she jerked them off together. “Oh look, I’m almost as big as you already.”

“Almost? I’ve got, like, a whole inch on you.” Ben grinned. “Though, not too bad for a girl.”

“Gee, thanks.” She put the ruler up against her pubic bone. “4.9 inches. Pretty okay for a single pill.” Cassie winked at him. “Wanna give me another and see how much bigger I’ll grow?”

“You can’t fit in your pants as is and you want more?” Ben laughed, slapping her ass.

“I got plenty of skirts. Not a problem until I start hanging past my knees.” Her tone was playful, but the look in her eyes made it easy to believe that she was serious. And why did that thought make Ben’s heart beat faster…?

“I don’t think the Lacto drugs stack up like that,” he said. “But I guess we’ll see once I take mine. Gonna take my measurement?”

“I’ll take you any time, big boy.” Cassie grinned, measuring him out. “6.2 inches! Damn. Why do you need this drug again?”

“Because it’s hot. You ought to know.“ He tapped her copiously leaking cock, which sent a spatter of pre dripping down her leg.

“No argument there.” Cassie pecked his cheek again and slipped onto her knees to pepper his manhood with kisses. “Such a gorgeous dick. And so well-behaved, too, waiting for us to finish. It deserves a treat.” With that, she took him in her mouth, her velvet lips enveloping his shaft with audible delight.

Ben was already near his limit. He wanted to put on a good show, avoid cumming laughably quickly in front of this gorgeous girl that he had lusted after every night since they met, but he had nothing left in the tank; the morning’s outrageous twist had left him turned on out of his mind, and now, with her warm, wet tongue lavishing him with attention, he could do little but tremble and moan. “F-fuck… Cassie, I…”

She looked up at him, her gaze as intent as ever. Cum, they said to him, cum for me.

His knees failed him and Ben staggered against the wall, half-sitting on the bathroom sink as Cassie devoured his cock. He could not help himself. “I’m about to…”

Cassie stuck a precum-slick finger up his ass at that, massaging his prostate to push him over the edge. She succeeded, earning a throaty moan and a messy splatter of cum, which she swallowed without hesitation, staying on her knees as he softened between her lips.

Ben breathed slowly. “Phew. That.. that was pretty good.”

He found Cassie grinning up at him. “Good,” she said. “You earned it. Now, I’ve heard a thing or two about turnabout…?” She got to her feet, giving a meaningful wiggle of her hips to shake her stiff, girly shaft.

“You want me to suck you off?” Ben asked, sounding more apprehensive than he realized.

Cassie giggled. “If you’re offering,” she said, back to her familiar bantering. “But I bet you have more experience with your hands. As long as you get me off, we’re golden.” She winked. “Don’t worry, I’ll teach you how to suck cock in no time.”

“You’re so helpful sometimes, you know that?” Ben managed a little smile and pulled her in for a kiss, noting with satisfaction how much harder it made her cock pulse against him.

“Any time, dude. Now show me your skills and make me spray all over the walls.”

Ben laughed. “You might have to temper your expectations of what your dick can do, but hey, I’ll do my best.” He stepped around her, one hand on her cock and the other on her breast, grinning at their reflection in the mirror as he made her squirm.

Cassie, for her part, reciprocated by rubbing her well-shaped ass back against Ben’s lap. “Oh, fuck yes,” she moaned. “It’s like a second clit! I can… Mh, faster, please!”

“I can do faster,” Ben said, savoring being on top of their dynamic for once. It is hard to be a cock-tease when you are so turned on you can barely see straight, after all, and the sight and sounds of Cassie’ pleasure made him want to satisfy her all the more. He kissed her cheek, teasing at her neck, as his other hand slipped down to part her thighs and find her dripping wet pussy. Her clit had never been more ready.

Cassie’ eyes rolled back in her head. “Oh my god,” she gasped, trembling in his arms. “Are you serious? No, don’t stop, don’t stop!

“If you’re sure.” He almost laughed as Cassie thrust pleadingly into his grip, her girlcock so tense and swollen he could all but feel her orgasm rolling down the tip. And then it came, exploding across the bathroom sink. He held her, moaning helplessly as rope after rope of spunk splattered across the mirror, her balls tight and vibrating over his other hand as her cunt squirted almost as violently as her cock.

“Fuck!” she cried, shuddering in his arms, “Fuck yes. Yes. Yes… Mh…” She kept spraying cum into the air for a full minute, leaving the mirror glazed in her thick, rapidly cooling cum.

Even Ben was impressed. “That had to have felt good. Damn.”

“Moaning my heart out wasn’t an indication?” Cassie asked, her voice too thick with the bliss of her afterglow to sound sassy. “Fuck, Ben. We’re gonna do this again.”


Two hours later, Ben sat in a lecture theater observing a string of words going in one of his ears and out the other without any appreciable stops in between. The day was too exciting to care about cellular biochemistry now that the dose of CockGro was in his blood. His loins tingled constantly with a low, pleasurable buzz, and he had already excused himself to go to the bathroom three times to cum—every time confirming that, yes, his cock wasgrowing; two inches and counting, and he could hardly wait to get home again and find out just how huge he would be in Cassie’ hands.

She occupied the majority of his thoughts. Her, and the things he wanted to do to her. It was hard to believe how lucky he had been with her that morning—and it made her relentless teasing more understandable and more tolerable by far, now that it had exploded into what was, he hoped, an exciting, erotic relationship. She had left him with the pleasant image of squeezing herself into the smallest, tightest top she could find before taking a double dose of Bust-Up. That ought to get her attention from the professor—and Ben could hardly wait to see the aftermath up close.

As the lecture ended, Ben lingered as a small number of students crowded the front of the hall to schmooze with the professor. Ben was not among them, but the girl he needed to talk to was: Fiona, a brunette with big, round glasses and a pretty face that was, however, marred by a severe expression; resting bitch face if he had ever seen it. Behind it was less of a bitch and more of a socially awkward go-getter, one among hundreds in the science department. Today, she was the person Ben needed to talk to, because in addition to being a science nerd, Fiona had also scored herself an internship with the Lacto Corporation.

He caught up with her in the hallway, hurrying to match her steps. “Hey. Got a minute?”

Fiona eyed him without slowing. “Shoot.”

“Do you know much about the Lacto drugs that get sent around on campus?”

“Given that I’m assisting the trial coordinator—a fair bit, yes.”

“Great! Just wanted to ask—is Lacto drugs making women grow dicks a common thing? I haven’t heard much about it. Guess I’m not the target audience, anyway, but still, I would’ve thought word would get around.”

Fiona raised an eyebrow at him. “That’s very particular. No, there’s no current product or trial for futanari transformations. Why?”

“Really? None?” Ben said. “That’s odd. Doesn’t CockGro do the trick?”

“That’s a male exclusive supplement. You’re on it, right? Didn’t you read the instructions?”

“Come on, who reads those? I mean—hey, isn’t participation supposed to be confidential?”

Fiona shrugged. “Sometimes you just know. Is it working for you?”

“Sure, yeah.” Ben said, smiling broadly despite his flushed cheeks. “But, well, hypothetically, if a woman took it and grew a cock, how big do you think it might get? Would it have any adverse effects?”

Fiona steered them into a corner in the hallway, away from prying eyes. “What did you do, Ben? What happened?”

“I didn’t do anything!” he insisted, waving his hands. “I’m just asking. Hypothetically.”

He felt Fiona’s stare on him as a physical thing, a pinprick of searing heat on his forehead as if she was trying to laser her way into his skull. She waited.

“C’mon, seriously!” Ben said. “She’s the one that snatched the pills from me, I didn’t force her!”

“Who, Ben?”

“My housemate. Cassie. She’s…” He frowned. “She’s not in trouble, is she? Am I?”

“Keep your voice down,” Fiona said, looking around for eavesdroppers. “Ben, Lacto’s been trying to engineer a futa vector for years. All negative, so far. Are you saying that your dose turned your friend into a futa? Are you sure?

Ben recalled the morning’s events vividly, the sensation of Cassie’s thick cock throbbing in his hand. “Yeah. Pretty damn sure.”

A triumphant smile broke out on Fiona’s face. “Good. Don’t tell anyone. Your friend’s girlcock is worth its weight in gold if we play this right. Lacto will pay us handsomely for that advance, so let’s make absolutely sure we find out what happened.” She paused. “Did you notice anything odd about your friend—Cassie, was it?—when you saw her?”

“Aside from bulging through her underwear? No.”

“How big was she?”

“Uh, five inches?”

“From a single dose? Impressive. Did she take only one, or did she mix it with something else?”

Ben shook his head. “Listen, I don’t know, I only got there after she’d grown it. She showed me what happened, we had a bit of fun, and she came like she was enacting a one-woman bukkake. That’s it. I guess that last part is noteworthy, but I’m not an expert.”

“I see. There might be something special about your friend, or more likely, the dose you gave her.”

“I didn’t give—”

“Whatever. Just make sure to keep it safe. Bring the remaining pills and Cassie to the lab tomorrow night and we’ll work this out. Don’t take any more doses, we need them for analysis. And for god’s sake, don’t let her take any more, either. It’s not tested. Who knows what it might do to her?”


The rest of Ben’s house-sharing collective had returned by the time he came back. Ellen busied herself in the kitchen, filling the house with the mouthwatering aroma of onions and garlic frying in butter, while Paul occupied the sofa by the entrance, where he shifted from side to side in sync with his fighting game. Upstairs, Cassie awaited. Ben had no intention of making her wait long, but he was not quiet enough to slip by his other housemates unnoticed.

“Hey man,” Paul called out without turning, “what’s up?”

“Not much, what’s up with you?” Ben slowed only as much as basic etiquette demanded of him on his way towards the stairs. He got halfway there before Paul replied.

“Did you see what happened to Cassie? Damn, dude.”

Ben’s heart skipped a beat. He froze in his tracks and turned towards Paul. “What happened?”

“You know, with the Lacto drugs? She hit the jackpot.” He gave Ben a quizzical look, only half-turning from the screen. “Didn’t you get your dose?”

“I thought she would keep it a secret…”

Paul laughed. “A rack like that? No way, my man.”

Ben’s shoulders sagged and he breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh. Right. You’re talking about her breasts.”

“Half of Fertile Valley is. She burst out of her top in the middle of Intro to Calculus and flashed the professor. A dozen TAs couldn’t restore order.”

“That sounds like Cassie alright.” Ben said, imagining the chaos. “Lacto can’t be too unhappy with the attention though.”

“I hope so! I’d love to see that particular drug make its way around campus.” Paul smiled wistfully. “Not that it’d make my grades any better.”

“Can’t hurt them if you aren’t paying attention in the first place,” Ben said and slapped Paul’s shoulder. “Keep hoping. Anything’s possible!” Then he slipped away and climbed the stairs.

Every step closer to Cassie’s bedroom filled him with euphoria. The world seemed brighter, his head abuzz with anticipation, a feeling of being weightless, floating along the hallway like an astronaut returning from a successful spacewalk. Of course, his body was buzzing; the Lacto drugs were still in his system, kicking up his libido into a hitherto undiscovered gear and, if anything, hampered his otherwise triumphant return with the awkward gait of a man with a massive erection stuck down the leg of his pants.

Were they dating now? Nah, probably not. Cassie was too cool for that. Just a fling, a transformation-fueled one-night stand. That was enjoyable in itself. But maybe, just maybe, he had a shot at something more… and that thought thrilled him more than any drug could.

He came to her door, a humble portal to paradise. “Can I come in?”

“Door’s open.”

Ben lingered for a second. Then he stepped inside.

He found Cassie on full display. She was topless, wearing only a knee-length black skirt and stockings, turned half away from him as she went through her wardrobe. The floor was littered with clothes, more being added to the pile by the moment as she inspected and flung tops away, but for all his curiosity to inspect her room, he could not tear his eyes away from her half-naked form. An irreverent smile perched on her lips as always, its sensuous shape drawing him in; but her tits demanded his attention. They were huge, nearly the size of her own head, and yet hung proud and perky in front of her, teardrops shaped by the gods themselves and capped by the biggest, most inviting nipples that Ben had ever seen. The effect was made all the more stunning against her slender physique, the lush curves nothing less than dominating her torso.

She winked at him. “Turns out that there’s a reason Lacto doesn’t want you to take more than one pill at once.”

“Yeah. That’s… more than a few cup sizes. They didn’t just stack, did they?”

“Oh, they stacked alright.” Cassie strode up to him, pressing her rack against his chest. “Here, have a feel.”

Ben fought the blush on his face, but there was too much naked lady in his hands to pay it much attention. Soft and warm and oh so squeezable. He could touch her for hours and still yearn for more.

Cassie’s grin widened, reading his expression. “Worth it, right?”

Ben laughed. “For me or for you?”

“I like to think of it as mutually beneficial.” Her eyes gleamed, darting downwards. “Speaking of, how’s your junk working out?” Her hands soon followed, adventurous fingers sliding across his inner thighs.

“Aside from the fact that I’ve been hard for the last three hours? Pretty well, I think.” Ben’s breathing grew shallow, nudging himself into her grasp. He put his arms around her, exploring her naked back. His hands followed the curvature downwards, succumbing to the allure of her heart-shaped ass.

“Still got time before it counts as a medical emergency, then. Good on you.” Cassie leaned in, her sultry lips caressing his neck. “And here I thought that might just have been for me.”

He hesitated for an endless moment, staring into her eyes. Then he kissed her, long and hard.

Cassie responded in kind, closing her eyes as their lips met and, for one blissfully moment, the physical boundary between them dissolved. Her huge, naked nipples dragged across his shirt as if they meant to cut it open and her hands grew all the more desperate to get him naked.

The world as Ben knew it had changed when he pulled back from the kiss. He was definitely floating, now, held on solid ground only by Cassie’s embrace, and he no longer cared how foolishly lovestruck he looked in this pink, fluffy cloud that was her bedroom.

Cassie pecked his cheek and unzipped him. “Ooh. Maybe it was for me, after all,” she said, wrapping her hand around his cock. “Let’s get you out of these before you tear something.”

“I’m all yours, ” Ben said, slipping a hand under the back of her skirt.

She grinned. “I’ll hold you to that.” Then she ducked out of his reach, kneeling for the big unwrapping. His cock jumped out, huge and throbbing; half again as long as it had been that morning and correspondingly thicker, a beautiful beast of a cock. “Gasp!” she said, “just what I wished for! How did you know?”

“Intuition. That, and we have the same dealer.”

“True.” She wrapped her lips around the tip, lavishing it with kisses. It had the intended effect of making Ben as hard as could be, pulsing madly between his legs.

Ben groaned. “God, this feeling… Was it the same for you? Tingling, buzzing, it’s been driving me crazy. No wonder these things make people cum their brains out.”

“Mhm. Pretty enjoyable, all things told. But you have to hold on for just another minute so I can measure you up, dude.”

“Seriously? We’re still doing that?”

“‘Course! Can’t start slacking now.” Cassie laughed, returning with her ruler to spank Ben’s bare bottom. “This is serious science, remember?”

He tensed up, his cock swinging from side to side at the thwack. “Right. Science. That reminds me, we should go to the Lacto lab to see someone about—oh god.”

Cassie was sucking him off again, forcing his entire attention span into a single point underneath her tongue. “Yeah?” she said, pulling back. “Is it urgent?”

“Not that urgent.”

“That’s what I thought. Now, let’s see… Mmh. Interesting, interesting.”

Ben twitched in her hand. His day had been a blur of rising sexual tension, a locomotive driven by hormones and fantasies, and the impromptu edging session threatened to derail him at any moment. “What?” he blurted, “what’s so interesting? You got the number, so spill!“

“Well,” she said, smiling up at him. “I’ve got some good news and some bad news for you. Good news: your cock is a delicious 8.5 inches. Top marks, ten out of ten. Bad news… it seems a bit small in comparison.”

“In comparison to what?” Ben said, raising an eyebrow. “Your favorite dildo? Come on already!”

Cassie’s smile widened. “Oh, Ben. Sweet, innocent Ben.” She rose slowly, keeping him on the edge with slow, firm strokes. “You’re not the only one who’s been growing today. Turns out when you mix and match Lacto’s selection… Well, they react in interesting ways.”

Ben held his breath. “Your cock grew again? From your Bust-Up pills?” He was acutely aware of how the thought made him throb—and how she undoubtedly felt it, too, adjusting her hand around him. And given her obvious theater about the measurements… “How much?”

Cassie leaned in close, her breath hot on his ear. “Why do you think I’m wearing a skirt?”

“Because… it’s comfy?”

“Because I’m too damn hung, Ben. Too endowed to wear pants without the sheer fucking girth of my girlcock rending them asunder. Too blessed by Priapus to wander around campus without putting on a penile presentation of pornographic proportions. Especially if I saw your cute butt around.” Cassie winked. “What I’m saying is, my cock is pretty big.”

“Alright,” Ben said, “now I know you’re just mocking me. How bad could it be?”

She handed him the ruler with a sly smile. “Why don’t you find out?”

Ben hesitated. At that moment, he could think of nothing more compelling than flipping her skirt aside to see if reality matched the image Cassie had built in his head—and yet the thought was daunting like nothing else, a sense of dread mixing with his kinky expectations, a mishmash of conflicting feelings of what he thought that he wanted and what he would not admit to himself that he wanted. He desired Cassie, obviously; and despite himself, his lust for her had only grown over the morning’s mishap. And now, faced with the notion that her merely ‘cute’ girlcock might have grown to challenge his own manhood, Ben found himself more aroused than ever. If he went ahead, he might learn a thing or two about his own innermost cravings.

“Easy now,” Cassie laughed, removing her hand from his cock, which twitched in desperation. “Don’t cum already. Here, I’ll make it easy for you.” She sat down on her bed, legs spread to hint at the bulge under her pleated fabric of her skirt. “Come on, big guy. Not afraid of a little competition, are you?”

“Right,” Ben mumbled as he returned to reality. He had decided. “Let’s see what the damage is, since you’re so eager. Never knew you to be such a numberphile, Cass.”

“I flashed my boobs in math class. How much clearer could I be?”

“Fair point,” he conceded and joined her on the bed, stealing a kiss before putting his hand on her knee and, watching with bated breath, drew up her skirt.

Cassie had always had big-dick energy. It was only fitting that her body should catch up. An enormously fat cock sat between her thighs, quick to rise to full attention now that he had freed it. The monster dwarfed her own forearm, thick as a beer can, and as it pointed upwards, she needed only the slightest bend of her neck to kiss it. Her feminine scrotum was equally imposing, a pair of grapefruit-sized balls nestled between her thighs that utterly obscured her cunt and spread the rich perfume of her pheromone-laden musk into the air.

For all his expectations, Ben still found himself gawking, frozen by her side with his heart going crazy in his chest and his cock throbbing and jerking as if to force him bodily into a hands-free orgasm.

She grinned at him. “That good, huh?”

“God damn. Yeah. Yeah, I see why you chose the skirt.”

She snuggled against his side, her breasts enveloping his arm. “Eh, I could’ve gone naked if I wanted. But then I wouldn’t get to see the look on your face.” She giggled in his ear. “Adorable. And you’ve grown so hard watching me…”

Ben blushed fiercely. “You’d prefer I hadn’t?”

“‘Course not. This makes it much easier for my girlcock to bully yours.” Cassie flopped her elephantine erection onto Ben’s lap, smearing him with a monumental splattering of precum. “Speaking of,” she said, gleefully taking his hand and guiding the ruler to her crotch, “you still didn’t measure me. Be a good boy and I’ll give you a nice, messy orgasm.”

Ben opened his mouth to protest, but then thought better of it. “Fine,” he said and put the plastic rectangle at the base of her cock, his eyes moving up to read it out—and quickly realized that the 12-inch marker capped before it even touched her ring of foreskin. His face grew redder. “This won’t work. You’re too big for it.”

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Cassie said, smug as all hell.

“You’re too big for it.”

“Ah. I thought so.” She put her hand behind Ben’s, leading him to stroke her thick, throbbing shaft. “Can hardly fault me, can you? Such a cute, sexy boy riling me up, it’s a wonder that I could keep the tent in my skirt hidden this long. If I didn’t know better, I’d say that I was still growing…”

Ben stiffened. “You’re joking, right? You’re huge.

“Probably. But nothing we can’t fix with another dose of CockGro.” Cassie licked her lips, pulsing in his hand.

“Oh god, I can’t even imagine…” Ben said, shivering. “You’d be… I mean, you couldn’t walk outside!”

“I dunno,” Cassie said with another wink, “I think I’d walk pretty well with a third leg.

“Fuck. Maybe. We could… but, no, Fiona said to save the pills. They’re special. We gotta bring them to the lab for study…” He trailed off, still stroking her cock even without being made to by Cassie, who laughed and shook her head.

“Fine. But then I won’t go as easy on you.” She swung around suddenly, pushing Ben onto the bed as she straddled his lap. “Biggest dick tops, right? That’s the rule?”

“That certainly sounds like something you’d read on the internet,” Ben said, letting himself be conquered. That damn smile of hers hypnotized him, and her swaying breasts, and her huge, hard shaft pressing onto his chest, burying him utterly beneath its girth… Fuck, he thought, I’m not gonna let her get me off like this!

He came immediately, gasping for breath. The compounded pressure of a whole day of sexual tingling came blasting through him all at once, making him writhe on the sheets as his cock pulsed and left his belly dripping with cum.

“So. Cute.” Cassie licked her lips and leaned down to pepper his face with kisses. “Just can’t resist me, can you?” She ground her hips against him, her erection spreading his mess around as her own far more voluminous precum slathered across his upper chest, leaving her own enormous breasts slick and shiny as they slid back and forth.

“There’s so much of you,” Ben said, his voice sluggish. “How could I?” He was not so sluggish, however, that his hands couldn’t find Cassie’s ass, giving the horny futa a squeeze.

“I know, ain’t it wonderful? And we’re just getting started.” She moaned, pushing her butt into his grip. “So you’ll have to keep up. Starting here,” she said, pushing her cock up to his face. “She’s more than ready for you.”

He had a brief flash of the ‘deer in the headlights’ look, seeing so muchgirlcock thrust at him, a fat, glistening glans bigger than his own fist insisting that he suck it. But then arousal overtook his sense of shock (or, indeed, personal safety), aided by the overwhelmingly erotic view of Cassie above him, her eyes intent, almost pleading with him, her sensuous lips parted with anticipation. So he leaned in and kissed her cock, shifting in the bed to get a better angle to worship between Cassie’s legs.

“That’s more like it,” she cooed, nearly making the boy gag on her plentifully pouring precum. She let him steer her for the first time, betraying her own maddening arousal as her gigantic shaft throbbed against him.

Ben made a reply, but it drowned in the sounds of the exaggerated sounds of sucking dick, the magnitude of his futa friend’s preposterous penis. Try as he might, he could not fit her python in his mouth without risking a dislocation, so instead he lavished her bulky tip with all the attention of his tongue and lips, running up and down its bulbous, pulsing shape—and judging from Cassie’s increasingly high-pitched moans, his efforts bore fruit.

“Fuck yes,” she said, gripping the back of his head. “Keep going! Don’t stop, don’t you dare stop.”

The thought crossed the more safety-conscious part of Ben’s mind as Cassie’s cock bucked between his hands, especially in the light of how ridiculous her orgasm had been that morning. But the memory only encouraged his libido to keep on going, even starting to get hard again already under the gorgeous, gasping dickgirl. So he plunged on ahead, jerking her off like mad as his mouth worked on her, feeling her stiffen and her quips grow silent as her limit approached. He could have waited, then, decided to edge her to get back at how long she had kept him going crazy on the cusp of orgasm—but he wanted to see her cum far too much for that sort of restraint.

“Yes, yes—” Cassie cried, her voice cracking. She arched back, taut as a bowstring—and then, finally, she came, releasing it all at once. “Fuuuck!”

Ben was not prepared. Her cock pulsed like nothing he had ever experienced, charged with a sexual power out of this world. Cassie came like a firehose in quick, successive bursts, blasting his face—the primary target—with cum. He tumbled backwards, sputtering as his determination to take it on the chin evaporated—but that meant nothing to Cassie’s orgasm, which kept going and going, blasting her fountain of molten she-stud jizz onto the bed, the wall, and anything in between.

“Holy shit!” Ben stammered, trying his best not to drown. “Cassie, this is crazy!”

“This is—the best!” she replied, thrusting helplessly against him, her eyes rolling back in her head. “Don’t—don’t stop!”

Trapped underneath her, Ben hefted her cock, ostensibly to aim it away, but at her urging gave it a stroke or two. The effects were immediate, as the octave of Cassie’s continuous wail of pleasure shifted upwards, leading him to stroke her in earnest. “This is insane!” he said,” twisting to see the devastation wrought behind him, “how are you still cumming?”

“Don’t know,” Cassie gasped. “Don’t care.” Her balls thrummed between her legs, quivering so hard that even Ben felt it. And she came, came, came, her world dissolving into pure bliss for several long minutes as she sprayed her bedroom with what felt like several gallons worth of girlcum.

Then, finally, it ended.

She collapsed into Ben’s arms, breathing hard as she returned to reality. “Holy shit. That was… intense, dude.”

Ben embraced her, shock still fresh on his face—along with the fresh paint of Cassie’s cum. “You’re telling me. Christ, I can’t believe that you’re still conscious after that. We need to get you some water!”
“10/10, would cum my brains out again.” She gave him a weak smile and kissed his cheek. “How was it for you? You feel… kinda hard down here.”

“It wasn’t quite what I expected, but… Pretty hot, yeah.” He returned her kiss, chuckling. “Maybe warn me next time?”

“Where’s the fun in that? But, speaking of next time, I could go for another round.” Cassie grinned. “Shower?”

“Are you serious? Your room looks like it was hit by a natural disaster and you want to go again?” He bit his tongue. “And you can go again?”

“Easily,” Cassie purred. “C’mon. Clean-up is a problem for the future. And besides, I won’t spray everywhere if I just cum in your ass next time, will I?”

Ben’s eyes widened. “That won’t fit. That can’tfit.”
“Not with that attitude.” Cassie laughed. “Come on. Let’s expand your mind—among other things.”



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