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“Thief!” A ghostly voice rang out across the square. “Relinquish that which does not belong to you or face the consequences.”

She peered into the mist, her cat's eyes squinting hard. “Gonna have to be more specific than that, oh disembodied voice, I’ve stolen a lot of things. What’s got you so gloomy?”

A figure took shape in the fog and stepped forward to block Penny’s path. It was a woman, tall and foreboding, wrapped in a dark cloak and a tattered shroud that clung to her scandalous curves. A veil covered her eyes, leaving only her dark, plump lips visible to twist in distaste. “Many have tried to steal from the Daughters of the Dream-Eater. All have failed.” She extended a clawed hand. “You are not special.”

“That’s not what my mum used to say.” Penny sized up the interloper. “So what do I call you, ghost lady? You have a name?”

“I am Cyane of Adalla. This is your only warning. Return the diadem to its resting place, or join my choir.” A faint, blue glow emanated from her figure, casting strange shadows behind Penny, though she did not cast one herself. Around them, the fog became complete, drowning out the rest of the world in impenetrable, silent gray.

“Hmm. Quite the offer. Give you my stuff and receive nothing in return. Very compelling. But, consider this.” Penny said and threw a dagger at Cyane with a flick of her wrist.

It passed through the ghost without slowing, a muffled crash echoing through the mist a moment later.

“Alright. So you are a ghost. Check.”

Cyane sighed heavily. “The living never learn.”

“Wouldn’t say that. I’m just warming up.” Penny grabbed a wand from her belt and sent a burst of scorching flame through the square.

Cyane shook her head. “No.”

“The power of puns do not compel you, clearly. Fine. You win.”

Cyane spread her cloak, and from its darkness came more shapes, wisps of dark blue smoke that spread around Penny and formed into smaller likenesses of herself, women bound from head to toe in ethereal burial shrouds that left no doubt about their abundantly feminine figures, but also obscured their faces entirely. Cyane’s choir, hazy and indistinguishable in the mist. “Too late.” she said, her voice reverberating from the crowd. “You’re mine, little thief.”

“Really?” Penny carefully stepped away from the shades, though quickly found herself surrounded. “You’d rather have me than your precious little artifact? Aw, I’m touched!” She twirled the diadem around in her hand, the ruby taking on a strange hue in the eerie fog.

That got Cyane’s attention. “Careful!” she hissed. “The diadem is more valuable than your life.”

“Agree to disagree. But if you’re that sensitive about it, you better make sure nothing bad happens to me.” Penny put the diadem square on her own head and dashed forward, passing right through Cyane’s ghostly body in the process. It felt like diving into ice water, a chill that froze her very being. The shroud wrapped around her soul, never letting go.

Then Penny came through on the other side, stumbling onto her knee before she regained her footing and put some distance between her and the ghostly choir. “Phew!” she gasped, breathing quickly. “Wasn’t sure that would work. Nice.” The ruby mounted on the diadem glowed weakly in the mist.

Cyane whirled around. “How dare you?!” she said, aghast.

Penny stretched leisurely. “Already established that you’re not really the ‘touchy’ type, physically, at least, so I figured you might be so kind as to let me through. Less pleasant than I expected, though. Not sure how you expect anyone to show you a good time when you’re cold as the grave.”

“You will not leave this place alive.”

“I will. You can’t touch me. I bet you can’t even touch this vaunted relic of yours. Might as well leave it with me.”

“That matters not once I’ve broken your mind. You will do my bidding, then, before you perish and add your voice to my choir.” Cyane advanced, her hips swaying from side to side despite her feet never touching the ground. “Tell me, thief. What do you desire?”

“A long shower, a warm meal. No mind breaking involved.” Penny smirked. “And once that’s done, I’ll find some entertainment.”

Cyane slipped out of her shroud, the fabric dissolving into the mist, leaving her pale and naked in the dim, blue light. She could not have been more sultry if she had stepped out of Penny’s imagination, an impossibly perfect spirit of desire. “Your choice of entertainment is obvious.” she said, parting her full, black lips. “You want to fuck, to drown in the excesses of the flesh.”

Penny raised her eyebrows. “Uh. Yes? What’s this now, a strip-tease? Best showing I’ve seen from your kind so far, I’ll admit. Just keep your skin on.” But as watched, the ruby on her forehead hummed and sent an electrical shock through her body. “Ow!” she called, her tail going stiff as she jerked upright. “What sort of dirty trick is that?”

“A strange complaint from a thief.”

Penny squared herself up and gingerly touched the diadem. The shock left a strange prickling along her skin, her hairs standing out straight, but aside from that, and a heated sensation across her face, she was none the worse for wear. “Touché. But if you think that’ll stop me from running away with your stuff, you have another thing coming.”

“It won’t.” Cyane said and raised her hand to point at Penny’s front. “But that will.”

She looked at the shade in confusion. “Huh? What’re you—” Then she looked down, just as a queer sensation bubbled up through her loins, and saw the front of her tight leggings tent with a distinctively male bulge. “A cock. It’s making me grow a cock.” Penny watched it rise, bigger and fatter, until it just about burst from her pants. She was more hung than any man in the Adventurer’s Guild, and she was just getting started. “And you expect me to be… unhappyabout this?”

“The power of our relic has destroyed greater women than you. Consider this your final warning; abandon the diadem and leave this place. Before your greed inflicts a worse fate upon you.”

Penny laughed. “Screw that! I’ve got a new toy to play with. And I got plentymore fantasies to realize.” She ran her hand across her burgeoning dick, her cheeks flushing as she buzzed with exciting new sensations. “I want more.

The ruby glowed briefly. Then a surge of pleasure erupted between Penny’s legs, coursing through her body like a sudden orgasm, while her newly grown cock swelled eagerly with every throb, stretching her underwear apart and testing the seams of her shorts.

Penny reeled, her eyes rolling back in her head. “Oh, fuck! Yes, that’s it, give me more!” Then the discomfort of her huge, sensitive package running out of space set in. “Too much, too much!” She scrambled to release her belt, but could not save the buttons, which popped off one by one until, finally, her enormous cock flopped out into the open, dropping against her knee with a satisfying thump. Penny flung off her ruined leggings and drooled over herself as her equally heavy balls dangled free, big enough to fill her whole hand and then some.

“You’re not very concerned about turning into a freak, are you?”

The catgirl did not wait a second to jerk off her rising erection. “Freaks have all the fun! Gods, I’m so big...”


How far does Penny's desires truly take her? Read the rest to find out! 


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