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Cynder strode up to her opponent with a strut in her step, the black dragoness sizing up the small hill of train-sized cocks with a smirk. “So,” she said, looking up at the woman at the top, “that’s all I have to beat? And here I thought I’d have to break a sweat in this contest.”

“Oh no,” Mara laughed. “I’m just the referee.”

“Then why’re you showing off like that?”

“Hey, I got a busy schedule. Gotta enjoy my spoils some time.” The fairy sat back, her tiny self visibly curvier for any repeat viewers, though her divine T&A were just a blip next to the six monsters between her legs, and they were already growing in stops and starts. “I can’t wait to add even more…”

Cynder huffed, a burst of flame leaping from her nostrils. “So who do I fight, then? I didn’t come here to watch you masturbate.”

An inaudible whisper drifted through the air.

“Huh?” Cynder looked around, but the forest stayed tranquil. That is, the part not flattened by the collection of obnoxiously fat fairy cocks.

Mara grinned. “Sorry Fluttershy, can’t hide forever. Say hi to Cynder.” The fairy swung her hips, lifting her colossal cocks as if they were weightless (decidedly not the case when they slammed down and shook the leaves from the surrounding trees!) and revealed the yellow pony abruptly deprived of her cover.

“Uh. Hello.” Fluttershy said, giving Cynder a quick look before her gaze darted away once more. “Nice to meet you.” She wore a light dress that struggled to contain her pair of monumental tits.

Cynder raised an eyebrow and swaggered towards the pony. “Really? That’s my challenge? Please.” As she approached, her crimson cock sprang out into the open, bouncing between her legs with a meaty slap from side to side—and it grew bigger as it did so, adding inches upon inches until only its erection saved her third leg from dragging across the grass. Cynder kept her cannon pointed at Fluttershy, its bulbous tip poking the pink-haired pony on the belly and leaving a messy smear of precum on her dress. “You sure you’re up for crossing swords with me, girl? You look like a wimp.”

“Um…” Fluttershy cringed away from the invasion of her personal space, but in taking a step back, Cynder’s cock simply grew to fill the gap and plastered her front with an even bigger stain. “Augh! Sorry, I… I’m just getting ready to, uh…”

“To get smothered my dick? Yeah, I can tell.” Cynder thrust her hips forward, her cock swelling from 4 to 6 feet and it was only getting leakier. “Come on! Are you here to battle or not? Even the fairy got her cocks out, and she’s not even taking it seriously.”

The pony retreated another couple of steps. “Sorry, I’m just not used to… uh, this.” Fluttershy said, blushing fiercely as Cynder’s increasingly enormous cock pursued her. It was more akin to an artillery barrel between the dragoness’ legs, a monstrously thick, throbbing cock of 10 feet, with her heavy balls bunched up behind her.

She grinned. “I’ll believe that. Not every day you get to ogle the most hung dragoness in the world. At least you got to experience it before being knocked out of the tourney, eh?” Cynder tapped her cheek. “Say, you can just give up now. I’ll take it easy on you. But I’ll be damned if I don’t get to at least outsize the cocky Tinkerbell knock-off over there.”

“Hey,” Mara piped up. “I resent that!”

“Sure you do. Now shut up and referee.”

“I’ll referee as soon as you stop posturing and we can actually get started!”

Fluttershy looked between the two. “Um. I’m ready. I think.” She clasped her hands across the faint bulge between her legs, shifting from side to side.

Cynder laughed. “Finally. Okay, hotshot, show me what you go—”


The explosion of cockflesh came so quickly that Cynder did not even have time to duck. A solid slab of ponycock surged out from Fluttershy’s skirt, a penis of such mass that it skipped straight past single, double, or even triple digits of length before smashing straight into the thousands of feet, nothing less than a veiny wall looming above her cocksure competitor. Her balls slipped free with similar fanfare, their loud, potent churning drowning out the chaos of snapping timber as half the forest disappeared under their bulk in the blink of an eye. Her scrotum blocked the view behind her completely, her cutie mark stretched across a vast swathe of taut skin like a gigantic billboard above the treeline.

Cynder laid on her back, staring straight up at the sky as the world stopped spinning. “What the fuck was that?”

“Oh! Oh no, sorry, didn’t mean to hit you. Really!” Fluttershy hurried to the dragoness’ side, dragging her megaton endowments as a matter of course. Her breasts, meanwhile, bulged even more than before, all but threatening to smother Cynder as she bent over. “Are you hurt?”

“Wha? Of course not!” She gawked for just one moment before her expression of superiority slipped back into place, albeit laced with wounded contempt. There was a lot of Fluttershy to gawk at, after all. “What kind of lame trick was that? Playing weak just to whip it out in one go.”

“But, uh… That’s the game, right? We have to grow.” At the mere utterance of the word, Fluttershy’s dress split open, her milky breasts swelling out to conceal her from chest to hip. And below that, her cock rumbled and shot forward, adding thousands of feet all at once to its incredible length. Her balls bloated, sloshing so loud that Cynder could barely hear herself think.

“S-stop that!” Cynder said, clambering to her feet in a defensive posture. “What the hell!?”

Fluttershy blushed. She looked up at her now mile-long cock and back to Cynder. “Um. But we started, right?”

“Doesn’t mean you should whip out everything at once! Fucking amateur. No sense of pace. Fine. You want war, I’ll give you war.” Cynder gathered up her body-dwarfing shaft, which tripled in size in the course of a single stroke, a mighty spire of draconic virility. And it grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger, rising towards the sky.

Cynder sighed. “... Could you stop blocking the light? Kind of deflating the vibe of my ascension.”

“Oh. Um.” Fluttershy glanced aside. She angled her cock away, flattening the area in an increasingly larger circle. “Is that better? I’m sorry, I know my… uh, that I’m kind of big.

Cynder’s eyes flashed. “No, you’re not. I can outgrow you in a heartbeat, and I will, I just need to—wait, you’re not still getting larger, are you? You already pushed it all out, how in the fuck are swelling past that?” For all her growth, Cynder’s cock was still in the mere hundreds, climbing up towards the thousand-foot mark. Unfortunately, that did not amount to much next to the girth of Fluttershy’s 5 mile shaft. 5 miles, and quickly rising…

“Pushed it all out…” Fluttershy repeated, tilting her head. “Um. I didn’t really start yet. Just… letting things swell a little. Like you, right?” she said, perfectly oblivious of the strain in Cynder’s face. “Do you want me to wait for you to catch up?”

“Fuck that!” The dragoness roared. “I can grow just fine.”

“Oh. Good.” Fluttershy nodded. “Then you don’t mind if I…” Another bwoomph, another monstrous surge of expansion. Tens of miles became thousands in a single stroke, her shaft parting the clouds as she pierced the sky. Her balls grew to the size of moons, crushing the ground to perfectly spherical craters as her smallest droplets of cum submerged the landscape in ultra-virile goop. The only thing that saved Cynder from swimming in Fluttershy’s cum was the fact that her cockhead was 3,000 miles away, and yet that could only buy her time before the pony’s output displaced the seas and claimed the planet’s dry land. The very air screamed Fluttershy, the scent of her magnificent marecock dominating her surroundings no matter how meekly she acted.

Cynder reeled. “H-how…?” She clenched her fists, spewing fire and smoke, but that only got her a few hundred feet longer, such a paltry gain that it hardly mattered against Fluttershy’s exponentially expanding marecock. “Stop!” she shouted. “This isn’t fair!”

But there was no stopping Fluttershy now. The creak and groan and sheer, earth-shattering throbbing of her cock muffled Cynder’s pleas, the feeble words no match for the sound of mighty continents cracking under the dickmare’s weight. Fluttershy breathed hotly, stroking herself with little motions that changed the world. And as her cock changed, so did she; her breasts flooded her lap, her hips widened, and her wings flared out, big and glorious.

“Hm?” she said, looking towards Cynder as the planet dwindled in the shade of her cock. “Did you say something? Sorry, I’m a little loud. Could you maybe speak up please?” Her gout of cum shot into space, dousing the sun in an instant—and her balls only got heavier. Behind her, her wings fanned out like the sails of a ship, three sets spanning her back.

Cynder glared at her. “Yes. Yes I did!” she was shouting, now, beyond caring how crazy she might sound. “You’re a filthy cheater, and you’re ignoring me! How dare—”

Another throb and Cynder lost her footing, spiraling wildly through the air until the gravity of Fluttershy’s crotch pulled her back in, sending her bouncing down the length of the pony’s cock. The size differential was just too wide to climb, to even comprehend; Cynder had not even managed half a mile, while Fluttershy spanned billions.

“Cynder?” Fluttershy asked, glancing after the disappearing dragoness. “Did you give up?”

The shouted expletive was too low to hear, but the meaning was clear.

“Oh, sorry.” Fluttershy said, a blush on her face as the solar system disintegrated around the base of her cock. “I guess I got a little carried away.”


Final sizes:


5.1 E02 m  ≈ 513 m

Wildcard: (Insufficient Size)


2.8 E13 m ≈ 256 solar systems

Wildcard: Breast Growth, Wings


Joshua Chan

Damn the dragon got eviscerated

PatreonSoda (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 08:00:35 You didn't mention clothes very much so my headcanon is Fluttershy wearing a sweater that somehow covers her breasts this whole time, as if she wants to preserve some modesty in spite of... everything. Cuz it's cute.
2023-08-25 08:00:35 You didn't mention clothes very much so my headcanon is Fluttershy wearing a sweater that somehow covers her breasts this whole time, as if she wants to preserve some modesty in spite of... everything. Cuz it's cute.
2023-08-25 08:00:35 You didn't mention clothes very much so my headcanon is Fluttershy wearing a sweater that somehow covers her breasts this whole time, as if she wants to preserve some modesty in spite of... everything. Cuz it's cute.
2023-08-25 08:00:35 You didn't mention clothes very much so my headcanon is Fluttershy wearing a sweater that somehow covers her breasts this whole time, as if she wants to preserve some modesty in spite of... everything. Cuz it's cute.
2023-08-25 08:00:35 You didn't mention clothes very much so my headcanon is Fluttershy wearing a sweater that somehow covers her breasts this whole time, as if she wants to preserve some modesty in spite of... everything. Cuz it's cute.
2023-08-25 08:00:35 You didn't mention clothes very much so my headcanon is Fluttershy wearing a sweater that somehow covers her breasts this whole time, as if she wants to preserve some modesty in spite of... everything. Cuz it's cute.
2023-08-23 20:42:52 You didn't mention clothes very much so my headcanon is Fluttershy wearing a sweater that somehow covers her breasts this whole time, as if she wants to preserve some modesty in spite of... everything. Cuz it's cute.

You didn't mention clothes very much so my headcanon is Fluttershy wearing a sweater that somehow covers her breasts this whole time, as if she wants to preserve some modesty in spite of... everything. Cuz it's cute.

Phen (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 08:00:35 That works just as well :>
2023-08-23 20:55:38 That works just as well :>

That works just as well :>