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Mara and her contestants stood atop the tallest tower of Imp City, a decaying high-rise of cracking concrete beneath a red sky, watching the hustle and bustle below. “Huh,” she said. “Didn’t expect hell to be this urban.”

“Don’t get your hopes up.” Loona said. “It’s still a shithole.”

“Perfectly fitting for what’s to come, then.” Rouge the Bat volunteered, still admiring the view. “You know, I’ve been told to go to hell before, but never thought I’d actually visit. Or fill it with cock, either.”

“Hah. Believe me, anythingwe do to this place is an improvement.” Loona crossed her arms, the hint of a smile betraying her gruff expression. “Some places are particularlydeserving, but it’s not like it’ll be hard to level this dump.”

“Ooh!” Mara said, flying higher with a twirl. “Don’t have to tell me twice. I’ve been itchingto let the girls out!” Between her legs, four outrageously fat cocks bounced around, growing rapidly from merely from the size of her own 6-inch tall body to dwarfing that of Loona and Rouge. As her heavy ballsacks came to rest of the roof of the tower, sloshing and churning oppressively all the while, her flaccid fairy cocks flopped over the edge and tumbled in free fall towards the street. A lesser futa would have been snatched by the laws of gravity, but Mara simply hovered in place, supplying all the cockflesh needed for her stunt and more, literal tons of veiny shaft pouring from her crotch until her massive cockheads slammed against the street with a city-wide quake and tore through the surrounding buildings.

Rouge whistled. “Damn, girl. Who taught you to grow like that?”

“Grow? Don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mara said, grinning wide. “I’m just decompressinga little.” Below, the sounds of destruction faded and a cacophony of honking horns and angry yelling took its place.

“Yeah, yeah.” Loona said. “But you’re not in the game, are you? Don’t try to steal my thunder.”

“Why, you think I might?” Mara’s grin gleamed. “Big girl like you, you can do better, right?”

“‘Course I can. That even a question?”

Rouge laughed. “Only one way to find out. Certainly got something to live up to.” The busty bat cocked her hip, her black bottoms immediately deforming with the bulge of a cock that was not there a moment ago, her feminine mound becoming a mountainof masculinity that tore free with a triumphant slap against her thick thighs.

“That’s your big reveal?” Loona asked. “Dick barely bigger than yourself? Yawn. See, here, this is how you do it.” The hellhound thrust out her hips, turning ever so slightly as she took aim at a very specific building in the distance, and—

Bwoomph. A fat, red cock torethrough the cityscape, a whole fucking mile of throbbing hellhound dick that appeared from one moment to the next. A thunderclap reached their ears a moment later, as the sorry structures of Imp City collapsed against and under Loona’s gigantic girth. “That,” she said, “is a reveal,” wiggling her hips to get her wall of balls comfortable at the edge of the roof, the fuzzy orbs far taller than their vantage point.

“No arguments there.” Rouge replied in the tones of an expert recognizing a peer. “Though raw size isn’t everything. You’ve got to think of the presentation.” As she spoke, her hips swayed from side to side, her outfit tearing by degrees as her fat 10 foot of cock crept forwards, snapping the final strands of fabric that restrained it while the rest of her body put it under pressure; her backside, big and lovely, inched out thicker, rounder, while her scandalous cleavage grew deeper, the hint of her pink nipples creeping over the edge of her top.

“Fuck that. I’m presenting my cock to the whole city.” Loona dug into her swelling sheath and raised her cock, before slamming it down again with a growth spurt that leveled whole blocks under her 5 mile length and drowning another section in the river of cum that spurted freely from her fat cockhead. “How’s that, hm? Bet more people noticed me.”

“I guess so.” Rouge grinned, undeterred. She ran her hands along the sides of her rising erection, giving an indulgent moan as it grew, foot by foot, with every stroke. Her breasts rose between her arms, already *far* bigger than her head and only growing bustier, daring her top to cling for dear life to the curves of her bosom. “You are pretty big, I’ll admit. How did you learn to grow like that? Any demonic tricks?”

“Raw talent, what else?” Loona said. She thrust rhythmically forward, literally fucking the city as her cock grew with every throb, its veiny mass a sheer wall of hellhound dong. At 10 miles, her balls alone were starting to occupy most of downtown by themselves and the seas of cum they churned up gushed eagerly from Loona’s tip, putting the outer districts under water. “Not that I have much competition around here. There’s Millie, but—”

There was a flash of red light from Rouge. “Ooh,” she said. “Tingly!” Her cock lurched forward, tipping over the edge of the roof in an explosion of cockflesh that left it tumbling towards the street like Mara’s had done. But unlike the fairy, Rouge’s cock didn’t strike the ground with her tip; in a single surge, the bat’s shaft had grown so titanic that its width outsized the height of the high-rise they stood upon, leaving her cock to lie level upon the increasingly maltreated cityscape. One moment Rouge’s endowment barely counted in the dual digits; now she had several miles between her legs.

That got Loona’s attention. “How—” she started, staring frantically until her eyes locked onto the book that Rouge had produced out of thin air. Loona knew that book. “How did you get the grimoire?” she asked, her tone sharp enough to draw blood.

“Mh? Oh, this little thing?” She slapped the base of her cock, moaning openly as the impact produced another red flash from her hand that sent 5 more miles of flesh pouring from her loins, her balls filling up enough to loom over Loona’s. “Just a little trinket I picked up. No big deal, right? No demonic cock growth magic around down here.“

Loona grimaced. “That’s not what I said!” She thrust her hips forwards in a violent motion, sizing up her cock to 50 miles long and jostled Rouge’s balls right back under her, where they belonged.

“No, but you didimply it.” Rouge’s grin was impossible to out-smug, all but glowing as hellish power surged through her and sent her past 100 miles. “Fun little toy, eh? I bet you’ve experimented with it.”

“D-don’t need it.” Loona strained to respond, grunting as she urged her fat hellhound dick on to overtake Rouge. Her veins bulged, her throbbing alone enough to shake this slice of hell, and as she tensed and thrust, her whole body changed; she grew taller, beefier, the bestial side of herself coming out in her hour of need. Like Rouge, her curves grew, but it was more than that—her teeth grew longer and sharper, thick limbs bulging with muscle, especially around her arms, until they finally divided into two sets with a powerful surge, all four hands immediately put to work stroking her cock as it rumbled forwards to claim the top spot at 200 miles.

“Interesting. Very, very interesting.” Rouge laughed. “I could see myself with an extra couple of hands like that. I hardly have enough for my tits in the first place.” There was another flash of hellish light from Rouge as her torso-dwarfing tits swelled forwards, a supple set of pillows to grind against the base of her monumental cock. As the bat teased herself, the unnatural red light settled into her eyes, a hint of demonic taint that remained even when the spell died down. “But I’m here to win, of course, not to trade transformation tips.” Her cock grew with frightening ease, brushing everythingahead of it away as it climbed to 500 miles in a single breath.

“F-fuck…” Loona gasped, her voice low and raspy. “I can’t—Can’t lose.” Her voice reverberated, splitting; as, indeed, her feverish attempt to grow pushed her mutating body further and, in a single movement, split her head into two equally panting duplicates. “Fuck!” they murmured, their voices overlapping unsteadily.

“Come on, little cerberus. You’ll have to do better than that.” Rouge nudged her thousand mile erection against Loona’s, trapping it beneath her bulk. “Better, or you’ll just have to feel me outgrowing you, making you a cute, little speck.”

“T-trying…” Loona snapped, growing her third head. Her body was becoming a chaotic mess, another set of arms appearing as her tits grew huge and unwieldy, her ass too thick to fit through a regular doorway. She pushed herself to 1,000 miles, dancing on the edge of an orgasm that might never let her go.

Rouge smirked. “Not hard enough. Allow me to demonstrate.” She rubbed against the hellhound, pouring enough pre to reshape hell itself, and opened the grimoire. The very air seemed electric, thunder rumbling in the red sky.

Loona balked, her ears flattening. “No, give that here!” But she did not reach Rouge in time, the bat wholly in control as the spell completed and the world filled with nothing but cock. Thousands of miles, tens of thousands, hundreds. Counting it up seemed downright pedestrian, unfit to the sheer mass of virility between Rouge’s legs, an endless tide of throbbing, cumming dick that pinned Loona utterly as it filled hell itself, slammed against the confines of the subterranean dimension and burst out beyond.

“Ooh. Guess I am too big to use hell as a cock sock, huh?” Rouge’s carefree tone made her victory all the more aggravating. But she had won. As millions, then billions of miles of cock burst forward, tearing across the vastness of space that only a foolish god could have unleashed her upon, Loona was stuck at the epicenter of this vast spectacle, cumming uncontrollably into the cosmic sea of cockflesh.

As Rouge’s erection filled the galaxy, her body taller and curvier than ever before, she turned her attention back to the book in her hand. “I wonder what elseyou can do for me…”


Final sizes:


1,670 km ≈ 1,000 miles

Wildcard: Multiple Heads, Multiple Arms, More Bestial, Bigger Curves.

Rouge the Bat

72,800,000,000,000 km ≈ 77,000 ly

Wildcard: Bigger Breasts, Taller, Corrupted.



Everything I expected from this round 🤤 sad that I don't get to see more Loona, but happy with how this round went

Aly Dal

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