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Here it is, the result of my flash of inspiration!

The idea leapt into my head when I saw one of Frostbound's fantastic renders and felt the need to write it out.

I did my best to accomodate your votes for the size sequence of the pones, while giving them each a different feel. I think you'll enjoy it.


Pinkie’s morning streams were always well attended. That’s when her balls were at their fattest and most enticing, filled to the brim from the brief nightly break in the otherwise non-stop orgasm that was her life. Given that the overactive cumfactories between her legs could produce lakes at the drop of a hat—and much, much more if she actually tried—seeing what extremes the vivacious pony might reach after hours of abstaining had become something of an Event.

“Good morning, Ponyville!” Pinkie said, her face filling the screen and transmitting her infectious smile across the airwaves. “Ready for another day of having fun, sex, and otherwise making a mess of the place?”

The lens struggled to capture all of her, even as she held the phone out for a wider shot. There was a lot of Pinkie to capture. Her cleavage, for one, didn’t seem to end; her breasts, as enormous as they were shapely, hung past her hips, dominating her torso entirely behind their marshmallowy curves. Then there were her thighs, plump and enticing, leading up to one of the most famous (and thicc’est!) rears in all of Hyperquestria. Both of these, Pinkie managed to overcome by switching to the front-facing camera and filming herself in the mirror; but no amount of trickery or enthusiasm could fully capture the enormity that hung between her legs: a dusky pink sheath so fat and massive that it almost touched the ground, wider than Pinkie herself and half as long. 

“Uh uh! Houston, we have a problem!” Pinkie giggled, giving it a little wiggle. “Well. Let’s see what we can do about that.”

She moved her phone to and fro, trying a few more angles. If anything, she documented just how freely she moved despite what should have been a debilitating weight, between her legs and everywhere else. Her sheath propped up her boobs, and seemed ever so slightly larger every time the camera focused anew. Her balls, meanwhile, sat squarely on the floor behind her, so big that all the viewers could hope to see was a solid wall of pink scrotum. No green-screen for Pinkie Pie, she had her own! (And, once she really got going, had one for everyone else, too). 

“Huh. Not really getting anywhere, are we?” she said, speaking over the gurgling noise emanating from her bloated cumtanks. “Why don’t you grab the camera, Pinkie?”

“Sure!” an identical voice chimed in, as the phone changed hands and, in case there was any doubt, a second Pinkie briefly stuck her face into view, gleefully greeting the audience, before going back to filming.

“Much better! Now we’ve got space to unleash the party cannon,” the first Pinkie said.

“There’s never enough space to unleash the party cannon.”

“So we’ll make space. Like always,” she said, grinning. “Who needs walls, anyway?”

It was not clear on the video feed if Pinkie was even inside at this point; her mirror had vanished and the only visible background was her ball sack; and given the little detail that could be made out, it looked too big to fit inside even a palace, anyway, several stories tall and still audibly bloating with every passing moment. Her sheath expanded in little, creaking bursts as well, though not near enough to keep up. Not until Pinkie laid both hands on it and started to knead.

“Ooh. Here we go,” she called out as the tip of her wide, pulsing pony penis pushed into view, slowly parting the delicate wrinkles of her sheath as it unspooled several feet of glistening girlcock. Then a few feet more. And more. And more…

“Yay! Let’s do it!” the other Pinkie cried, her own burgeoning erection invading the frame from below, too big to hide. 

A third cock followed abruptly, from a hitherto off-screen Pinkie, giggling indulgently as she frotted her fattening fuckrod against the other two in frame. Three. Four. Five. 

“Are you with me, Ponyville?” Pinkie called, laughing as she threw her phone back to another of her selves, pulling back to show the growing pile of identical ponies—or more accurately, the all-dominating parade of pink penises trying their hardest to cram together and only ending up growing faster from the pleasurable close contact.

“C’mon, let’s do it all together! Count down and cum, everyone! First orgasm of the day hitting in five, four, three, two…”


“... One,” Rarity counted and let it go.

Well, in a sense. Rarity was always cumming, after all. But she could always go higher. Especially when she got swept up in the enthusiasm of Pinkie’s antics and let her big girl gush and grow as it pleased. Even a lady as classy as her had to indulge once in a while; she might as well give the rest of town something to look up to. 

And look up they did. They had to. Because Rarity’s endowment literally placed her above the clouds, lying atop a lilac cock so monumentally oversized that it dwarfed a country by itself, to say nothing of her breasts, balls, and butt. There she lay, at the snug center of so many sexy curves, watching the show on her phone with a few essentials and snacks arrayed on a tray atop her vast acreage of boob.

She had been enjoying a slow morning, with tea and biscuits, casually feeding a dozen rivers from her cockhead many hundreds of miles away. Now, with a clench of her kegels and a tightening of her balls, the flow of cum became a raging flood, instantly overflowing everywhere at once as squirts of dickmare jizz sprayed across the landscape in violent surges and bombarded the sea.

“Ooh. That’s rather nice,” she murmured, watching Pinkie’s show with eyes half-closed as her body rewarded her with blissful intoxication for the loosened reigns. She hardly had to pleasure herself at all for her cock to throb and swell, taking advantage of Rarity’s lenient mood to add as many miles to its monumental bulk as it could.

But even if she didn’t have to, Rarity thought to herself with a little smile, there was no reason why she shouldn’t. And so her horn flared up with its magical glow, as a hand of telekinetic force wrapped gently around her kingdom-spanning cock.

“Ooh!” she repeated, more forcefully. “That’s really nice.” Behind and below her, her omni-virile balls churned and bloated, lifting her higher at a rapid pace, while far ahead of her—thousands of miles, now, rather than hundreds—the flow of her cum increased to such a maddening pace that the fluid level of the ocean rose visibly with each gush from her sky-kissing cockhead.

The telekinetic hands enveloped her breasts as well, dragging teasing fingers down the sides of her sensitive mounds, drawing little moans from the squirming dickmare as her bust, too, bwoomphed bigger, overflowing even the magically conjured palms cupping them. Titfucking herself was the easiest thing in the world—and although Rarity did not generally believe in taking the path of least resistance, she was not above putting her mountainous boobs to work. (‘Mountainous’ was, of course, technically a misnomer; Rarity’s nipples alone dwarfed the tallest elevation in Hyperquestria, and they grew harder and fatter at a frightening pace!)

And then, as her erection pierced the heavens and proceeded through the upper atmosphere, raining its thick, virile bounty across flooding world, a familiar voice spoke to her. “Having a nice workout?” It was Rainbow Dash, her voice booming through the thinning clouds.

Rarity jerked to attention, face flushed at being caught in her own fantasies. “Ah. Dashie. Well, dear, hardly a workout per se for a mare of my caliber, but you know, not entirely without merit…”

“I bet,” Dash’s voice continued, sounding eminently smug. Rarity was sure that, wherever she was watching from, she would be sporting a cocky smile. “Looks like you’re getting a little too hung for your magical tricks. Need a hand to tame the beast?”

“She’s most assuredly not a beast. My penis is entirely well behaved! She just gets somewhat… enthusiastic, at times.” Rarity glanced away for a moment. “But, I suppose I wouldn’t turn down a helping hand… to, you know, really hit the high notes.”

The clouds parted above Rarity, revealing not the sky, but a face, smirking down at her—as Rarity suspected—beyond the atmospheric haze. Rainbow Dash, at a titanic scale, like a goddess peering down at her creation.

“Say no more,” she said, and ran her world-altering fingertip down the length of Rarity’s twitching erection.


She had Rarity in the palm of her hand. Her, and the rest of the planet, but that was far less interesting than playing with the chic dickmare’s continent-spanning girlcock.

Rainbow Dash floated in space, looking down on a planet no bigger than an orange in comparison to her divine stature—and much closer to a grain of sand next to her cataclysmic curves and cock. Though that was hardly enough for the ego of such an exalted being as herself.

“Look at you go. I’m really turning you on, huh?” Rarity’s cock throbbed under her careful touch, swelling by thousands of miles and burying the landmass under its scented skin utterly. The piece of landscape caught underneath her was the only part of the planet not turning white, as, of course, Rarity had never (and would never) dialed down the force of her orgasm. The world-flooding pony squirmed in place, a pinprick of motion amidst the mountains of breasts and balls, and muttered something under her breath, out of her mind with arousal.

Dash chuckled to herself, not bothering to strain her ears to pick up the words. She didn’t need them; not now, when Rarity’s erection had finally become big enough to play with. Her single-digit stroking ceased and switched to dragging two fingers up and down the dusky lilac horsecock. Then she added a third, really starting to jerk Rarity off properly, as the latter’s package claimed a full hemisphere of the planet under its burgeoning bulk and, of course, rewarded Dash’s efforts with ever wilder fountains of cum spiraling off into space and, indeed, onto Dash’s baby blue curves.

She smeared one such eruption over the supple swell of her breast and smirked as she felt the potency of the ocean-sized droplets make her skin tingle, before her already outrageous bust rose even bigger, expanding outwards with a sudden jerk that briefly threatened to knock the planet away. Her gaze fixed on Rarity’s enormous balls, then, as she reached up to tickle them and leaned in closer.

“Finally getting somewhere, Rara. You’re just about big enough to put to use,” Dash said, leaning forward to place a kiss on Rarity’s bulging cockhead. Then she parted her lips and took her into her mouth, moaning appreciatively at the powerful taste and texture of the largest resident of Hyperquestria still currently on the planet.

Rarity cried out far below, thrashing wildly in pleasure as her godlike friend’s freakishly long tongue lashed across her thousands of square miles of sensitive skin. Her balls gurgled through space, heralding a climax to eclipse all climaxes. Just as Dash expected, the edge of her lips curled with amusement, before Rarity came hard enough to fill the mouth of even a goddess and leave her cheeks briefly bloated like a chipmunk’s before she managed to swallow it all.

Dash’s resulting growth spurt was so explosive that the tip of her cock left the solar system before the first dizzying surge was even over. If the planet hadn’t been left in the relatively safety between Rarity’s penis and her ever-fattening balls, it would undoubtedly have been blown away; just like the rest of the collected astronomical objects, nothing more than debris in the wrinkles of Dash’s scrotum, massive enough to rival a black hole, and gaining. Her breasts got in on the fun, too, swelling out as a massive, marshmallowy wall in front of her, and even her ass, never among the phattest of her friends, gained an appreciable amount of heft, enough to turn eyes her way on her next barcrawl—though, it being big enough to sit on, well, everything in general, probably had her covered, anyway.

Dash swallowed again.

Stars trembled. The void filled with the sounds of expansion, of bwoomphing, of the heat and scent and taste of Dash’s thick, unstoppable horsecock. She had started cumming the instant she took Rarity in her mouth, and the thought of reigning in her orgasm for even a moment was an utterly foreign concept to her. So she painted the galaxy, slathering the Milky Way with her own brand, moaning around Rarity’s cock all the while. She even began growing taller, so impatient for her own growth that her body itself swelled to feed the fires of her insane evolution.

“Come on, Rarity, keep up! What’s the fun of blowing your cock if it’s so small it gets lost between my tastebuds, huh?” Dash pleasured Rarity harder, forcing the smaller dickmare to swell between her lips. “Come on! I wanna be bigger! Bigger! Bigger!


Bigger,” Twilight repeated, and it was so.

It was always so. Had always been so. Twilight stared hard into the ripples of the pearlescent orb before her. Had it ever been different? She couldn’t remember. It didn’t seem important to.

Twilight had Ascended. She had changed, grown, multiplied; but there was no reason for the past tense, because her ascension was constant and unending. So it was that she sat in the center of cosmos, watching as her home galaxy filled with cum, the forces of gravity conspiring to collect it all into a swirling bubble even as Dash’s ceaseless ejaculations strained to reach escape velocity.

Twilight looked at her with one of her eight eyes and smiled. Another convert for her flock. A peer, perhaps. But then, she thought, looking over herself, perhaps not. How could anyone hope to catch up to a goddess of expansion, to the very concept of greed made manifest? Worlds flowed from Twilight’s loins; cocks—because of course she had more—that spanned the lengths of the universe, unimaginably fat lengths that threatened the boundaries of reality with every fresh throb of arousal; balls without end, each single sperm cell sufficient to impregnate entire galaxies, and they kept growing and dividing as naturally as Twilight drew breath. The fact that she held enough mass between her legs to replace the universe several times over (and, indeed, had done so for lack of space, suffusing her being into its metaphysical foundation), had not stopped her from expanding in other directions. More legs, for one, each new crotch a fresh opportunity for the unstoppable growth of her cocks; more breasts, to fuck every one of her shafts at once; more asses, to plough herself at her leisure. More arms, to tease it all. More heads, more eyes, more tongues. There was nothing Twilight wouldn’t want more of.

It made her sky-filling wingspan somewhat of a footnote in comparison to her vast tracts of sexual excesses. But they were there, too, many sets stirring in a slow, harmonious motion.

“Bigger! Bigger!” came Dash’s feverish cries from down below, the galaxy-dwarfing bubble of cum and cock a literal speck before Twilight’s cosmic iris.

Yes, Twilight thought, her body already advancing before her conscious mind reached its conclusion. Bigger, she echoed, More, as her hips widened and more legs forming, unleashing hundreds, millions, trillions of fresh, horny horsecocks upon the world, emerging fully formed and mid-orgasm, marking another bout of diverging futures with her virile scent and her improbable growthlust.

She kissed another of her heads, their tongues playing gingerly around a nascent cluster of galaxies before sweeping Dash’s cum-bubble in between them, drawing her into the fun—and tasting the delectable essence of the hyper-sized ponies within, prompting sensual coos from the mythological Twilights, fuelling her own evolution with their passion.

“Yes,” she repeated, “just like that. Just like… that!

Reality quacked around her, as it had so many times before; stretching like a condom on the omnipotent dickmare’s ever-growing penises, forced into a new configuration to contain her multitudes. Twilight found the process exhilarating, the closest she could get to fucking something not herself; in essence, fucking everyone and everything at once. She moved her hips, several of her heads hanging breathless, their long tongues lolling out, while still more of her continued to make out, moaning harder as she approached the limits of how much the universe could metaphysically stretch in one go; these walls, soft, but unyielding, provided the perfect tool for getting herself off (especially slathered with her universe-flooding volumes of cum), and so she fucked them, crying out in bliss against the edges of reality…

Which, when stretched sufficiently thin, took on a curious golden-yellow hue.


Fluttershy didn’t mean to encourage her. It just happened. And when one of your good friends needed so desperately to get off, it would be rude to turn her away, right?

That’s what she told herself as she applied the gentlest of pressure around her tits, currently enveloping everything; which, by percentage, was practically 100% cock, and Twilight’s at that. She felt their crazed throbbing ripple through her, her lightest touch driving the growth-goddess mad with lust and pleasure as Fluttershy’s omniversal tits made her mind blank with orgasm. She knew she had done her job well when Twilight’s cum bubbled up through her cleavage, though not even a droplet managed to escape.

Fluttershy smiled to herself. “There. I bet you feel better now.” She wasn’t sure that Twilight could hear her (being insensate with passion), but she felt the calming sensation. Fluttershy didn’t want to impose; she had to be careful when her friends were that small, after all. But they’d grow, in time. She had plenty of time to give them; she only hoped that she wouldn’t have ascended too many planes of existence by then.

Her cock gave a throb. The shock billowed through all possible worlds, impossible to ignore. Fluttershy bit her lip. For all her restraint, thinking about her friends growing up to her (or herself getting even bigger) still made her feel way too fuzzy and tingly to handle. But unlike a lesser pony, she had no shortage of ways to get off.

To say that Fluttershy floated in space was wrong for two principal reasons. Firstly, she was beyond space as we know it, enfolded in higher dimensions indescribable except by advanced mathematics. Secondly, even in our limited understanding of space, there was none of it left; Fluttershy was all there was. And while she was as hung as any of her friends (scaled to her beyond massive size), she was also far, far bustier: so busty, in fact, that her breasts couldn’t be confined to just a single point. And so, in place of stars and galaxies, her ‘space’ was filled with boobs; her own, infinities of infinittities expanding out in all directions. She could reach out and kiss the tip of her reality-breaking nipple without even moving her neck. 

All that to say, her cock existed in the single greatest titfuck known to ponykind, awesome and eternal; a constant cycle of rutting, throbbing, and expanding, first her tits, then her cock, then her tits, and so on.

Especially now that her thoughts drifted back to her friends who, as once, all found themselves growing massively more top-heavy for no apparent reason. 

They’d be here soon, Fluttershy thought, absentmindedly teasing her tits as the concept of excess broke down around them. Soon.

She had such things to show them.




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