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Oh no! You tripped on the dance floor and now you're falling face-first into a pred's fat butt!

Keep time with their swaying hips to avoid slipping any deeper!

I saw a tweet recently about vorny QTEs and game mechanics and had a little moment of realisation that I actually possessed all the required skills to make it a reality.

So I set a little Game Jam project for myself, to try out Godot

I had a lot of fun with it! The hardest part was getting the note track and everything working, thankfully there's a decent chunk of stuff out there on how to make rhythm games

So yeah, there's a weird venn diagram of people who can make things like this, but I know for a fact that I'm not the only one. If you ever notice a project idea that you realise you can make real, go and make short tiny vore games like this. Crack open Godot or Unity or Twine or Quest, just have fun with it.

I think that's my resolution for this year: Just have fun with it.




This is unbelievably cute and fun! Utterly adore the synced animations going along with the beat!


I seem unable to access the download? There's nothing on the Itch.io page