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Video Link: https://mega.nz/file/LDYQwCAL#kGilbhy8QMZTpzWUY5k4_LJoMn8GFnIJWCHST1YpztI 

Wow, how small must you be to fit in there so easily?

A proper introduction to the tiny fox, getting an in-depth look at what happens if you're even smaller than he is. It's safer, really. Imagine how easily you could get lost, if you were micro to a micro?

Good luck in there, no-one's small enough to help rescue you! You've got a long stay in micro fox guts ahead, he doesn't look like he's going to cough you up any time soon...

Also yeah, new addition to the workflow - subtitles! What do you think of them?

Modelling, Animating, Belly/mouth/vorish audio - Yours truly
Voice Talent - Me, lol
Incidental Sounds (Footsteps, Lightswitch etc) - Various from Freesound



Spencer Greenway

I'd love to hang with you two and participate in all your various voretube ideas and demonstrations haha^^ (hugs and scritches your necks and lower lipsx})

Michael Luxen

Absolutely love this scenario