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It's Micro May! Time for the smol

Except I don't think I've given Rif a proper introduction and he's not too present in things I have done, so lets make up for that with a little bit of a lore dump here!

Rif is a micro arctic fox, but he's on the big-side compared to some of the smaller micros out there. Still easily gulped down, stuffed in places, or smushed by bigger folks, but he's got enough size to throw around of his own if he comes across a smaller micro. 

Where they might expect the small snowfox to help heist a haul of cookies from someone's cupboard, he might get peckish beforehand and end up grabbing them for a faster snack! Comparatively, it's basically same-size vore, then. Or mini-macro, even!

He's supposed to be my main micro character, though he's normally been left at the wayside in favour of a micro version of Phirae, so I'm making an effort to show him off more and get him in front of the camera!

He mostly exists as a little photographer in my main canon, hanging around with the big folk to take good shots at all sorts of angles for videos and whatnot. Everything you've seen of Phi's teasy pics? Rif's been on the other side, making sure that the cat's uvula is in focus...

Expect lots of selfies while hanging out with him, while he clambers around your body like he owns the place. He's even got a little harness and backpack thing going on so he can be easily seen and picked up by bigger folks, and keep even smaller friends in there for safekeeping.

Speaking of, if you take an even closer look at the tiny ring around his finger, you might notice a lot more detail than you'd expect for something so small. Yep, that's a ring world. 

I just enjoy the irony. Micro clearly prey fox who literally gets in friend's mouths to take videos of their throat? Oh yeah he's got a whole bunch of planets literally wrapped around his finger.

And it get worse - if you're small enough to get a view in his maw, you might notice the swirling cloud patterns on his tongue piercing. That's another nano-planet, with weather patterns at the whims of his breath.

As if that wasn't enough, he's also hammerspace sometimes. Which technically means he could eat all the bigger folks, not just the micros, and they'll be just a little bulge, sinking through micro fox intestines with no one knowing where they've disappeared off too...

Oh, and his markings are dyed - he's pure white during the Winter/Spring so he dips his feet and tail in his hair dye, which can lead to random extra markings where it drips.

Basically he's a nega-Phi

In that he's a pure-white-furred-but-not-really prey-that's-surprisingly-pred, with way-too-many-accessories-but-not-collars-or-pendants-or-bracelets, that puts-things-that're-too-big-to-fit-inside-him-but-down-his-throat-instead.

Along with a healthy dose of delicious irony - emphasis on the delicious part  :3

