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Today (March 7th 2021) marks THETA's 4th Anniversary, and puts us at about three weeks away from a year without a public update. There's been a few stealth updates and uploads (The save-code system is out, for example), but not much on the official scenes completed side.

Rather than get on with the excuses for a decline in my free time and my muse (If you're wondering what they are, have you looked outside this past year?), this space is probably best to figure out how things are and where they're going from here.

THETA Status Update:

18 vore scenes are in various stages of completion. 1 scene has been ready to post as a teaser for a while, so that should go up this week.

Internals -
Stomach Descriptions are done for 2/3 variants
Intestines: 0.5/3 variants
Butt: 0.5/3
Cock: 0/3
Other Internals: 0/12

Approx. 10k words altogether.

The last time I wrote something for THETA was November 2020. Yeah, I know. What the hell, me?

3D Art Status Update:

At time of writing, I have a couple of unposted series that I'll upload here, though I still need to figure out a way to host all the videos somewhere, both for Patreon and for Public posts.

Art to post includes:

- Some stuff involving Rylide and her massive butt
- Some with Phirae's smaller but no less impressive massive butt
- Some Macro stuff with Rif (And his massive macro butt)
- And a couple of new character designs.

3D Commission Status Update:

I've spent most of my current free project time these past few months working on 3D model commissions, 'cause VRChat is the only thing keeping my social life alive. 

Unfortunately those can't really be posted to Patreon first, because they're going to the commissioner first (obvs). 

I also probably won't (publicly) open for another batch after I finish this one for at least another few months, and batches take me so long I don't think I could offer a chance at a priority slot to Patrons. 

Patreon Status Update:

The THETA Discord server is closed to the public and is now Patron only, and has been for a few months. I'm probably going to go through and clean it out again. Far too many issues with trolls and underage folks trying to join kinda killed a lot of enthusiasm for working on THETA in general. Thank you to the couple of cool folks who keep it semi-active in there at least. I lurk and see your stuff, even though I don't post.

I'm going to rework the tiers, goals, and Discord channels at some point over this month, to separate things into tier rewards (i.e. make a spot to toss 3d renders as I do them).

I've contemplated doing patron streams, but it's probably better if they're public, so I don't know what to offer tier-wise for streaming. The only time I can work freely for extended periods tends to be Friday and Saturday Evenings.

So from now on, I'm going to try to stream Saturday nights on picarto.tv/Phirae from 9pm GMT (4pm EST)

I know I'm not the most active creator out there, so I really appreciate all of your support. THETA wouldn't have got nearly as big without you. This Patreon is still staying up, for tip jar and random projects, but I'm not sure what to offer, tier-wise.


THETA might be a dead project, but I'm going to revive it a little if I can. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop writing, or even on the scenes that are supposed to go in the update, but I recognise it has been A LONG TIME since an update, and I'm sorry.

I'm doing 3D commissions right now, but will not open for a while yet.

I need to restructure how I'm doing work because I'm doing too much stuff that I can't post to Patreon on a regular basis.

I'm going to try to stream Saturday nights on picarto.tv/Phirae 9pm GMT (4pm EST)

This Patreon is still staying up, for tip jar and random projects, but I'm not sure what to offer, tier-wise. 


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