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You freeze under the cat’s stare, too stunned by the massive sight to do anything. He looms over you, a single step large enough to cover any distance you could hope to run. A brief thought flickers in your mind, of the bad luck of a black cat crossing your path. It’s definitely worse when the cat in question is more than thirty times your size.

“Yeah your luck just ran out, ‘cause I’m gonna get ya!” The cat wiggles his butt, the tell-tale sign of an incoming pounce. His collars jingle with a cute ring, but as teasy as that sway of his hips is, it’s accompanied by predatory intent. His pupils dilate to focus on you. His tail curls for balance, his legs bent and ready to spring. 

All his senses focus in on you, and for a brief moment, you know exactly why cats are such adept predators.

“W-WOAH!” Phirae’s paw misses the ground mid-adjustment, stumbling over a forgotten spool of yarn fallen from its place nearby. Without anything to leap off of, all that energy trips Phirae up.

His body topples, twisting in the air to catch himself, but he’s already got too much momentum. You don’t even have time to dive to the ground to avoid the flying tackle, but luckily Phirae misses you entirely.

He careens over you, with panicked flails almost knocking into you. His tail flits around to try to catch his balance, ringing out with the duet of bells dangling from his collars. He’s too far gone to stop his fall but instead the sudden jingles draw your gaze to follow his awkward tumble. You don’t have enough time to avoid it, but you can still gasp at what’s landing overhead.

Phirae’s butt arcs right above you, falling closer, his rotation not quite enough to avoid a catastrophic failure. The cat’s furred cheeks take up your whole vision, darkness cast by his shadow overwhelmed by dark fur, and the large, soft ring normally hidden shoved right in your face. You’re right below the centre, staring up beneath his tail. No time to act, as his weight crashes him back to the ground. Whatever happened to cats always landing on their feet?!

But just before his ass slams down on you, it stops.

His butt wobbles, balanced precariously on his paws that barely managed to get beneath him. The cat hits against the wall just beyond you, catching his fall and causing the ground to shake at your diminished size. Even if you tried to get away from beneath Phi’s butt, the sudden tremor would trip you up.

From right below the cat, you’ve got a perfect view between his legs. He’s crouched in his landing, showing off his tailhole, close enough that you can feel the heat radiating off his body. But more importantly, you can smell Phirae’s musk, soft, spiced lewdness from that tightly-clenched pucker that came so close to crashing down on you. It relaxes visibly as Phirae steadies himself, flexing almost like a taunt. With his legs spread, there’d be nothing to stop you from getting slammed face first into the soft ring, and that still holds true even if the cat were to suddenly sit back in relief.

Which is exactly what he does.

You’re smushed in beneath his massive rear. The size of the cat’s butt cheeks only does so much to cushion his weight, as everything crashes down around you. It’s too much to stop, and too fast to warn you. You’re pinned by the surrounding fat and fur, lodged in between the feline’s fat buttcheeks and stuffed deep. Deeper still, when he rolls back, and your feet reach the ground.

For a split second, you’re holding up the entire cat’s weight above you. The pressure shifts, and nudges you further up beneath his tail. You’re forced up into the only space left. Right up his butthole.

“Mrowr!” Phirae’s voice is muffled, as a resounding squelch swallows up your head into tight flesh. The air is thick, heavy with musk and tight muscles constricting around your body. Too much to take in, or try and stop. 

It’s too late already. The rude squish of muscles slips over you, all the way down to your chest in one go before Phi’s pucker tightens up. The feline’s soft gasp turns into a low purr not long later, the surprise of your presence turning this into a successful pounce after all.

The cat’s hips wriggle down to make sure he’s sat down fully atop you, tugging your hips up and reminding you where you are with the muffled jingles from his collars close by. They’re hard to hear over the loud gurgles of his digestive system, and the constant vibrating rumbles of the cat’s perverse pleasure. Each clench tugs you in deeper, dragging you into the cat’s bowels until a soft, satisfying squelch seals you entirely inside.


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