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Next month I'm going to be looking at restructuring the tiers, to update them with all the changes of the past year. These'll be a trial run during November, and then either reverted in December or continued on from there, we'll see how it goes!

Below is a rough outline of ideas? They're not set in stone just yet, so your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Major highlights:
Renaming them after food instead of toys? (May or May Not Happen)

- Increasing the $1 tier to $2 - Candy Bowl

Because remember when Patreon was doing their whole overhaul at the end of last year and then rolled it back due to major backlash, then sneakily implemented their higher cut anyway? It means that for a $1 pledge I only really receive 70 cents of it. Which kinda bites, but equals out significantly better at $2 tier.

This one stays as the general 'notification' tier, where you'll get my general posts streamed direct so you know when things happen and what's coming up. General chat, polls etc etc

These will also be general "update how're things" on the 15th of every month (today!) which'll give a summary of what's been in the other tiers.

$5 Tier - Cookies

Setting this to a teaser/story tier, which gets the usual early teasers of scenes like above, alongside early posting of short stories, or minific/vignettes before they're uploaded elsewhere. I'm going to test it out with a few things over November (NaNoWriMo!).

$8 Tier - THETier

Merging the coding and the gaming tiers into a single GameTier (THETA Tier [THETier]), so if you get THETA you get the source code as well.

$15 Tier - Cake

You also get a smooch if you're in this tier |3



Lot's of people have done the 1$ to 2$ change, so i doubt you'll get much push back on it. Sneaky of patreon to try and squeeze that cut in like that.