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Today is my 34th Birthday, I spent it on the lawn at the Michigan State Capitol protesting the recent movement towards restricting and criminalizing bodily autonomy. Of the speakers, many were Trans (I am also Trans for those who are unaware.) and they spoke passionately about how these types of legislation hurt not only cis-women, but also Trans Men and women as well. The idea of being able to get access to medical care regarding your body is not just morally right, it's a fundamental human right.

I am totally fine with people who are against abortion. Stand outside clinics, make signs, yell at young women and call them murders, be the worst example of your faith. That's fine, that is your right. The second you try to legislate your beliefs to restrict my rights, that is when I have a problem. That is when it goes from you are entitled to your opinion, to you need to be stopped.

I will fight, and continue to fight against progressively authoritarian and theocratic legislation, and I hope I can count on all of you as well.



Keep fighting the good fight and happy birthday!


Thanks for what you do! We still have a long way to go.


I have a very simple litmus test for any legislation: are Evangelical Christians or conservative Abrahamics demanding that it be overturned? Then it's a good law. By the same token, if they babble on about a law returns us to a more "godly" state or something? Then it's a horrible law.


Like Jake said, KEEP FIGHTING! And happy birthday! I know that I'm late as usual, but... Happy birthday, Kari ;D You're absolutely right, being able to get access to medical care is just a fundamental human right regarding your body, condition or anything... Stay strong, Kari~


Thanks dude! I will keep fighting the fight, and hope that I can count on all of you to stand with me. :3


Fight for your rights, good luck to you! And I was glad to know that it's your birthday today! Have a great time!


Happy birthday! I'm sorry that on this day you had not to celebrate this day, but to spend on the lawn near the Michigan State Capitol