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A recent DnD character. Tama the Life Cleric Satyr.

"Tama was found at a very young age by Yolan in the woods and he raised her as his own. She came to see him as her father, as she has no memory of where she is from prior to being found. She is plagued by nightmares, even during waking hours, watching visions of destruction and death unfold. She also hears the whispers of a malevolent demon, speaking to her in Abyssal, telling her of the destruction she will help bring about.

As she grew she could feel the darkness in her growing more and more. Something awful was approaching and she knew she was involved. She took up worshipping Ilmater, hoping to ease her own suffering, and he helped her to keep the darkness in her at bay. She is obviously tormented by this but puts on a brave front, trying to stay upbeat and chipper, but when alone she often breaks down crying.

Being from another plane she is very cut off from her people and culture and as such acts very different from the average Satyr. She is much more nurturing and generally friendly and good natured.

Never having really left the hideout of the Green Scales, she mostly grew up ignorant of the world as a whole. Being selected to go out into the world by her father she was thrust into a cascade of new experiences and it is mildly overwhelming to her. At home she knew what was what and had a clear place in the world. Now so much of her surroundings are chaotic and unfamiliar."

It's a Homebrew Campaign so some stuff is specific to that world. The idea was based loosely on Raven from Teen Titans. 




Her nose is so cute! love the top right one with her eating


Super cool!