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My old story used to be on Microsoft Forms, but I found that as the story got bigger, it became harder to manage.

Now, I revised it, re-wrote many parts of it, and it's now available in Microsoft PowerPoint.  It's best read on full-screen Presentation Mode or Slideshow Mode, but you can still read it on mobile using your browser.  

You just simply click on the blue hyperlinks in the story, and it'll take you to the slide that continues that story path.

It's technically called a PYOP (Pick-Your-Own-Path), but I sometimes also call it a CHYOA (Choose-Your-Own-Adventure).

Feel free to read it and give me some feedback and ideas.  Definitely check it every few days to see what new slides/chapters were added.

I'll probably be adding to this story for the new few weeks, rather than making unconnected individual captions.

message me for the link and password to it.

Thank you!



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