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Hey friends, a quick update, unedited, so you know where I'm at. Maybe I'll do more of these?

Kiddo has started preschool. This means I get a couple of hours Wednesday and Friday mornings. I'm trying to use that time to be creative, as the lack of creative time and space has been pretty rough on my mental health in the past year. I'm also going to try to be a better "creator".

Today I started soup for lunch, did the smallest bit of sewing, and recorded a rehearsal video of an ancient favorite poem of mine, "Prayer 1", maybe known to some of you simply as "Mitochondria". Why am I recording video of an old slam poem? Some favorite collaborators of mine reached out to ask me to jump on a project with them, and I actually had a piece that is written and mostly memorized that fit the bill. Something that feels maybe doable?

The sewing is coming along well- I'm finishing up a dress that I started back in March, but haven't had a chance to work on since. It won't be the right season for it when I've finished, but it'll be done, and my first vintage pattern. And maybe I can sew more, again, if I can manage to hold space for myself?


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