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(I’m trying yet again to post this brief update. I’m flaky enough without Patreon adding to the process!)

This past weekend, the whole fam loaded up in the car and pitched out to a lodge in northern Wisconsin for a monumental anniversary (CBot’s folks’ 50th!!!)

There weren’t any planned events, requirements, or requests beyond let’s hang out with each other and not be on our phones the whole HB time. So that’s what we did. I finished “A Spindle Splintered” and made good progress on “The World We Make”, for which I think Hennepin Public Library has an APB on me for having past its due date. I haven’t been doing enough pleasure reading in years, so it was nice to have that as my sole goal.

I read slowly. I’m not bad at reading- I just luxuriate in the words and my mind wanders between the lines sometimes. It’s gotten a lot easier since getting reading glasses- I used to just start to fall asleep after fewer and fewer pages, probably my eyes and brain working overtime.

I think I’ll be finding more free time soon after Convergence, I should schedule some more reading time, some more writing time.



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