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(Those of you who are FB friends with me may have already seen this, so I'm going to try to fill it in some, because ooof, I've been absent!)

1. Convergence Grid was submitted on Saturday, with two updates made to schedule updated and submitted today. There may be edits/updates, but the big brunt of the work has been done.

Every year I go to Convergence, a scifi fantasy convention here in Minnesota. It's a volunteer run con, and as part of doing my part, a few years ago, I signed up to design "The Grid", a pocket-sized spreadsheet of all the ongoing events. I don't have much oversight, and most of the Pubs department is focused on the big publication that has all the descriptions of the events. I get to do the grid the way I like to, and adapt to what's happening in the Con schedule somewhat. I've played with the size of the document, pushed for a slightly more legible font size, etc. But the other side of it is, that it's a big project I do by myself on a tight deadline and get almost no help with it.

2. Meeting with ASP's 2023-2024 Operations Director in a moment to sign contract and tax documents.

Art Shanties' current fantastic Operations Director is moving on to spend time with her family, so we've been working on finding our next one. As one of the co-Chairs of the board of directors, I've been trying to make sure this goes through well.

3. Slowly digging myself out of the backlog of Strike Theater work that piled up during grid, hiring, Paris, Covid, and childcare. It's not as bad as I had feared (thanks mostly to Allison Broeren and Mike Fotis and summer.)

I have a tiny side hustle, making Strike's Eventbrite tickets and facebook events, in collaboration with the co-founders and the producers of individual events.

4. Getting ready for Convergence!!

4a. Have selected my reading for Elements of Style 10pm on Thursday. Costume is also mostly planned.

4b. Have 3 hours of music to comb through and smoosh down into 1 hour for the Just-One-Hour Rave Noon on Friday.

4c. Need to select and/or write 3 minutes of writing to memorize for Glasses and Spectacles 5:30 on Friday.

4d. Costumes? Sewing/assembling something new? We shall see.

5. Garden- happily harvesting lots of greens right now, strawberries going strong, starting on herbs.

6. Triathlon work- ran my first outdoor 5k in ages on Thursday! It can be done! My swim lessons are on pause until the gym's pool situation is figured out. Biking has mostly been with kiddo on the back, which is actually kind of nice, as last year he hated riding the bike.

More soon, I hope. I hope that I'm finally getting caught up, so that I can share photos of Paris and notes on the dress I started making in April before EVERYTHING EXPLODED.


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