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Hello my neglected loves,

Summer has been busier for me than I'd anticipated, but let's be real. I've always got too many burners going, I'm always doing too much, and hopping from one project to the next to the next to the next. So, what have I been up to?

Big Projects

Convergence Grid- Convergence is a local Sci-Fi Fantasy Convention that is fan run. It's had more than its fair share of struggles in the past few years, but my roles and departments have been relatively uncontentious (as far as I know). I sit as a sub-head for Space Lounge (Splounge), a department that transforms a large convention space into an immersive hang out and event space. We took last year off from attending because of the pandemic, but we're going to give it a go this year. I also sit as a sub-head in Publications, as the person in charge of designing layout for the Grid- a small, standalone print document that allows attendees to see all of the events on a spread that lays them on an axis of time vs location, so that they can plan their adventures on the go. This is the third Grid I've designed, and each time, I've planned it from the ground up, using the last con's Grid as a reference, but not as a starting point. It's incredibly time-consuming, but it's a thing that lets me stretch those design muscles once a year and also serve my nerdy community.

Art Shanty Projects- I recently took on the role of Co-Chair of the organization, but due to a lot of things, I've been playing both a Co-Chair and the Treasurer roles. I have had SO MANY MEETINGS, but things are happening, and I'm feeling hopeful/excited about the future. My to-do list is enormous, but my done list is also huge. I just need to keep up with the things I've assigned myself, and not lose track of things upcoming. A big takeaway to keep focus during meetings: learn to ask if this is important now, and if this is the group who should be addressing it. 

ASP work has also been very time consuming, not just since taking on a Co-Chair role, but leading up to it. There was a lot of slack that I was picking up that wasn't necessarily my place to be doing, but the longer things were ignored, the worse things were going to be for staff and the board. I have a lot of hope that we'll be able to get board engagement back up, and get people more excited about the work we're doing.

Personal Artistic Projects

70 Poems with the Same Title- Oh, I have lost the thread. I write these poems in my head when I'm doing all the other things, but they don't get written down. I think that once Convergence is done, I can get my ass back in gear.

Readings–  I need to double-check my calendar, but maybe let's do a live stream next week Thursday. I've been trying to get my GoPro set up to stream, because my computer locks up when I try to stream for very long, which is not what we need!

GoPro Bike Rides– I've done some rides recently, trying out some of the different routes out of town- Diagonal Trail, Cedar Lake Trails, and I even biked out to Afton State Park again (which is probably the best of those trails currently). I've recorded some of my favorite parts, but also, making time to review and edit the footage is a struggle! We'll get there.

Sewing– I'm going to finish up those flowered jeans tonight, and cut out pieces for a fancy-looking black jumpsuit today.

Hope you're well. Stay in touch.


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