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This month felt a bit like I was getting everything done, rolling with punches, and on my way to success when suddenly December sat on me like a hippo in mud. I was hit with the two-week cold (which, if you haven't experienced, is exactly as advertised on the box, and in spite not being the flu, which you did NOT get, because you diligently got your flu shot, cannot really be treated beyond nasal spray and cough drops) and then hosting my family for the holidays (so much more pleasant than the two-week cold). 

I canceled two performances, a rehearsal, and called in sick to a board meeting, among other things. I spent December asleep largely, like a small bear with a bad cold. And now I've got a houseful of loved ones, and one must take advantage of their presence when they're available.

Anyhow. Now it's time for the last performance of 2019. Saturday, December 28, at the Bryant Lake Bowl. Doors open and music starts at 6pm, the reading begins promptly at 7pm. You'll enjoy it, I promise.



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