May rewards sent and Diary thingy (boring, you may skip) (Patreon)
Check your inbox for some rewards~
Thanks to the reception on Tsunade and Chun-Li for the longest time I actually gained some hope for Patreon.
We got to max 144 patrons which is over double of what we had a couple weeks ago.
Know that I get to keep about half of the money you would see in the front page. Most don't seem to know about this and that's why I disabled the counter.
The current sum I make is closing to half of what you need to live off from Patreon. To make the bare minimum in other words. The upside is that I retain my sanity by doing the thing I love. And trust me, that's a big deal. You guys, are a big deal.
So, leaks huh... That happened. Guess I was expecting this. Basically someone took my Dimitrescu piece and sold it as multiple products for good money. This really makes you think... Just to remind you that I'm not selling anyone any (commercial) licenses with the rewards.
Thanks for sticking with me you guys! I'll do my best on June. And take care!