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  • Simple animation in color. Preferably a loop. See previous works.

  • Commission will be a Patreon reward! (only way for me to fit it in my schedule)

  • Price recommendation $300+. 50% up front.


- I don't rly create iterations. Usually you get 1-2 sketches to pick from and discuss.

- There is a time limit! I will try to update you as much as time allows, but be prepared to let me do my thing.

- Simple fixes can be made even after it's published.

- No big changes by default (due to time limit), but let's see case by case.

Send me your idea/ references erotaigaart@gmail.com

or simply send a message here on Patreon.

[!] This is not 'work for hire' since I don't live in the US. Not for commercial use either.

You get the Patreon rewards, but please don't share them online aside the web versions.



Lol, out in the field for another two weeks so I can't. Would love to, though.


I'll ask commission if no one apply for a moment and when you want, it's not emmergency (priority to other who want to order, i can ask for next session or any other don't worry) . it will be Daiyu, i don't have reference, you will have white card, but if you need one, peharps noname or other has some idea ? idk XD


That's very sweet of you! There can never be too much Daiyu :3 We'll see soon if I get comms