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It is the remarkable Paula Deming's birthday today! If anyone would like to pass along a birthday message in the comments below, I (Kat) will make sure that she sees them by end of day and any others that compile in over the week! 

Paula and I have been friends for about 6 years now. We were introduced because of reactions and we started as coworkers. Coworker energy lasted barely 30 minutes before we realized, "Oh shit wait, this here is my people." And it has literally been history ever since. 

I know how much she means to me and the fact that I'm not sure I'd still be here without her in my life. 

So, here's to Paula and the wonderful, incredible, and extremely talented person that she is.




Oh and Happy Birthday! :) I almost thought Kat had been attacked and that was a huge scratch :) Hehe>


Happy belated Birthday. Sorry for the delay, but at least this way your birthday sort of lasts longer...maybe?