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Paula finally finds out who Missy really is!! Did she guess it or was it a shock! Watch to find out! 


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Gallifrey Gals Theme Song by:  NoAnie Music 


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Gallifrey Gals Get Wibbly Wobbly! S8Ep11

This is "Gallifrey Gals Get Wibbly Wobbly! S8Ep11" by Gallifrey Gals Gremlin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



It's funny. I had such a similar reaction to Paula that I skipped ahead past that part of the episode.

Paul Baldwin

Paula had my exact same reaction towards clara as i did aftert this i was so done with her


It's interesting to see the complete polor opposite reaction, Clara is my favourite New-Who companion (especially with Capaldi, and granted a lot of that is due to Series 9) but this moment if anything makes her more human to me, especially after the Impossible Girl arc. Maybe It says something about me as a person but I see it as a reasonable reaction to try and trick/blackmail a time traveler into getting your lover back if you'd just lost them and very much loved them and had access to power like that. I know people in my life I'd 100% try to do what Clara did and worse for. I really don't think it helps that danny wasn't written too well and his charecter is pretty flat, it makes this reaction seem very over the top when from a mundane human point of view I think it's entirely understandable if not morally correct.


I am so sorry but sometimes Paula's reactions are way to over the top. it is almost like she doesn't actually understand emotions. It makes the reaction seem ...less. It feels like Paula has not even been paying attention to the actual episodes. She missed so many clues from previous episodes about how close and how much she loved Danny. Like seriously, She meets Danny and her's future great great grandchild.


There is nothing out of character or poorly written about a person in deep grief bargaining for their loved one's return. The difference here is, Clara has access to a potential solution for her grief. Clara being written with genuine flaws, that often hinder her growth as a person has always irked a lot of people. I guess for me, it just made me understand her even more. If I lost someone I loved like she did, you better believe I'd make the same mistakes she did in her situation. Not all of us handle grief and depression flawlessly.


Respectfully, the main issue I have when people go after Clara in this way is that it ignores the fact that the Doctor and Clara are incredibly similar to one another, more so in fact than any other companion/ Doctor relationship. A lot of the issues I see people complain about regarding Clara's personality are things that are front and center in the Doctors personality that people don't have a problem with nearly as much if at all. Imho 12 and Clara are incredibly fun because Clara gives back to the Doctor a lot of the same things he usually gives to his companions, for better or worse. To me the fact that Clara is complicated, counter indicative at times and flawed is what makes her feel relatable and grounded. I do like though how Doctor Who can spur these kinds of debates. Looking forward to your next reaction!

Brandon Scott

I agree. But to be fair, it’s not just Paula. Katrina has seen these episodes before and still somehow doesn’t seem to recognize how quickly Clara’s feelings developed for Danny. And, just a side note, the notion that she couldn’t have been in love with him because she told lies to hide the double life she was trying to lead is, to me, another instance when I find my self asking if either of them have ever known actual people. (That sounds harsher than I mean it. Don’t come for my throat, lol. I just mean that it’s a common human flaw and a mistake many people make).

Lloyd B

Deep breath, Paula 😮‍💨🧘‍♀️. It’s great to see you emotionally invested in the show, and I love your reactions, but I do feel Clara acted just as her character has been developed. It’s well established that she’s a control freak who found herself in a situation she could have no influence over (Danny’s death), apart from using the Doctor to seize back control. And in her grief she lost all perspective on how that should be achieved and so tried to take control by force. Just a comment on the keys and click of the fingers to open the Tardis - I always found the click to unlock a rather silly Moffat conceit, and people often comment that the Doctor could easily open the Tardis without the keys. However, I like to think that the psychic link is actually with the keys and not the Tardis itself, so if the keys were destroyed he would be locked out. Maybe just head canon, but it fits better for me that way. Glad you weren’t spoiled about Missy. I recall a lot of speculation when the series first aired, including that she might be another Classic Time Lady villain called the Rani. It makes perfect sense that she’s the Master, and the reveal was so perfectly done. Michelle Gomez is a delight in the role, so deliciously evil, and I’m sure Paula will enjoy her. PS. It looks like Sheppard’s attention seeking is demanding his own reaction show/channel. Maybe you could sit him in front of a TV and film him watching cat videos or the like. I’m sure there’d be lots of people who’d watch that. Anyone got any suggestions of shows for him?🙀😾😸


If I'd had access to a time machine when my son died I would have killed the owner without remorse in order to bring him back. It's a perfectly believable reaction.

Brandon Scott

I’m sorry, did my comment get deleted?

Brandon Scott

Alright. I’ll just summarize. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it bad writing, poor structure or underdeveloped character arcs. It’s absolutely fine to not like it. But as I stated in my magical, disappearing comment, diluting ourselves into believing that it’s bad writing just because we’re not happy with the actions of a character. Characters are people and they do what they do. With the exception of an egregious deviation from their established character, we as an audience have no ownership over their behavior. Trying to take it is both a superficial and egocentric position from which to consume any media. I’ll state again, none of what I said is an attack, personal or otherwise. I hope no offense it taken but if my comment was deleted for just saying what I wrote above… that would be very disappointing. I have been a patron since you launched. I’d hate to think you would arbitration for your right to give your opinions as loudly and angered as you’d like, but if I voice my opinion in a respectful and docile tone my opinions simply get erased. I know there are many reasons my comment may have gotten deleted and I’m not discounting some computer glitch. I hope that was the case. Either way, I’ll be looking forward to your next video.


I didn’t interpret this episode as it wanting to have the viewers think that they should really believe that Clara loves Danny and he’s THE one and only for her. I took it more as that’s what Clara wants to make herself believe because otherwise the guilt of lying to him would be too much for her to handle now that he’s died. Do I believe that Clara and Danny’s love was the same as Amy and Rory? No, of course not. Does Clara want to make herself believe that? Yeah, I think so. Should Clara have gone to the Doctor to ask to bring Danny back? Duh. The thing that I think really got to Clara was the mundane way that Danny died. For someone who has seen all these amazing things and different worlds, I’d imagine it’d feel pretty ironic that someone died in a normal “boring” way.

Nicole Mazza

'Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it bad writing, poor structure or underdeveloped character arcs. It’s absolutely fine to not like it. But as I stated in my magical, disappearing comment, diluting ourselves into believing that it’s bad writing just because we’re not happy with the actions of a character. ' OMG, A MILLION TIME THIS! I feel this comes up a lot, especially in fandom when it comes to Moffat's writing, and it bugs me. I mean, I don't vibe with a lot of RTD's writing myself, for example, but I wouldn't say it was just 'bad writing', it just 'Not Doctor Who for me' or whatever.

Time Lord

We have not deleted any comments so I'm unsure of what happened there. - Kat

Malcolm Wolf

While you certainly are no where near as bad as some, I suspect that you referring to someone's opinion as "superficial and egocentric" is not quite as respectful and non-attacky as you might like to think it is. In the end Paula reacted with a gut feeling, where she is emotionally invested in the show, and putting those kinds of emotions out there makes one feel vulnerable, which is why it is best to focus on offering different viewpoints instead of suggesting she is flawed for having them. As with most gut reactions, over time with a respectful offering of different views, her opinion might change or at least get a bit more nuance, as unlike us she has not had a lot of time to reflect.

Malcolm Wolf

I'm not suggesting your comment was deleted btw. Frankly Patron is a buggy mess that seems to just delete comments sometimes, usually when they are long.

Brandon Scott

Malcolm, I appreciate your perspective. I would challenge, however, the assertion that I “referred to [Paula’s] option as ‘superficial and egocentric’”. If you’ll read the sentence you’re referring to a little more carefully you’d see that I was clearly referring to all consumers of media like Doctor Who and stating that, “we as an audience” should not treat characters in the stories we enjoy as though our specific perspective is the only one that is valid. That kind of position is, by simple definition, egocentric. It isn’t her opinion that I labeled superficial and egocentric; it is the practice of failing to have an opinion while still allowing for the humanity of the character to exist separate from ones own morals and judgements. I’m not remotely casting dispersions on Paula’s opinions or personal feelings about Clara or her actions. I am simply pointing out that the character’s feelings, motivations and actions aren’t automatically invalidated because she has them.

Brandon Scott

I understand that. I made sure to acknowledge that the comment disappearing may very well be a bug on the site.

Time Lord

In my opinion the "little clues" left throughout the season were not enough for me as a viewer. For some people it was. For Paula and I, it was not. There's no other way to express or explain the fact that we all take in media/art in some sort of different way. And to accuse Paula of not understanding emotions when she's quite literally wearing her heart on her sleeve during reactions and being EXTREMELY vulnerable in them.. Doesn't really make sense to me. And we weren't saying that because she lied to him she couldn't be in love with him, people lie to those they love, it happens. But it's difficult to believe when you consistently lie and manipulate those around you, the love you have for that person starts to seem less and less like you care when you choose to consistently go down that path. Especially when you have been given multiple opportunities to rectify that behavior. For a final note, Paula is watching this show for the very first time, she has not had years to sit, rewatch and analyze this show like the rest of us have. Give her some slack as she's expressing her off the cuff, genuine reaction. We just want y'all to understand that we're never gonna hide our feelings towards these shows. We're never gonna give you a slighted, watered down reaction. It's just not who we are. And honestly, we LOVE when people have different opinions and show their perspective on what they feel about what happened in the show. If you pop over to the discord you'll see multiple conversations happening with so many different opinions, disagreements and new perspectives being opened up! Hope this finds you well. - Kat

Daniel French

Overall I enjoyed your reaction. I mean Clara isn't my favourite companion and I do agree that she was written a bit poorly in some parts of Series 8. But like some people have said, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's bad writing?? The fact it was out of character makes it more interesting, if she hadn't acted this way I don't think it would've had the same impact! Plus regarding Danny's death, if he had died an "Ordinary death" so to speak, then it wouldn't of made for good tv, especially in a Sci-Fi/Fantasy tv show?? but, I am looking forward to your next reaction. But on the other hand, there's nothing like some P.Cap humour to cheer you up!!


I've been thinking over this react video - and I have to say I can definitely understand the angle you're coming at for most of it. A few things for the comments first. Just because someone didn't like it, or someone did like it, doesn't make it good writing either. If this episode were a story unto itself without a series history backing it up, I wouldn't have issue with the writing. Because without a history to rely on, the reader can expect that there is a history behind the relationships in the story that they are not privy to, and with good writing they can extrapolate that history based on the part of the relationship that appears in the story - and they can fill it in with their own understanding of how the relationship would have reached that point based on their own lived experiences. But, in this case, we have been shown this relationship's evolution throughout the series from it's inception. As a viewer we should be able to expect that aspects of that relationship which will be the basis of major story points have been shown to us or at least flow naturally from what we have been shown. I think it's perfectly reasonable to think that the writers did not build this relationship in the published material to the point that we are expected to accept that it is at in this episode. We are not asked to merely accept that Clara is willing to lay down her life to be with Danny - this is something that could be seen as hinted at in episode 10 when she chooses to stay on earth with Danny to experience the Solar Flare rather than go into space to experience it in higher safety. We are asked to accept that their relationship is so mutually dependent that Clara is willing to not only lay down her life but to slash and burn the lives of the people around her to stay with Danny. Given that the relationship we were shown is that she would not even stop travelling with the Doctor in order to be with Danny - something she could have easily done without destroying her relationship with him - it seems questionable that she is suddenly at the point where she would not just destroy her relationship with the Doctor, but destroy the Doctor to maintain her relationship with Danny. Is this bad or good writing? That's an entirely subjective thing. To the writer, and to people whose lived experiences flesh out the relationships between Clara, Danny and the Doctor the same way the writer's assume the unwritten parts of the relationship go - this is good writing. To people whose life experiences say that the relationship they've been shown cannot possibly include the assumptions required for the relationship to be where it is at the start of this episode - it's bad writing. To me, good writing would have required less assumptions about the relationship that has been a central point to 10 episodes already and written enough detail that assumptions were not required. That said - while I enjoy these reactions and am onboard 95% of the time, Paula said something during this one that made no sense to me. She said the way the Doctor reacted to Clara's betrayal was completely on point, well written and in character. She then says that the Doctor should not allow Clara to travel with him any longer. These are contradictory statements. If the Doctor's reaction of saying "Do you think I care so little that betrayal could change how I feel about you" is in character - and his going out of his way (disabling security protocols on the TARDIS is a dangerous thing) to try and give her what she wants/needs - is in character, kicking her off the TARDIS for exactly the thing he said couldn't affect if he cared for her would be out of character.

Mr Kitty

Moffat really shows his generation's toxic treatment towards women. Even going back to Asimov and Heinlein their great works are filled with bigotry, misogyny and racism. When I read them again as an adult, its just so glaring. I'm glad the show has better writing now.


It's funny because I love Peter and his incarnation of The Doctor, but always tell people "season 8 is rough" without being able to articulate why. Paula's reaction these past 2 episodes has made it easier to convey.

Chuckleberry Finn

Blah blah blah. Moffat is an ass, Heinlein was a fascist and Asimov SA'd openly and proudly. Moffat straight up sucks but not the same.