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The end of season 7! We finally find out why Clara is the impossible girl! How does Paula feel wrapping out the first season of the new companion, what are her predictions for what's up next! Let's Get Wibbly Wobbly! 



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Intro Song by: Pixel Pig by Di Young https://youtu.be/TiC7_167hQ0

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Stephen Ray

Jelly babies - delicious. Pre-liking/disliking - I often hit "Like" as soon as I start watching, in case I forget to leave one later. I can always remove it if I didn't. Every once in awhile I notice that I misclicked and hit the "dislike" button instead. Now to watch the episode (which was fantastic!)


See? I told you he's a widower. 😆


They actually are, yeah! One of the grocery stores in my town has a section for British foods and snacks, like Aero bars, Marmite, etc. Every now and then they manage to get some Jelly Babies in and goodness they're tasty.


GUUHHHHHHH this reaction is SO GOOD. Everything I could have wanted. I loved Kat's eyerolls at Clara's declaration in the beginning. I don't agree with her necessarily, but it was still HILARIOUS! :D


You know, I really never liked River, but I did like that last scene with her. That was a good sendoff.

Bruce Bromley

Patience, Katrina, Along with the Star Trek goodies I sent to the both of you this week there's also more Parma Violets coming your way. One box each for you and Paula. ;-)


Eh? If the opinions on this episode were so split on IMDb, it wouldn't have a rating of 9/10. Name is by far the outstanding episode of series 7. I don't care about a couple of leaps of logic when the ideas, the story and the characters are so fantastic. And when flipping John Hurt was introduced as the Doctor, my jaw was firmly planted on the floor for what felt like minutes.


I'm still mad at Moffat's choice. Don't get me wrong, I love John Hurt, but Paul McGann was RIGHT THERE! The Eighth Doctor was supposed to have been the one to go through the Time War anyway. At least a big part of it. His character development in the audios (which are and have always been canon according to the BBC) was preparing him for the Time War. Then Moffat went and flushed all that down the toilet so he could make his own Doctor that would be solely his creation and it pisses me the hell off as an Eighth Doctor fan. John Hurt was a great actor, but Moffat missed a world of possibility with Paul McGann for his own self-aggrandizement. Yes, I'm salty, and I will forever be salty over Moffat's choices for the 50th.

Mark Ten

Enjoyed this one very much. Hope that you will watch the trailer for the 50th - it's totally non-spoilery, kind of a montage of all the Doctors and many companions.

Lloyd B

So Kat dislikes jelly babies? This from the woman who guzzles down pickle juice 🤢! Enough said!

Stephen Ray

Paul McGann would have been great, but one constraint was having availability at the exact time they needed to film the 50th. If Eccleston turns it down and McGann isn't available exactly then, then Hurt is a great choice.


Waaaaiiiit Katrina. You went through all of the abomination that was Series 6 and NOW you're mad at Moffat? 😄😉 (Nah, it's cool.)

Stephen Ray

Moffatt was under a ton of constraints. The series was split, with his two co-stars leaving before the second half. They were also building up to a 50th anniversary. Clara didn't choose the TARDIS for the Doctor. This episode doesn't change that. What Clara did was direct the Doctor back after the Great Intelligence first managed to direct him to the wrong one. Anything Clara did in those timelines was just to combat the Great Intelligence. Think of GI as a bunch of cockroaches scattered all over. Clara just jumped in to stomp them all. Some say that Clara was given too much importance. Her importance here is tied to how important the Great Intelligence is. I hope, I don't expect you are, but I hope that if you're watching old episodes, you're watching the classic episodes they ran leading up to the 50th, with the commentary. That was a really great way to see all the Doctors in action. As far as taking away Clara's sacrifice, Moffatt has been pretty clear that he doesn't like killing off companions in a show that was originally geared for kids. The last time they did it was Adric, and who didn't want to kill him by the end of his run?

George Baxter

So Paula and Katrina are watching classics but didn't mention any of the stories that built up to the 50th?? AKA night of the Doctor, An Adventure in time and Space all of which you are supposed to watch first... not to mention the Five-ish Doctors. I have so much anticipation for the 50th and we had to go through the worst season of Doctor Who just to get here!! Just once I wish they would announce a surprise arrival rather than a delay...

Time Lord

Hi there George! As I'm sure you're well aware, these reactions were filmed a few weeks ago at this point. At the end of watching this episode I discuss that there might be what is a break for us before watching the 50th anniversary but not necessarily a long break for you all. We watched four different Classic Who arcs that were voted on by our patrons and as of today we just finished watching Adventure in Space and Time and The Night of The Doctor. At the time of filming this reaction we weren't sure what the delay might look like in accordance with our filming schedule. I hope this all makes sense as you will have reactions to watch from us of the Classic era and all of the other goodies before The 50th! - Kat


I like everything-


I have been waiting for this - 😃

tal goren

Exactly, in "the doctor's wife" it was established that the Tardis chose the doctor by unlocking itself (herself?). presumably The Great Intelligence simply unlocked one of the Tardises the Doctor tried first, which would have led to him to having a lot of boring adventures where he would get to exactly where he wanted to go and never when those places were secretly attacked by monsters.

Amy Chlebus

I have to be honest I love this episode, I love Moffatt, but I hate Chibnall. That's why I stop watching Doctor Who after season 10. Sorry if that ruffles people's feathers, but that's just how I feel.

tal goren

Moffat biggest problem was always that he was doing Doctor who and Sherlock simultaneously. this hurt the quality of both shows since each of them only got half of his attention. this problem peaked during season 7 when he had to split his attention three ways since he was also planning the 50th anniversary. I suspect this is why he chose to bring back Amy and Rory despite giving them a nice sendoff in season 6. having them back meant he could have the first half of the season be basically filler that he could direct on autopilot while focusing on his other projects. this decision helped the anniversary but it really hurt the stories of both the Ponds and Clara. anyway, I heard that from series 8 onward, the BBC decided to give him long hiatus between series so he could focus separately on both his shows, which explain why the quality of his later series was more even. too bad he already used all of his best ideas by then. P.S: the moment you said "be kind" I said rewind. so you are not the only ones who are old enough to understand this reference

Larry Viscarra

I remember before this aired there were people protesting the show because of the title. They actually thought that The Doctor's name was going to be revealed. Still makes me laugh to this day.


For me the main thing is all 3 lead writers are fans big fans. And as we are all fans and we love and hate some eps, we discuss and respect each other’s views, so these fans (RTD, mof and chibs) like to mix it up, they don’t do it to puss us off, they do it to make us laugh, cry and love. The format is king, and the Doctor is who we love and will follow.


Sounds fantastic, I've wondered for a while if you'd watch the "Save the day promo" as I always thought it was great but ultimately trivial so I understand if you don't. Additionally, now that you mention being in theater: you probably know this, or at least I hope you were aware at some point, the "simulcast around the world at the same time" was so complete in intent that we sat through a count down timer of a title screen at home while you were seeing the skit about 3D glasses. :) I've always loved that. ;)

Amanda Logsdon

Very excited for the next few reactions, ive never really seen the classic who episodes just clips so i cant wait! Great reaction as always.

Lloyd B

Well said, Matt. I do tire of people needlessly (and often destructively) complaining about show runners “destroying” Doctor Who. Hell, they’ve being doing it probably since Classic Who (dare we mention the name John Nathan Turner?).


Every companion thus far has saved the Doctor in major ways and I'm surprisingly happy with the way they made it for Clara. A lot of the mystery fits, and while I can understand some people seeing this as rushed (I definitely would have liked it to be fleshed out a bit more) but I don't hate the way it was done. I completely bawled my eyes out at the River scene. I have actually never seen any of the classic Who episodes, so I am excited to experience them with you guys.

Bruce Bromley

All the show runners leave their mark, yes sometimes they seem to be using a sledgehammer. Yet, the Doctor will survive. As is the same with Star Trek The ideals behind the shows will remain.

Nicole Mazza

I always thought the Clara-through-time thing was reminiscent of Rose's Bad Wolf thing and the Doctor saving them both at the end just feels very Doctor-y to me. He's not going to let someone dear to him risk their life to save him on that scale and not try to save them in return. And that's one of the things I love most about him. <3

Nicole Mazza

For some reason, I didn't find 'Name of the Doctor' very memorable for whatever reason (maybe because I was so focused on the upcoming 50th episode at the time?), but just now rewatching it I have no idea why it didn't resonate much before, as I had floods of tears and really loved it this time. 😭😭 Also, much like the Doctor, Moffat hates goodbyes, so he loves to bring characters back from death. And I'm cool with that, as it adds to his fairy-tale story-telling and also feels more fitting for a family show.

Nicole Mazza

Yes, that was my interpretation: The Great Intelligence tried to get the Doctor to choose the 'wrong' TARDIS and Clara just re-directed him back to the one open and waiting for him that we all know and love. Clara was just undoing all the things that the GI was doing to mess up the Doctor's history.

Nicole Mazza

Yeah, it's such a Doctor Who series finale fake-out. Like with Rose's ridiculous 'This is the day I die...' melodrama in the S2 finale. The show loves to do that sort of thing -- LOL

Nicole Mazza

I feel you. I'm still watching Chibnall because I keep hoping it might get better, but it's a real challenge, especially right after Moffat's era, which hit ALL OF MY YES BUTTONS. #moffatlove

Nicole Mazza

Yeah, as a diehard, life-long Doctor Who fan, Moffat was never going to give the Doctor a name in the show. The title was trolling a bit -- sort of like RTD's 'The Next Doctor'. I did like Moffat's one quote about the Doctor's name though: 'No-one can know the Doctor’s name, except each successive showrunner. We’re taken into a special room far beneath the BBC and given the ancient and special runes that spell his true and awful name. We’re commanded never to reveal what we have learned, because then the show would have to be renamed Mildred. Oh, bugger.' He's hilarious! <3


Yep it doesn't hit those highs for me but it has some gems in there - here's hoping S13 is another improvement

Ka Man Chan

Oof, the support Narwhal certainly earned their keep this episode! Paula was squeezing hers so hard!


Please Katrina stop dropping spoilers moments before reveals. I love your reactions with Paula but a pet peeve of mine are little nods or names confirmed moments before they're revealed.


A great episode. Moffat’s issue is that he kills and resurrects people so often that by the time of Angels in Manhattan I was no longer bothered by a character dying, as the impact became too tempered by uncertainty of whether they were actually dead.