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Thank you to everyone that gave us your recommendations for which Classic Trek episodes we should start watching for some bonus videos! We have poured over all the comments and pulled out the most requested episodes. If your episode didn't make it to this list worry not, we will be watching more!! We want to take these in small batches so we want to get the top 5 episodes everyone would like to see us react to first! 

The Top 5 choices will be the first to be used for bonus reaction content! 



You can't go wrong with any on this list, but... VAGUE SPOILER WARNING I recommend Journey to Babel because it introduces characters that are relevant to Season 3 of The Next Generation. The context of knowing who certain people are/were will bring more depth to something.


You sold me. Tribbles can always wait until later since it ties in with DS9 later.

Mark Wood

Personally I would go in a rough production order to show the growth of character (which isn’t a lot, tv of that time), so something like Balance of Terror. Someone mentioned Journey to Babel for TNG reasons but with 4 episodes a month that’s 5 months away.

Mark Wood

Only if they aren’t doing many of them in the next 6 months that episode will get released nearly 6 months from now if they stick to a weekly release.


Personally, I'd say, given that it's so close to Halloween, you should have gone with Catspaw; but, that's a rather stupid episode.


The Movies, you gotta see the movies. Except the first, that's Star Treks version of the Star Wars Holiday Special :D


The Menagerie and The Cage have 80-90% the same footage. The Cage is the original (unaired at the time) pilot, and they used most of the footage of that pilot in The Menagerie. There's very little point in seeing both, I'd just watch the Menagerie.


Just a heads up for whoever set up the poll that it is technically possible to put down a vote for every single episode on the list.

Gjermund Higraff

The reason to watch The Cage would be that it's the pilot. The Menagerie is the complete story, in a way. Watching The Cage first may be a bit of a spoiler.


You mean Star Trek The (Slow) Motion Picture? Aw, you know what from hating on that as a kid I've come to rather like it it's deliberate, plodding, philosophical yet big idea schtick. It completely ignores what Star Wars is doing and goes back to 2001 for inspiration - which is a bit breathtaking considering.

Aaron Thorpe

The City on the Edge of Forever is an absolutely incredible episode, but I don't think it makes for a good first one. You need something to 'meet' the characters first. I voted Balance of Terror, but Tribbles would also work. Or something like the Corbomite Maneuver or some of the other early S1 ones.

Amy Chlebus

Is it wrong for me to say I don't like Star Trek:TOS? I watched it when I was a kid, and I didn't even like it then. I honestly tried, but there's just something about it I just don't care for. I like the newer characters more.


I would like to restate my recommendation that you quickly watch episode 1,2,3 to get a taste of TOS, then skip to Amok Time and Journey to Babel, as under standing the characters/species in those episods is important to a TNG-S3 episode! And then continue with recommendations as you please.


Also, Space Seed is essential for continuity reasons if you want to watch the TOS movies.


The reveal of the refit Enterprise is still one of my favorite motion picture moments. That entire scene was a love letter to the fans of the original series. I also really liked that Capt. Decker was the son of Commodore Decker from The Doomsday Machine.


Nothing wrong with that. We all have different likes and dislikes. I never could get into classic Doctor Who growing up, but I'm a die hard New Who fan.


I'm not hating it, sometimes I even watch it. It's not only that it's slow moving, I guess I don't like the overall look, the Uniforms. I really like the red ones. Everybody has a redshirt, you know what that means! More dangerous. ;)

Anthony Wickizer

I’m the same way. I respect the hell out of it for what it started, but outside of a few select episodes, it’s just not for me. So nothing wrong with not being a fan of it.

Anthony Wickizer

The biggest problem with this question is what do want Kat to get from these episodes. Journey to Babel would be great for Season 3 of TNG. Trouble with Tribbles/Balance of Terror are great choices and are great for season 5/6 of TNG. We could go for the Diana Muldaur cameos for a post season 2 Easter egg. Or City on the Edge of Forever which is just a solid and brilliant sci-fi episode.

Mark Chrisco

My final order recommendation would be Where No Man Has Gone Before, Balance of Terror, The Menagerie, Errand of Mercy and City on the Edge of Forever.