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We are coming to patrons to see what their favorite classic Trek episodes are; the top episodes will be voted on by you and then the Gals will watch and react as special bonus content! 

In the comments below tell us your favorite Star Trek original series season and list your favorite episode you want the Gals to react to! We will create a poll with the most suggested episodes and you will vote on which we will watch! 

Please try not to add any spoilers to your fave episode in the comments! 



I'll be covering the same ground as some of the other posters S1 The Cage or The Menagerie Parts 1 & 2 (The Cage is original pilot where as the Menagerie is the only two part TOS episodes that is a re-edited version of The Cage Where No Man Has Gone Before (The second pilot that the TV Network accepted ) Dagger of the Mind (Interesting on several levels but Spock does something in this episode for the first time that became a big part of TOS, TNG and VOY) The Corbomite Maneuver Balance of Terror (Introduces the Romulans and the Neutral Zone) The Squire of Gothos Tomorrow is Yesterday (First time travel episode in Trek) The Return of the Archons Space Seed (followed by Star Trek 2) A Taste of Armageddon The Devil in the Dark Errand of Mercy (Introduces Klingons) The City on the Edge of Forever (Rated by some of the best episode ever made) S2 Amok Time The Changeling (followed by Star Trek The Motion Picture) Mirror Mirror (This is an episode that created many follow up episodes in DS9 and a couple in Enterprise) The Doomsday Machine (one of the best episodes of all of Trek) Journey to Babel (Important to see before a certain episode of TNG season 3 and a two part TNG season 5 episode ) The Trouble with Tribbles (Probably the best known Trek episode to the casual viewer) A Piece of the Action (Star Trek does Mobsters & Gangsters) A Private Little War (An episode about the Prime Directive) Bread and Circuses (An Earth type planet but with a different history to the one we know) S3 The Enterprise Incident (Introduces one of Treks most important things and directly relates to a TNG season 7 episode that focuses on Riker) Day of the Dove The Tholian Web Plato's Stepchildren Elaan of Troyius Whom Gods Destroy Let That Be Your Last Battlefield All Our Yesterdays If you want to see what most TOS Trek fans consider to be the worse episode of Trek only slightly better than Shades of Gray consider S3 opening episode Spock's Brain.


I would love you to react to The Menagerie two-parter, Balance of Terror, Amok Time, Journey to Babel, or Mirror Mirror. It’s so cool that you two are considering dipping your toes into Original Trek! Katrina, be warned that you might encounter some outdated 1960s attitudes about the treatment of women, racial issues, etc. but overall it features pretty good lessons in morality.

David Brown

These are the important episodes to watch. This is how they are listed on netflix. But I put them in chronological order. 1x23: Space Seed 1x27: Errand of Mercy 2x01: Amok Time 2x04: Mirror, Mirror 2x15: The Trouble With Tribbles 2x10: Journey to Babel 3x02: The Enterprise Incident 3x09:The Tholian Web 3x07: Day of the Dove Then watch the movies... Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Then if you want, go back and watch... 1x12: The Menagerie, Part 1 1x13: The Menagerie, Part 2 And finally... 1x01: The Cage

Andrew Hogan

If you’re going to watch the movies, watch them all, even the ones you might not like might be enjoyable to someone else. That’s what happened to Katrina in the first two seasons.

Christine Ester

Space Seed, Mirror Mirror, The Naked Time, Amok Time, Journey to Babel, The Trouble with Tribbles, City on the Edge of Forever. The Enterprise Incident, The Menagerie 1&2, Tomorrow is Yesterday, All our Yesterdays, The Squire of Gothos, This Side of Paradise, Where No Man Has Gone Before, The Doomsday Machine, Metamorphosis, Plato's Stepchildren, Elaan of Troyius


Journey to Babel The Enterprise Incident A Taste of Armageddon


The ultimate computer and the balance of terror


Balance Of Terror, Journey To Babel, Errand Of Mercy, The Trouble With Tribbles and Day Of The Dove


Mirror, Mirror, Amok Time and Space Seed. Too many more to name.


I just remembered that a third season Next Gen episode ties into Journey to Babel, so you gals should watch it regardless of if it wins the poll

August King

Balance of Terror, Journey to Babel, Space Seed, The Corbomite Maneuver, The Doomsday Machine, Amok Time, Operation -- Annihilate!, The Enterprise Incident, The City on the Edge of Tomorrow, and Mirror Mirror. In that order.

August King

Also, You might want to try watching the original pilot with Jeffrey Hunter called The Cage. The studio didn't like it. They said it was too cerebral and they wanted more action and hated the Spock character. The head of DesiLu studios, Lucille Ball, didn't agree and she authorized them to make a second pilot to save the show. We can all thank Lucille Ball for the existence of the Star Trek Universe.


I’m going to include some references to the aspect of the episode I think would contribute to viewing TNG and Star Trek in general, so Paula should be the one to read this to keep Katrina 100% spoiler free! I would highly recommend “The Trouble with Tribbles” (Tribbles), “Journey to Babel” (Spock and Sarek), “Balance of Terror” (the Romulans), “Mirror, Mirror” (the Mirror Universe), “The City on the Edge of Forever”, and “Amok Time” (Vulcans) as some of the best and most essential episodes. Other than that, “The Ultimate Computer”, “Court Martial”, “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield”, “The Immunity Syndrome,” “The Empath,” and “Arena” are also great. “Space Seed” is a classic, but not quite essential unless Katrina plans on watching the TOS movies. “By Any Other Name” might be a good watch because of the in-joke made in reference to it by Data in a specific TNG episode. Overall, I would say my favorite season is two, with some of the most iconic episodes! Although season one is a close second!