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Hello Patrons! Thank you for your patience as we are organizing and working hard to get our  upcoming seasons ready for you to view! We are currently busy wrapping up our Get Animated Fridays and actively finishing up Season 6 of Get Wibbly Wobbly! 

But what about Star Trek!! you ask, well we are currently moving all the pieces into place and getting Season 3 all shiny for you! There will be short breaks between the end of each season as it takes us a couple weeks to get the content all together and ready to post. We promise we are reading your comments and hear you! It has taken us a couple of weeks to work out scheduling and didn't want to post anything premature. 

We are announcing a potential release date of Season 3 Gallifrey Gals Get Warped! for November 3rd, 2020! 

In between that time we are here and will be getting up a few little bonus items for out Warped patrons for the weeks without new episodes. If you would like to check out for the month then come on back when the new season is up that is also fine. We unfortunately have no way to pause specific tiers per month in between our seasons. But know we are not resting over here at hq! We are busy busy busy creating fun new content specifically with our patrons in mind! 




Travis Starnes

You two have been great. There's never been any lack of content and the variety of shows you're reacting to have kept things fresh. Really looking forward to seeing Kat watch the best season of TNG. This will be a fun ride.


Thanks for keeping us informed!!


Thanks for informing all of us.. Anyway the Star Trek videos are for me a watch along, same with Doctor Who.. never seen them for myself.. So.. its fun to watch you ladies react to both, while i watch along at the same time.. keep up the amazing videos.. and please stay save.. Greetings from The Netherlands.


Like the new logo! I was just thinking about this today and wondering what the new timeline was going to be. Looking forward to it! I'll be sticking around for October, and I'm interested in what you've got for us in the meantime :)

Bruce Bromley

Can hardly wait. Kat.I hope you have seen the full S2 blooper reel on Dailymotion. If your cheeks hurt after watching the teaser, they'll really get a workout with the full ten minute reel. Of course they left even better stuff out and a lot more from Brent Spiner. The S1 is great as well. It reminds me of the blooper reels from the original series . Where it was more for the cast and crew only and shown during the wrap party.

Jonny Moonsliver

Super stoked about season 3! Kat, you are gonna flip! Thank you for the release date, its always nice to know :) y'all are doing great and I love all the different shows you're reacting to.


Maybe a reaction of the full S2 blooper reel will be one of the 'bonus items' they upload between now and November.

Joshua Gosdin

Make it so! It'll be worth the wait. :)

Bruce Bromley

That would be nice. Love hearing Katrina laugh. It cheers me up to no end.

Colin 3of5

Just to echo Joshua I'm sure when you get it done it'll be worth the wait


Looking forward to it ladies 👍


Can't wait