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Season 5 is coming to an end! This season has been a wild ride, filled with emotions, adjusting to a new doctor and dealing with recording apart. But every moment of it has been a fantastic journey! Thank you all for tuning in with us and we hope you have enjoyed this season!! The Gallifrey Gals are excited to keep creating amazing content and reactions for you amazing fans!  



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Intro Song by: Pixel Pig by Di Young https://youtu.be/TiC7_167hQ0

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Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/di-young-pixel-pig

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This is "Wibblyep13" by Gallifrey Gals on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Pam Nail

No video. :-(


Forgot to post link.

Time Lord

sorry about that! link is posted now... things got a little timey wimey there!


Guys, I figured it out! I cut and pasted the URL, took off the last part and voila! (If you're confused: https://wave.video/embed/5f0a9a5b46e0fb000c4571ed/ ) (So much for "just a troll", eh?😒 )

Bruce Bromley

To quote Frasier Crane, "If it doesn't come from a teat or an udder, it isn't milk!" :-) It it pretty good though. Speaking of time, my weeks go by pretty fast these days. Having a date with you two every Tuesday and Thursday helps. :-)

Chayse (@AGuyNamedChayse)

Are you guys going to be watching the Christmas special as part of the end of season 5 or beginning of season 6?


Smile all round in the end. Same time next 🐥


And Paula, don't feel bad about feeling that way, because you're right. That's Moffat's biggest problem. Convolution for convolution's sake. And unlike RTD, he doesn't really have anyone willing to pull on his leash. I like to call it George Lucas-itis. One thing RTD had was Julie Gardner, who is woman with a backbone of steel, and who was unafraid to tell RTD that one of his flights of fancy was stupid, or wouldn't work, and he'd go back and re-write that part of the script. There were a few times in the book "The Writer's Tale" where Russell told Ben Cook in an e-mail that Julie had advised him against an idea he had, and he dropped it. Moffat didn't have that. His co-producers were weaklings who didn't dare say anything against anything he wrote, like George Lucas when he was writing the Prequels. I (vaguely) remember watching a video where Lucas was showing some rough-draft of one of the movies to his co-producers. The biggest memory I have of that video was how they were telling him with their mouths that everything looked great, while their eyes and body language looked distinctly uncomfortable and unimpressed. I have a feeling script meetings with Moffat were much the same. (Yes, come and call me a troll again for speaking my mind, fellow Patrons. I'm sure you can't resist.)

David Gallagher

I did not know the bit about the jacket till I watched this.

Amy Chlebus

I loved series 5 from the beginning. Although, it took me a while to like Rory. I loved him by the end of series 5. 😁😁❤❤ Why do people give spoilers? You always want to give the reacter the best experience. Please don't spoil it for Paula.


I didn't catch the bit about the jacket in Time of the Angles, but that part of the rewind immediately jumped out at me as what it was.


I remember the first time I saw Time of the Angels, I saw the jacket but assumed it was a filming error that they didn't have time to fix on location. I was somewhat sour at Matt Smith at the time since I was watching it live and hadn't gotten over David leaving yet, so I just assumed that they didn't care anymore. But after the season ended, and I saw what they did with the rewind, I enjoyed it a lot more and Matt became one of, if not my actual, favorite Doctor. It's funny because I follow another "reactor group" who did Doctor Who, and while watching Time of the Angels, they all pointed out the jacket and laughed because they, like me, thought it was a continuity error on set, and they were blown away during the finale.


loved the reaction shame we'll probably have to wait for the Christmas special unless that's one of the bonus videos. Especially looking forward to the reaction to a certain character which im sure Kat is also looking forward to.


They were called something like Deaf Beach or Sightless Surf...


Firstly Rory is a handy guy! Gotta hand it to Paula, top pun work! I think one of the things that is truly great about this episode is just Matt Smith. The weight and gravitas of his speeches in this are genuinely amazing. Its been said far better than me, but you really feel the weight of the Doctors age and backstory in his performance. His blue box speech and his goodbye to Amy is just so well done. Can't believe how quickly you are getting through these, looking forward so much to season six! Can't wait.


It's funny. My coworker said that people were outraged at that scene from the Angels. Saying that the show was going downhill with continuity errors. But in the words of Hamilton... just you wait. Just you wait. I loved this series finale. And I can finally say it... Rory and Amy are my favorite companions. I had avoided saying that after Rory was dead after three episodes. haha. But the way he loves Amy. My lord. I know that it's a "story," but it's always what I hoped to bring to my marriage. Can't wait for what's next.

Jeff Seely

While I really like this episode overall, one thing still bothers me even after all these years. How did the Doctor get out of the Pandorica? We obviously saw that Rory opened it with the Doctor's sonic screwdriver, but that doesn't make sense. The Doctor giving Rory his sonic screwdriver in order to release himself is putting the egg before the chicken. The Doctor would have had to escape the Pandorica some other way initially so that he would be free later on to go back in time and talk to Rory. None of the episode works unless the Doctor escapes the Pandorica BEFORE anything else happens. If there's something I missed that would make all of this okay, please let me know. Katrina, Paula, fellow Patrons -- Please tell me that I missed something. All of that aside, I love Rory as a character. He's one of my all-time favorites in Doctor Who, and his determination to protect Amy no matter how many CENTURIES he had to guard the Pandorica is one reason why. Talk about devotion.

Malcolm Wolf

Just so you know, the Fez is a call back to the very first doctor who wore it for a while. The bowtie and general look was a call back to the second doctor who Mat Smith decided to model himself off somewhat.

Malcolm Wolf

Please remember the mini episodes. Certainly, as time goes on, they become more important to filling in the gaps between some episodes.


'You'll have your family back. You won't need your imaginary friend anymore.' That was the moment 11 became my doctor. Well that speech and the speech to little Amelia in her bedroom. The fact the Doctor was willing to literally erase himself out of the existence just so she can have her family back. And Matt Smith's performance was absolutely beautiful. I heard that that monologue to little Amelia was done in one take....and you really believe the Doctor is an ancient being in young body.....so yeah, that's why this is and my absolute favourite episode...that and also because it's the most moffat-y episode Moffat has ever written. PS: it also includes Rory's best line, when he remembers the Doctor - 'I was plastic. He was the stripper at my stag'


I think Steven Moffat is basically a big softie, and it permeates a lot of his work. That can be slightly frustrating at times, but it can be lovely. YMMV. :)


I shall attempt to answer your question with a question: Who really composed Beethoven’s Fifth?


absolutely adore Paula's reaction to this finale, Moffat is a real pain in the butt but it's so well written.


You can tell that for Eleven, giving Amy back her family was the goal and restoring the Universe was just a bonus. And the way he introduces himself at the wedding, not as ‘The Doctor’ but as “Amy’s imaginary friend” as if to prove to people like her Aunt that Amy wasn’t crazy and they were wrong to doubt her.

Jeff Seely

I appreciate your attempt to explain this, but the thing you're pointing to doesn't make sense either in my opinion. I want to explain why it doesn't make sense, but I would be getting into spoiler territory if I did. (And just for spoiler considerations, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this being brought up even in a vague way.) It's a shame we can't send each other private messages.


Your take on Moffat's writing is exactly spot on to how I feel. It's why I think Davies was a better series writer and Moffat the better episode writer.


Well, if you want a more appropriate example where you don’t have to worry about spoilers as much, then look to ‘Blink’. What came first there? The DVD Easter eggs made by The Doctor that Larry made a Transcript of or the Transcript of the DVD Easter eggs that Larry made that The Doctor then used to make the DVD Easter eggs?

Steven morgan

The first doctor never wore a fez. The seventh doctor wore it for one scene

Steven morgan

😂 your a troll 😂😂😂 no not really. I just explained why the guy was calling you a troll, I don’t think you are a troll, I personally don’t like hearing people moaning about moffats season because his run on the eleventh doctor is my fave. I. Like Paula was wary when I watched it but I fell in love with his style, everyone has the right to their own opinion, that doesn’t make you a troll. I mean I think you’re wrong...😂 but not a troll

Steven morgan

This was the episode I fell in love with Moffat, I love this zany fast neck paced try to keep up style. You know an actor has made the doctor his own when he takes command of the camera and Smith does it in this. He just has such a great presence. Loved the reaction girls, oh and one positive of the two of you in lockdown is the difference in lighting gives you two contrasting looks, which is cool artistically ( sorry I think of weird stuff like that.

Malcolm Wolf

https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/tardis/images/9/9e/OneInKarakul.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130430054034 You are right. At first glance I thought it was a fez, but I see now it was just a hat


Probably one of the best season finales. I love the scene of the Doctor talking to the sleeping Amelia. "We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh." Words to live by right there. Also, there is no way Paula is making tea without saying "tea, earl grey, hot" every time.


Doctor Who has never really been consistent with it's time travel rules. Not even in the classic era. It all comes back to the fact that the show has no real canon, only mild continuity. An example is Fixed points in time that were never a thing until RTD came up with the idea. I mean, even regeneration, the very thing that has kept the show going for more than 50 years, was invented by necessity. DW bends it's rules around the story being told. Not the other way around.

Travis Starnes

I liked Rory before this episode, but him waiting 2000 years for her made me love him. He's one of my favorite companions. I might like him more than Amy even (It's close though).


I really dug this episode, the first time that I saw it, and I really like your reaction as well. The Moffat era can be a bit spotty. When it's not at its peak, it can be off-putting, but when it's good, it is really amazing (imo)! I actually envy Paula to see what is to come, long arc perspective, for the first time. My selfishness wants for you two to react to the Christmas special and the next season right away, but this is actually a good place (or after the Christmas special) to break for a bit. I look forward to the next season. Try and enjoy your lives in these bizarre times, everyone.

Steven morgan

Butterfly effect affects time travel, that’s how see it, if you keep travelling in time changing things then paradoxes will happen some you can see and are obvious but everything is affected by the butterfly effect one change creates lots of little changes, if your doing it constantly you create bootstrap paradoxes they are a natural thing that happens in the time stream. This was a bootstrap paradox

Steven morgan

In other words in case I haven’t explained it clearer, this paradox is the result of many many things the doctor has done in the past

Jeff Seely

The point I was trying to make is that the egg didn't lay itself. But I understand where you're coming from. I probably didn't use the best analogy.

Jeff Seely

I don't see how the butterfly effect explains the Doctor's escape from the Pandorica, and I don't like the concept of a bootstrap paradox. I'll use an example I read (not related to Doctor Who) about a time traveler traveling back in time and teaching Einstein the theory of relativity. Einstein publishes the theory as his own work, and the time traveler in Einstein's future eventually learns the theory and takes it back to Einstein. So where did the theory originate? My answer is that it originated with Einstein. If he hadn't come up with it, then there would have been no theory of relativity for the time traveler to learn. The time traveler has essentially altered history and created a new timeline where Einstein was introduced to the theory of relativity before he had a chance to come up with it himself. But it still originated with Einstein in a different timeline. So even if we have the Doctor altering history to have Rory break him out of the Pandorica, the Doctor's original escape from the Pandorica (before history was altered) had to have been different.

Jeff Seely

When it comes to the episode Blink... I don't think its plot holds up under scrutiny. It's still a classic, but it has a circular plot that makes no sense unless you ignore conventional logic. Basically, time has to be "a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff" in order for the episode to work. It makes for an entertaining episode in the end, but it's still a cheat.

Stephen Ray

Paula hit on one of the complaints about Moffatt. He does like to keep things complicated. When it works, it's fantastic. When it doesn't, ugh. Overall, I loved the Moffatt era.

Brandon Scott

I can't even begin to tell you how much I've been looking forward to this episode! It's been wonderful going through it all again with you two. Can't wait for the twists and turns and Moffat-moments in the next series.


Agreed. I like the Moffat era but not love it for that same reason. Among one other complaint I have to hold in because of spoilers.


I think part of my vehemence stems from how I was SO excited at the beginning for Moffat to take over. Like most other fans, I found his episodes of the RTD era to be some of the best. I mean, I even had one of those "In Moffat We Trust" buttons that were going around at the time! And then...everything went wrong, in my opinion. Series 5 was alright, if a bit convoluted for no good reason, but after that...well...I can't say because spoilers, but it wasn't a pleasant experience. Honestly, for a while there I started thinking maybe RTD was legally ordered to tell everyone that Moffat's scripts were the only ones he didn't edit. I was so exited, and then I was so let down. That could be why his era makes me angry. (If it helps, I think Matt's acting was fabulous, though! 😁)


Wibbley wobbley, timey wimey. That's how the Doctor escaped. It doesn't need to be more than that. Trek is where you go for the detailed in-universe explanations based on the science of the show. You could say it's a paradox or a time loop of some kind. Considering reality was collapsing with time cracks across the universe, even the normal wibbley-wobbley rules might not apply.


Blink's plot makes perfect logical sense if you make one assumption: our current understanding of time is incomplete.


This season finale showcased part of Matt Smith's portrayal of the Doctor that, to me, defines him as a person. On the outside he's this young, jovial, silly boy running about but then during the rewind, you see the ancient, weary old soul on the inside coming through and you realize the young Doctor is just the persona he wants to portray. That's who he wishes he was. The ancient wizard in the guise of a young, brash adventurer.


I read someone's idea of a Whovian funeral after this episode first aired. Just as the service is about to start, have someone run into the room with a sonic screwdriver wearing what they wore the day they died, and exclaim, "OK, this is where it gets complicated!"

Steven morgan

O.k I obviously didn’t explain things, time isn’t constant it is fluid and capable of change. Changing one thing can cause ripples, this is how bootstrap paradox work p they are ripples that have happened throughout time, they didn’t start anywhere they happened like natural disasters, the thing which started them isn’t even connected to the actual thing

Time Lord

I know right? I wouldn't have caught it at all unless Kat had pointed it out after the fact! Pretty cool -Paula

Time Lord

it is so, so, so romantic and wonderful. I kinda want to cry again just thinking about it -Paula

Darren Withers

Your explanation was fine, but I think the Doctor explaineds the Bootstrap Paradox better. X-D

Nicole Mazza

Aww, man. I know his writing is not for everyone, but Moffat's writing -- especially in things like his finales -- is truly one of my fave things. <3 He just plays with the concepts of time travel in a way that I personally think should be done SO MUCH MORE in a time travel show and is simply genius at it! RTD's writing (and showrunning) often left me cold to be honest and I was really thinking about giving up watching at the time, but Moffat and S5 really made me fall in love with the show again (I grew up watching the Classic series and have seen all of that -- well, all that's not been erased!). And it was the writing in S5 and especially things like this finale that really cemented that love. <3

Nicole Mazza

Oh, and the bit where Amelia's drink is stolen at the museum and later when she's thirsty, we see that the Doctor popped back in time and was actually the one who'd stole it back then and then gives it to her in the present IS SHEER GENIUS PLOTTING! I love it SO FREAKING MUCH!

Nicole Mazza

I really love the complicated, myself. So much better than shows that talk down to you. Moffat makes you think. God, I miss him! :(

Nicole Mazza

I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I just really, really hope he had some sort of life during that time, because it's a bit clingy and creepy otherwise to me, personally. But then I've never been keen on stories where people are codependent and only live for their partner, not having a life outside them -- which unfortunately is a trope in many romance stories. 🤷‍♀

Nicole Mazza

The Seventh Doctor wore a fez once though...and it was even in a museum at the time. :)

Travis Starnes

I couldn't disagree more. A mutually giving relationship is neither clingy nor creepy and they very much are not codependent.