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Today's episode Paula theorizes what Amy's choice will be!! Cats, podcasts and tears, oh my! Stay tuned for another episode of the Gal's reacting to one of Katrina's favorite Rory episodes! Who hates the Doctor most? What does Amy really want? Will we find out this episode?? 



YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbTN...

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paolobandita/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PaulaDeming

IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2984865/


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9jY...

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katrina_alysha

Twitter: https://twitter.com/katrinaalysha

IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8371578/

Intro Song by: Pixel Pig by Di Young https://youtu.be/TiC7_167hQ0

Creative Commons Attribution license

Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/di-young-pixel-pig

Doctor Who is owned by BBC studios. We claim no ownership and use the clips of content for reaction purposes under the fair use act.



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I so hope Katrina comes on as a Home Strange guest for Death By Monsters!!!


How far in advance to you film your reactions? I keep holding out hope for some upcoming episodes being in your new studio.


And to think my first impression of Rory was he's a throw away comic relief character. And I absolutely LOVE the moment when Amy tells the Doctor she's sure about her choice in the village he is completely and fully supportive. He's mad and frivolous and controlling and everything else, but above it all he truly cares for his friends that he travels with.


I don't know why I always seem to forget how good this episode is.

Lloyd B

This is where it becomes very clear that this is not another Rose-Mickey-Doctor relationship. The moment when Amy says "Then what is the point of you?" is gut wrenching.


Going through the first half of Series 5, I am constantly amazed at how good Arthur Darvill is at portraying Rory. He isn't a swashbuckling hero with big soliloquies, there's no Shakespearean rage scenes, he's not a Machievellan villain... he plays a regular, everyday, insecure man. The subtlety and nuance of his performance is breathtaking once you notice it. And in fact it took me quite a few re-watches before I consciously noticed the little things like inflection, timing, facial tension, he did to bring his character to life.


Regarding the Doctor hating himself, I feel like cribbing a Yoda quote from Return of the Jedi: "When 900 years old you reach, much baggage will you have."

Jeff Seely

Such a good, emotional episode that really nails down the Amy/Rory relationship. I agree with Paula that it's good to have this behind us so that we know where everyone stands. I'm excited for the rest of the season. It's unfortunate for the two of you that you can't film these episodes together. Maybe you'll be able to do so before the end of the season. It's not bad for me personally. I enjoy these reactions either way. But I know that something for you is lost if you're not able to enjoy these episodes together in the same space.

George Baxter

Toby Jones is so good in this episode. Before all that Hydra business he show's his chops as an alternate Doctor. Its a shame he wasn't a recurring 'Q' like villain. I also think this episode really begins to define Matt Smith's Doctor. before Amy's Choice its impossible not to compare him to Tennant but the dynamic shifts here; 11 isn't the highest status person on the Tardis and as much as he protests he isn't 'cool'. The Doctor isn't supposed to be the obvious leading man and character actors like Smith disprove that Hollywood sensibility.

Travis Starnes

"The doctor really needs therapy" ... truer words were never said. His PTSD has PTSD.


I think it really gave the Doctor a moment of introspection, forcing him to re-evaluate what it means for someone to travel with him, to put themselves under his protection and care. He can regenerate. They can't. And if he can't protect them, then what IS the point of him?


best thing about finishing work on a Thursday evening, coming home and catching my (Gallifrey) Gals, those 'adorable but break my heart when they cry' gals. I don't think I hear Paula swear much, I absolutely love this episode Toby Jones is an amazing anti-Doctor. its interesting in his defeat speech he mentions the fact that they are both 'fictions'

Steven morgan

So watching this I’m the last hours of my birthday, what a nice way to tip off the day. Noticed something there was no mention frompaula about Matt slowly growing on her I guess he’s folly grown now. The thing with this episode is it’s a bit naff story wise, but Toby Jones performance and Karen’ and Arthur sell this baby. Such a brilliant episode, I was too busy comparing the dream lord to the valley yard didn’t think about Q

Steven morgan

Lol my bad spelling is getting worse


The Doctor is Peter Pan and Amy wasn't sure she was ready to leave Neverland yet.

Doug C

Yep, there was a lot in there and this crew is still JUST GETTING STARTED!! I love getting to watch you guys on this journey. Thanks for sharing!


Matt Smith does an amazing job of wearing the young face and every once in a while you see the incredible age in his eyes.

Time Lord

We usually record two to four at a time. We were really hoping to be able to film the rest of this series together but we are currently unsure if that can play out that way. We'll see how it goes and always hoping for the best! -Kat

Time Lord

Well happy birthday, friend! So glad we could join you for the rest of it! -Kat


Paula asking, "Does he ever get happy?" reminds me of Verity Newman at her book signing (End of Time Pt. 2) and the Doctor asks if her grandmother, Joan Redfern, was happy in the end... and she realizes who he is and asks, "Were you?" That scene kills me every single time. Ten had a lot of pain. With Eleven, he still carries the scars of that pain and tries to ignore it but there are moments when you see it all flooding back through his eyes.


I understand, and as much as I know you both want to be filming together as well, the safety and well-being of you and your crew is top priority. Keep this format as long as you need to, and much thanks for your working so hard to keep the videos coming under less than ideal circumstances!


Woah, woah, woah... 'sort of' our friends? I see how it is... *sniff*


Wait, where can i get the Death by Monsters podcast. I've never cared for just audio but i'm well versed in that area.

Colin 3of5

First time i've rewatched this episode in years. Even better

Jonny Moonsliver

I think that Rory joining stepped up the writing in a big way, not that it was bad, but between Amy and the Doctor there was something missing from the formula. The Doctor is, as a motif of the season, an imaginary friend and fairy tale to Amy, and since that's the foundation of their relationship, it makes for something a little lopsided in power dynamic (at least at first, obviously their friendship changes and grows). Rory provides a really good grounding force for the party. Toby Jones plays the Dream Lord very smart. When you rewatch the episode knowing that he's the Doctor's dark thoughts he becomes even more menacing and sad IMO.

Brandon Scott

I loved the conversation you two had after the ep. There truly is something special about Matt Smith's Doctor and I think Paula is starting to see it... be we Whovians know that she has only just begun. If you thought David Tennant had good monologues.....


I'm thinking when you guys get to the specials at the end of Season 7 you should rent a theater and host a viewing party.

Travis Starnes

Even if this whole series has to keep being remote/split screen, I'm still on board for it.

Nicole Mazza

Can't wait to watch this reaction! THIS IS MY FAVE NEW!WHO STORY (I have a fave Classic story, as an old-school fan as well, but this is my fave since the series came back). There's just so many juicy layers of character development and meta! <3 <3

Nicole Mazza

That is one of my all-time fave Doctor Who moments! It's SUCH a punch to the gut!

Nicole Mazza

I always love Moffat's quote about Matt Smith and how he plays the Doctor: 'He looked like an young man built by old men from memory'

Nicole Mazza

Sorry, the 'valley yard' now has me imagining the Valeyard talking with a Valley-girl accent! FER SHUR!

Nicole Mazza

Also, there's just so much to talk about in this story. I had so much fun chatting about it on my podcast sometime back: https://terminus.libsyn.com/terminus-podcast-episode-31-the-spark-joy-series-sleep-is-for-tortoises-amys-choice-and-wholanta-2019