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Welcome to our season premiere of the Gallifrey Gals' Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 2 reaction Series, Get Warped! Paula shares season two of Star Trek: TNG with Katrina, a complete newbie to the series! Come along as we watch the gals react to episode one  titled "The Child."  Find out how Katrina feels about a new doctor and other crew members. Feel all the feelings as we see a Bearded Riker. Thank you for your support. Engage.


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Twitter: https://twitter.com/PaulaDeming

IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2984865/


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9jY...

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katrina_alysha

Twitter: https://twitter.com/katrinaalysha

IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8371578/



This is "GetWarpedS2Ep1_480" by Gallifrey Gals on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Carrie Schwent

I'm kinda with you on the beard. I personally can't stand facial hair in general, so it's a no go for me. As for Pulaski, she definitely doesn't make a good first impression.


i cant find Season 1 of TNG on here? isnt it on here?

Dan Williams

Might as well start at your beginning available, even though the third hardest episode to watch.....

Dan Williams

I remember my mom's reaction to the birth, they filmed a real birth!

Time Lord

This is a link to a compiled this of our season 1 reactions! They were filmed on a previous channel, so its a little different! https://www.patreon.com/posts/gallifrey-gals-1-56013273

Time Lord

We actually do have them! This is a link to a compiled this of our season 1 reactions! They were filmed on a previous channel, so its a little different! https://www.patreon.com/posts/gallifrey-gals-1-56013273


Shocked that Paula hates this more than anything in S1! I thought this was an interesting and touching episode, and pretty well done!


YES! Finally! I know, it's so hard getting used to a new Doctor. :) Story wise, this one was pretty weak, but have no fear this season has some incredible episodes coming your way.


*Sees email notification* Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J6-3l3hCm0


I'm excited to finally get to season 2 but I can say for me personally this episode is one of my least favorites


Been waiting all month for this reaction. :D Although, Season 2 didn't fair so well in the remastering, as its visual effects were outsourced minus the live action footage. Season's 1 and 3, and 5-7 were done by CBS Digital. Season 2 was done by HTV Illuminate and Season 4 was done by Modern Videofilm. However, for season 2, the original VFX supervisor wanted it to look just like the original episodes just in HD. So, once you get to season 3, you'll see a huge quality jump on the visual effects in the remastering alone. Season 4 did fair better than season 2, but still under the quality that CBS Digital did with all of their episodes.

Colin 3of5

After The original series took off when it went into syndication a second series was greenlighted to which new sets were built and a few scripts were developed. Then Star Wars happened. The series was scrapped in favour of a film, Star Trek The Motion Picture. The film was developed from the opening story of the new series. Another script was one about Ilea (I think that's how it's spelt) became pregnant and it was this script that was ported over to TNG as the opening story of Season 2.

Bruce Bromley

Yes, and the adventure continues. Will there be a download link later on to save the episode? I have wonky wi-fi and it spends more time buffering than the actual episode.

Bruce Bromley

Already, I can't wait to how Katrina reacted to the next episode. Love that she shares the opinion of a certain character about Riker's beard.

Time Lord

Let me set the video so you can download :) we understand wonky wifi issues

Jeff Seely

It's great to have the two of you back. You're so fun to watch. I wanted to let you know about something that might be a bit of a technical issue with the audio. When you were speaking normally, the volume was low enough that I had to raise my television's volume to 70 (I would normally keep it at 40). But when you raised your voices, the volume would suddenly spike, going in an instant from too quiet to probably the volume I would have expected (and then back down to being too quiet once you started talking normally again). So there might be something going on with your microphones or with the audio balance. I don't know enough about audio stuff to say for sure what might be wrong. Anyway, about this episode... I'm not a fan of the mystical pregnancy trope. No matter how it's portrayed, a female character is still violated in order for the story to happen. So yeah, this is one of my least favorite TNG episodes. I have to give makeup and hair props for making Marina Sirtis look absolutely stunning, and there were little things about the episode I enjoyed such as a couple of nice Data moments and our introduction to Guinan. But all in all, I would probably give the episode a 3 out of 10.

Jeff Seely

Something I forgot to mention in my last comment is that I've heard that the reason Riker suddenly has a beard in season 2 is that Jonathan Frakes grew out a beard while the production was on hiatus after season 1. Gene Roddenberry (the creator of Star Trek) saw it one day and liked it so much that he insisted that Frakes keep the beard going forward.


As a fun experiment, please ask Katrina how she feels about Riker's beard again in 3 episodes. Also, do a quick search for Riker's Beard on the urban dictionary :)

Ian Smith

Although I absolutely get your point,I rather like the concept of 'alien impregnation' as a season opener,as it's uncompromising and guaranteed to elicit strong opinions with viewers. Imagine if internet forums had been around when this first aired - they'd have been burning! It sends a very loud message: TNG is back!


No one else gonna comment on the fact that we potentially have a Rick and Morty reaction to look forward to in the future? Also is Katrina’s jacket gonna be a permanent addition? I mean it’s fine if it is, you just might want to be a little careful when adjusting since your mic did start to pick up every slight movement you made as the reaction went on. Now here’s a fun little tidbit since you’re now watching the remastered version (though the size of the screen you’re watching on might also play a part) so it should be easier to see. Next time you get the chance, watch the end of the opening credits carefully just after the ‘Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher’ credit and the ship comes into shot from the bottom of the screen. If you do, you should be able to see people aboard the Enterprise through some windows.


Thank you. I like downloading the videos to my phone so I can watch them at work while I'm pretending, um, while I'm working.


I don't remember much from this episode. Pronouncing Data's name, and Ian's hair (of all things) stick out in my mind. The rest... not so much. I did enjoy Katrina's "You don't know, you weren't there!" Its very "You're not my REAL mom!!!" :D


Hey, what about Worf? This is the first time we see him in yellow, promoted to security chief as Tasha Yar's permanent replacement. He has a new sash too.

Anthony Wickizer

There is nothing inherently wrong with an "alien impregnation" storyline. The problem here is that it is absolutely a violation, and it's not even really discussed or dealt with in the story. So by not dealing with that aspect, it makes it just feel a bit exploitative. I am glad Katrina pointed out that they at least allowed Troi to have the final say in what goes since it's her body, and that ended the debate. A nice touch for a hot button issue. But overall, you can tell they just didn't have enough story written as they are just standing around for a lot of the episode. It even felt like they didn't have enough music written.

Anthony Wickizer

As excited as I was to have you ladies back watching this show, I was not looking forward to this episode. I feel it's not a good return for the show. Even Marina Sirtis dislikes this one. I have heard her talk about it a few times, and she isn't kind to it. Luckily there are a lot of fun eps to follow. I really love the next one personally. Also, regarding the beard. I think his season 2 beard looks a bit iffy most of the time. Luckily he lets it get a bit fuller down the line.

Anthony Wickizer

And on another note, Thank God they made Geordi Chief Engineer. I know they wanted to differ from the original, but having like 5 helmsman/ops people was just a terrible idea. And not wanting to go to Engineering too often because it was always some rando there. Hindsight is always 20/20, but still. You can feel season 1 straining every time they introduce a new Engineer. I always like to think that after Geordi's two times commanding the Enterprise, he said, "F this! I am getting out of the command field and going to engineering." Not the best intro for Guinan, but she shows a bit of what makes her character so special. Can't wait to see more!! And Worf in yellow!!!! He looks so much better. Not as big of a change, but significant in that it kind of shows staff movement on the ship.


Ok, I’d like to make a suggestion depending on how you are now watching the HD Remasters of TNG, specifically if you are watching them on Blu-Ray, as they include the option to watch the original promo before watching the episode itself. As such, I think it could be fun to have the two of you react to the episode promo after watching an episode and comparing how the episode is presented to you in the promo to what you saw in the episode itself. I’m sure the promos may also be available on YouTube, but I think the Blu-Ray method would be better simply for avoiding any accidental future spoilers for Katrina via YouTube thumbnails.

Doug C

The bigger audio issue to me was that I could hear Katrina's coat. Not saying it was loud, but the leather or whatever would squeak as she was breathing. That may have messed with levels and such? But I can look past that for the wonderful reactions. Thank goodness you're back! Can't wait for the next new Doctor!! ;-)

Christine Ester

Yeah! Its finally HERE!!!!! Lets go.


LOL - I think it’s like 90% accepted in the fandom that Jonathan Frakes is one of those guys that looks better with a beard, and I agree. Funnily enough, Marina Sirtis also prefers him clean-shaven, but she’s not a fan of beards in general. The Riker beard is legendary, but it takes a while to get there. His beard in this episode was a different shape than what it ends up being, and it did look more odd than usual. Hopefully it grows on Katrina, but fans seem to either love it or hate it. It’s hard seeing Katrina so frustrated with things starting out season two, and I so want to say things that will make her feel better. But I know we can’t spoil things. Also - how foreshadowy is this episode for Troi? The poor woman. Overall, season two is better than season one, even sans Dr. Crusher. Got some big episodes coming up.


I agree. Moving Geordi to chief engineer was a game changer for this show. It made the main cast/crew so much more solid, and then everything finally falls into place in season three. Geordi was a natural for that position, and it opened up the possibility for more story ideas.

Steven Cooper

Still doesn't appear to be any download link (see Bruce Bromley's comment above)...

Brendon Waldron

Apparently Gene thought it was pretty nautical and made him look like an old sailor and that's why he thought it would be good for the show. That never occurred to me but I can definitely see it so I hope that story is true...

Aaron Thorpe

Each of the Season 1 engineers had some big failings. Macdougal let drunk Wesley in. Argyle got them stuck on the other side of the galaxy and assembled Lore. Lynch gave the captain guff about getting the engines back online, and Logan was just a tool. I like to think that Picard fired each one of them after their problems, and finally promoted from within at the start of season 2. Fun head canon.


Seeing Worf in yellow was kind of a shot through the heart as it really drove home him succeeding Tasha as Chief of Security. I always liked Tasha Yar. I had the fortune to meet Denise Crosby at a Trek con back in the '90's and she was always a fan favorite.


It's hard to see in most scenes, but if you get a close look at Worf's sash, the emblem on it actually has a little LCD display that shows changing patterns.


Reacting to the promos after the fact sounds fun. I would recommend avoiding them for future eps since much like in Doctor Who, they don't know the difference between a teaser and a spoiler.


Yay!! So glad you are back! Been waiting all month for this! It's really interesting how the way one views and is impacted by an episode changes from when you are a kid vs watching as an adult.

David Brown

Bruce, if you don't have a vimeo account, open one (it's free). Come back to this page. Play the video and click Watch Later in the upper right corner. Go to your vimeo account and open your Watch Later List. Open this video. Scroll down. On the right side of the screen you'll find the download.

David Brown

Steven, if you don't have a vimeo account, open one (it's free). Come back to this page. Play the video and click Watch Later in the upper right corner. Go to your vimeo account and open your Watch Later List. Open this video. Scroll down. On the right side of the screen you'll find the download.

Chris Neumann

All that yellow is part of why this season looks so good, we don't have most of the cast in that dark burgundy (the wall panels are also lighter). I had forgotten how dark the blue uniforms used to be, they definitely lighten them in S3.

Chris Neumann

It was so crazy that given how iconic Scotty was in the original series, they didn't have a proper chief engineer in season one.

Bruce Bromley

Yes, David, thanks for the pointers. I was too used to the way they had the download link over at Fan Theory.

Steven morgan

Glad I paid for membership, watching Katrina eyes whilst Pulaski said data’s name wrong was fantastic.

Mark Wood

I have a love hate reaction to this episode. Hate because it's just not that good of an episode. But that is because it was really rushed into production and was developed for a Trek series that never happened. But love because it's literally the best directed episode of TNG in the first 2 seasons and features a massive improvement in design and overall production. I am absolutely a big supporter of well produced tv shows. As tv is a visual and audio format, what we see on tv should be a big factor in how we judge the quality. For example a crappy story for a book, means the overall product is crap, stage plays writing is still the primary factor, but with tv, the visual look is a far more important factor (still not as big as acting and script, but it's still probably accounts for 15 - 20% of my enjoyment of an episode.

Mark Wood

Whoopi was a huge fan of original Trek. When she first made offers to appear to producers the show hadn't really aired yet, so she wasn't making the offer based on the quality (or lack there of, of TNG). The producers get a ton of people who state they would love to appear (Robin Williams is one of the more famous ones, Tom Hanks is another), but its usually not something that is easy to arrange both in cost and in schedule. So it was something they didn't put a lot of priority in. Whoopi knew LaVar, and she then asked him to talk directly to the producers saying she would do anything role, only limit being she couldn't commit full time to a 26 episodes. year schedule. But anything else, and she is there. Once Tasha told producers she was ready to go, they started having serious talks with her, and planned out what character she would be. The decision to terminate Crusher was done after they already talked to Whoopi.

Mark Wood

On Crusher's termination, I have never heard confirmation on which producer had a real problem with her. And the producers of TNG during the first 2 years were a chaotic mess. Roddenberry was the big boss, but he didn't oversee the writer's room. An old TOS producer handled the physical side of production aided by a new hire, Rick Berman who would eventually take over production of TV trek for TNG, DS9, VOY and Enterprise, by the end of season 1 and through season 2, the head writer was Maurice Hurley, but he still had to get Roddenberry's approval. Then on top of that Roddenberry had a lawyer, who would literally take scripts and do rewrites on them over the objections of the other writers including the Head writer. Writers and producers were hired and fired all over the place, it had huge turnover and was quite a toxic environment.Gates McFadden (Crusher) has stated many, many times, that her biggest supporter was Patrick Stewart, and that he would back her up all the time, to try and get changes made. Marina Sirtis (Troi) also talks about how upset she was. She lost Denise Crosby (Tasha) by her own choice and then McFadden. She was new to the US and all three really got close during season one. The new Doctor Pulaski, who Is a really solid actress and plays a woman who doesn't take crap, was older and established and she never developed that close of a personal relationship with her.

Mark Wood

On the character of Pulaski, one thing the writers liked about her, versus the character of Crusher is that she got into conflict with some of the other characters. One of Roddenberry's rules is that humans would no longer have conflict with each other, we would have evolved beyond that, especially Starfleet. So the writers had to have almost all conflict come from aliens of the week, or Worf. Writetr's hate that, as conflict is one of the central parts of drama. In every later version of Trek the creators always try and create some reason to have some additional character who are either outside of starlet or aliens to add conflict to the primary cast. And if Pulaski would have been there from the beginning she might be more popular. But a lot of us original fans were upset about Crusher's departure, especially after already losing a cast member


I hope you two are planning to watch the rest of the series. I can't wait for you to see Inner Light, Lessons, Tapestry, and all of the wonderful episodes coming up.

Jeff Seely

I'm glad I came back to these comments. I had no idea how downloads are done on Vimeo. Thanks for the info!

Brandon Scott

Not trying to criticize... I absolutely LOVE you two and am so excited to see where this new venture of yours goes... But I have to ask, having noticed it in this video and in The Eleventh Hour video, what is that rubbing sound I'm hearing in the background? It sounds like a swivel chair or something leather... IDK. Anyway, Just pointing it out in case you didn't catch it. Again, love you both. Be seeing you in future videos.

Mr Kitty

"Captain Turdface"

Ben Chan

Sounds like Riker's beard is the anti-Felicity's haircut.

Ben Chan

I kinda hate these "magical pregnancy" stories in fiction where a woman's womb is hijacked against her will. (comics, or Angel(twice) or X-Files, etc) Especially since it almost always focuses on the child and ignores any possible trauma on the woman from the violation.