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Hello my lovely patrons,

I wanna share some news with you, as an unfortunate major event arrived lately and kinda compromise my art plans.

Last Thursday, february the 9th, as I was connecting to my Facebook in the morning, things happened really fast before my eyes: I saw some woman accepting my friend request, that I didn't ask for, then I saw my profile pic changed with some weird Arabic words and as I was realizing my account was robbed & used, I saw despicable images of war being posted, and right away Facebook notifications telling I was violating their rules. And in a matter of seconds I was disconnected & notified my account was blocked.

Still on shock cause I just witnessed something I never thought would happen to me, all the more I changed ALL my passwords a month ago, I agreed to change the password and to deny this was me and I sent my driver licence scan to prove I'm the rightful owner of the account. And to this present day, I wait for their decision as within a month I could lose all the 15 years of posting & connecting on my personal account, but also all the pages, the fan-base built these last years not only on Facebook but also on BOTH my Instagram accounts (I should have never linked them in the first place).

That means I cannot post, promote, connect in any way on the pages, the Facebook & the Instagram networks all together. The only network left is Twitter, and the recent Tik Tok, but it's not my thing. (For the record, the CLX Facebook page was flagged as risky last month, because of this post (that was censored!): third report in less than a year and my page was dramatically limited.

I do have to apologize to you, my dear patrons, as I did not send the rewards. It's about to get done today, at last, really sorry for the delay.

SO, that was the (really) bad news. And all this happens while I launched my new funny comic ANGELUS & SATANUS for all audiences (definitely not NSFW, haha) on WEBTOON & in 3 languages. French & Spanish. This is the comic I made for the challenge I told you about in december, and I didn't win but I decided to share it on the Canva free part of Webtoon, if you folks read comics on this media.

This was the good news, and I have an even better to announce: "The Chronicles of NIMO" comic series is about to get officially PUBLISHED! I cannot say much for now, but be prepared for the official Print & Digital books of the first & the second chapters in the forthcoming months!

Speaking of the second chapter, the new page is coming soon, thanks for your patience!

And a last good news, I got exciting commissioned artworks on my drawing board, I can't wait to share them, so you just see another post teasing you about one, hehe!

I wish you all a beautiful week, I hope everything's fine for you, I keep you posted about my temporary or definitive ban on the Facebook / Instagram networks.



That Long-Haired Creepy Guy

I am sorry to hear about your Facebook page. That sucks so hard. Congrats on getting published, tho! WOO!

Patrick Fillion

I dunno why I liked this post, because it SUCKS that this has happened to you, my dear friend. 😡 I hope it all gets rectified quickly. But also... yes... CONGRATS on getting published! 😏


Thanks, my darling Patrick! And thank you BWAHAHAHA!!!