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I saw a pic of Ryan Gosling the other day, hands in the pockets, I saw his butt & this is the result HAHA! I'm no fan of his, but I felt the urge to draw the actor, perfect for this HUMP DAY!

About the dirty talk, I dunno, maybe he's right, right? :-P



Patrick Fillion

I think he's DEFINITELY right! HA HA HA! At least, this gorgeous illustration is the PERFECT example of what he's saying, so I choose to believe him all the way! HA HA HA! 😂😍❤️

Thomas Polk

I think his belt is too tight. He should drop his pants.


Hihi, well he shows what he's talking about: he's a true believer! Merci Patrick !!


I did plan to draw variations dick out, soft & hard, but I ran out of time, hehe, will perform that on another illustration, for sure!