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You won't believe me but lately I finally got to print the pages of the 4th chapter of LUST! Yup, 2 years later! On time for this THROW BACK THURSDAY!

Short story: I did have a french publisher seduced by the LUST comic series, they published digital versions of the 3 chapters. There were some kind of promise they would publish the chapters on PAPER. That never happened

Worse: they totally IGNORED the fact I finished the 4th chapter so it was not published digitally, nor on paper. There was this deal so I never intended to SELF-PUBLISH it, as I did for the 3 chapters before. It costs so much & I've never become famous enough to sell a lot (or have a successful patreon for instance!).

Anyway, I'm on the verge of MAJOR changes in my professional life (translation: quitting my job to become freelancer), so I decided to print it at the office as I don't have such machine at home. AND I was like mesmerized by the chapter! I don't like the last page, some panels here & there, BUT I was really impressed by what I performed back in the day, in such altogether form. So I wanted to share it with you.

Last words: at some point, this sexy chapter 4 will be fucking published, one way or another, you can count on me!




Also this news that you are looking to go into freelancing is quite exciting! The best of fortunes to you with this forthcoming change :)


Oh thanks, yes I can't wait to be able to take commissions & projects!

That Long-Haired Creepy Guy

I'm happy for you moving forward with your career and doing what you love. I hope you do get around to finishing LUST some day. I would love to find out how it ends!


Hehe, yeah it's still planned, I know I get back to this comic at some point, for sure. Thanks Creepy!!