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Chapter 1 start / Chapter 2 start




The Reunion! Part of their past story is starting to unfold, just as are their names. In case you thought the prisoner from the 1st chapter was Nimo, you've been misguided, hehe! It is a very interesting process to imagine their faces & poses as they start to argue, it's not an easy exercise. I really like the outcome of panel 6. If you compare to the previous page, I'm getting better at the lights & fx, I'm close to a final rendering, which means I will have to rework the other pages. It's a crazy amount of work for such panel, I wish I could go faster, but the end result pleases me, and so to keep on the comic!

Gabriel Lampert

I like all the new back story! *searching FOR you


BACKSTORY TIME ! Also, title character ! We found Nimo !


Ha! The more text to write, the more errors, thanks a lot Gabriel! More backstory is coming, hehe!


YAY! ANd yeah, I'm finally so happy to give away their names. HE found Nimo, he had to dive deep into the prison, hehehehe!

Patrick Fillion

Oh my, oh my! The plot THICKENS! I get the feeling that we will have a "complicated" relationship with Nimo. He's super hot, but he may have some challenging personality traits... which of course is AWESOME because such characters make for the very best stories and drama! I love this page -- the exposition is great and really deepens our understanding of the situation. Plus the art is BEAUTIFUL, proving what a great artist you are and that you can do sexy without doing naked! MERVEILLEUX, my dear friend!! XOXOX 😍🥰😍🥰


Oh man, you read the character very well, I'm impressed! I wanted the shift to be quick between our first meeting with him in the second page & then here he suddenly reveals some personality. As you understood, the 2 of them are up for a very complicated relation ship, all the more in a very twisted storyline that's about to eat them alive. But not without some good sex, for sure, it would be a waste. BWAHAHAHA!!! XD I'm beyond happy you really like how it's going on, Patrick, merci mille fois !! Bises