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SoOo this is is a HUGE step for me, let me explain.

As you know I had to work part time for some months now and the company is willing to take advantage of my cartoonist skills (NOT what you see usually on Patreon LOL). I convinced my boss to invest in a drawing tablet, and I end up with a powerful Ipad Pro & Procreate to work with! I'm pretty lucky here, all the more I can have the device at home too in order to practice, hehe!

Here you see the 2 very first drawings I made: sketchy eye + first attempt coloring and a full sketch plus ink test on a character for the next project.

All I can say is it's VERY promising, I watch many tutorials and I already achieved cool stuff for the office, so I get comfy with this really quick.

Don't get me wrong: these fantastic tools will NEVER replace the raw feel of paper & pencil. I won't draw LUST comic with this, that wouldn't work, but for some other projects I see lots of possibilities. 

2020 starts very well! Oh, just a tease here to say I gotta finish the sexy illustration I have in store for you guys about the new year! ;-)



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