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That Long-Haired Creepy Guy

Ugh! I am finally coming back to this. "Cumming" back to this, rather. :P I love the creative angles on this page, and the contrast between the poses of the two characters. There's something very... inviting about this page. After the tension of the last several pages, this one has a relaxed environment. Plus, you know, dicks. Those are supposed to be relaxing too, right? ;)


Oh there's gonna be lots of relaxing, haha! You got the feeling so right: a long narrative intro, the aftermath of the fight, the danger, the taking, and here we just found an oasis of eye-candy and pleasure. Everyone's invited! Thanks :-)

Tyler Jocks

Oh my god this page is so sexy!!!! 🔥🔥🔥


Probably my fav of this chapter. Thank you so much!