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Page 05 <  > Page 07 

Third comic <<< 

Second comic <<<

First comic <<< 




This is the perfect page illustrating the "oh it's gonna be quick" to "omg there's too much jungle and tricky posing, damn!" Yeah, I get this that often, ha! I wanted to give a tiny bit of humor here, how he's falling & how he ends up. Fun fact: I didn't realize the main panel would show him almost ready for some action in a natural sling! I already picture some of you imagining the vine getting alive and playing with him ! XD I kept on the funny mood between the last two panels, suggesting he lands hard on the ground before witnessing a very interesting scene (that we'll be witnessing ourselves in page 7, for sure). Technically, panels 3 & 4 are drawn tilted, to not mess around with the proportions. Panel 3 was hard to get and to render in his all. I will show an all sketched page, and the step by step from this panel.


Love it. I can't wait to see the next page!


So do I, hihi, working hard on it ;-) Thanks, Gary!


OH I knew you'd be there for this one LOL Actually you see him tearing some apart, I guess they want a revenge! So many things could happen on this island, it's insane, still I follow the original storyline, it's getting great, just as I pictured this in my mind years ago. At that time I never thought I'd ever make it: silly me! :-D