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Third comic <<< 

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First comic <<< 




That 1st panel almost killed me! Each time I tell myself it's okay to get lots of background, high detailled jungle stuff and it's not! It takes like forever argh!! Still it offers a lovely space for the title of the chapter, coming quite far at the fourth page. I wanted this slow focus on him, to the face, to only his eyes, as he's getting even more motivated, like, focused, indeed. I still feel something's wrong with the face on the 3rd panel, I probably will redo this one when publishing the whole comic. If I'm lucky it's gonna be officially published, we'll see. I had a strange feeling when drawing him with Silk's clothes, it can be seen in different ways. Or maybe I got a bit too used to draw him all naked, ha!

Patrick Fillion

Well, I can imagine that first panel took literally FOREVER as you say because it's INSANELY detailed -- BEAUTIFUL WORK, mon ami. Well worth the time and effort, you can be sure of that!!! Seeing him dressed is odd of course, because, let's face it, we ALL love him BEST when he's naked - hee hee hee -- but it makes sense for the story and it's a nice contrast. Besides, this way, we get to look forward to him getting naked again down the road! LOL! As for the face in panel 3, I think it works fine -- perhaps what is nagging you is in the eyes? But nothing prevents you from revisiting this panel later, as you say. It works just fine, but as a creator myself, I'm often revisiting things that nag me later on. It's all part of our creative process, I suppose -- and our creative right! Just ask George Lucas! BAH HA HA HA! Anyway, GLORIOUS first page to this new chapter, my friend. Really lovely work!!! 😘😘


Honestly, I never thought I'd be that into drawing men naked, learning how to draw their anatomy, the muscles, render fur, etc. Still, drawing the characters dressed up is a cool distraction at some point, hehe! About panel 3 it's a yes or no depending on the mood I guess, LOL Thank you so much, mon ami. But it's not the first page from this new chapter, it's the fourth! I know it's confusing to put the title & credits that far in the comic! Bises XOXOX